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 Kako Anthropos

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Position: Ex-Spymaster
Nation: Fire Nation

kako - Kako Anthropos Empty
PostSubject: Kako Anthropos   kako - Kako Anthropos EmptyTue Oct 23, 2012 4:46 am

Full Name:Kako Anthropos
Gender: Male
Birthplace:Shu Jing
Position:Fire Nation Spymaster
Training: Firebending: Master
Hand to hand combat: Master

Personality: Unlike his predecessors, Kako has never been the type to comfortably sit behind a desk in the palace, letting the kingdom’s considerably large force of spies send in wave after wave of reports, coordinates and requests, all whilst talking with the insufferable residents of the palace. Although his job still requires him to do so, most of the time that is. The truth is that Kako prefers to be in the midst of things, in ‘enemy’ territory, or even in his own territory, as long as it’s away from “That bloody palace.” As far as his attitude towards his job goes, he loves being a spy, but dislikes being a spymaster. In fact, the only reason he chooses to keep his job is because of his inherent distrust in the other spies, believing that they’d make a mess of things, and the only person that can keep the network running is himself.

When it comes to other spies, Kako is inherently distrustful of them, not because he doubts their loyalty, but because he believes them to be incompetent fools, which is why he implemented a much tougher training program for cadets, and much tougher rules. For instance, if one Fire Nation spy discovers the identity of another, he is ordered to kill them, providing the spy isn’t teamed with him on a mission. If, by any chance the spy is in the middle of a mission when his identity is found out, then the other spy must inform headquarters of this, and they will swiftly dispatch someone to kill them afterwards. However, if the spymaster finds out the identity of a spy, then the spy will not be killed.

As far as everyday life goes, Kako is actually quite gentlemanly despite his rough exterior. He always remembers pleasantries and is known quite well in both the Fire Nation Capital and his hometown of Shu Jing. Although it’s known that he’s a higher-up in the palace, few know of his position as spymaster, most just assumed he was a common military man. Of course Kako never corrected them.

Kako is quite a kind person, when confronted with something he considers immoral, Kako will usually attempt to do something about it, though rarely resorting to his firebending skills. When somebody is in trouble, he will usually help them out, even if it’s just helping with heavy lifting. Of course, if he needs to he can be quite intimidating.

When he is on the job he’s almost an entirely different person. He is focused, quick to anger and in generally quite rude, cursing and barking orders at whomever is unfortunate enough to be serving him at the time. Truthfully, he doesn’t hate them, he just likes shouting.

Abilities: Kako is an extremely good firebender, a master in fact, which stems from his years and years of training, although he actually mastered firebending when he was fairly young. He has since moved on to lightning, and now finds himself able to redirect it as if it was second nature. He is also able to fire it with relative ease, though he rarely does as it can cause too much damage, particularly his, which is a larger bolt of lightning than most. Although he is not sure himself, many suspect that it is due to his aggressive nature.

Not only that, but he is a brilliant hand to hand fighter, though most of his tactics involve knocking an opponent out, rather than killing them. He’s had a small amount of experience with various weapons, (though he was only introduced to them in training, so he is no longer particularly familiar with then) but never opted to use any. When it comes to said combat, Kako has always preferred to use his hands, though he does kick in some situations. Although he isn't a massive fan of martial arts, he is still an excellent fighter, using a combination of lightning fast reflexes and taking advantage of his incredible strength. As mentioned earlier, Kako's reflexes are extremely sharp, having honed them since he joined the military. Speaking of which, Kako's extensive military training has been engraved into his brain, he is quick to react to any situation involving violence, this, combined with his considerable firebending and hand to hand skill can yield deadly results.

Like most of the Fire Nation's high ranking officers, Kako is an excellent strategist. He also has a very good sense of direction. Due to his job, Kako has gained a lot of insight into the hidden qualities of various nations. He also has access to information on many people, particularly people in the Fire Nation. Of course, it's not like he has this memorized or anything like that, he'd need to look things up first. But he may know the odd thing about a person of interest to him. (Of course there are many things he isn’t aware of, such as the catacombs of Ba Sing Se.)

Appearance: Kako's hair is quite inconspicuous, its very short and sits neatly on top of his head, (as expected) trying to draw the smallest amount of attention as possible. Kako's eyes are golden, though it cannot be said that they're as beautiful as other Fire Nation citizens' eyes. They're dark and polluted, and have been known to give him the look of a predator, which in a sense he is. His smile can be also be quite unnerving, and though he can make it appear differently, it's only when he's really concentrating, otherwise it just freaks people out. He usually sporting a bit of stubble, and has a scar running down from just above his left eyebrow, down to the right corner of his mouth.

Because of the obsessive, sometimes dangerous amount of training he does Kako is practically made of muscle. His tanned body is very well defined, and as such quite intimidating. Although, he certainly isn't the most light footed of folks, which can come as a major disadvantage in his line of work. Thankfully, thirty or so years have quietened his steps a little. The years of being on the job have taken it's toll, and Kako's body, particularly his chest is absolutely littered with scars. Needless to say, he wasn't always as brilliant a fighter as he now is. There is another large scar on his chest, running all the way down his left torso, down to his thighs. However, that isn't the scar that bothers him, few do. The one that does is less of a scar, and more of a burn, situated smack bang in the middle of his back, he gained it in his youth, as many do.

Kako's commonly found wearing a loose red shirt, with the topmost button undone. Naturally, this comes with a slim, black tie, which is worn at half mast. This is usually under a thin, black leather coat, that stretches down to his ankles. This look is completed nicely with simple, black trousers and equally dark, well polished boots. As of late, he's taken to wearing aviator sunglasses, the frames of which are the coloured the same gold as his eyes Of course, the attire may differ depending on situation, in an extremely hot place, such as the desert in the Earth Kingdom, he will most likely take off his coat, and maybe even his shirt.

Height: 6’2
Weight: 230lbs
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Brown, short and it stops at his ears. He also has no fringe.


Kako was born into a simple family in Shu Jing, where he was raised by his slightly overbearing mother and often absent father. The reason for his father’s absence was that he was in the military, nothing special, just a run of the mill footsoldier, of course Kako still looked up to him, and his father pressured him to follow in his footsteps, and enlist.

Now, what Kako ended up doing was getting offered the chance to be admitted into the Fire Nation’s secret service, or rather, their training program. He was thireen, undisciplined and unfit, but that wasn't what they were looking for. What they were looking for were young men and women who were driven by their desire to serve their country, the reason didn't matter. Because of the Fire Nation’s strict training program back in the day Kako was at peak physical condition at fourteen, and a decent firebender at that. Yet he had gotten into a habit of believing that he was indestructable, and often bit off way, way more than he could ever hope to chew. For instance, he once sneaked out of the academy, hijacked a horse to the and attempted to sneak into the Fire Nation palace. Obviously, he was seen very early on, yet he continued, attempting to fight his way through the guards and go incognito once he was inside the palace. Incredibly, he managed too, and on this confidence high, he decided to go ahead and see what the Spymaster's office was like. Students training at the academy weren't actually allowed to know who he was, barely anyone did. He was a man of many secrets. The young man had a great deal of trouble actually finding the office, that is until (when exploring someone's bedroom) he opened a passage underground. This passage led to a large, underground cave in which a small island of earth sat, almost completely surrounded by lava, aside from a small bridge. This cave (which is now the laboratory of Tarek Raiden) was where the Spymaster was situated.

Kako didn't know what he'd been expecting, a dramatic twist, perhaps? Well, there was none, he didn't recognize that giant of a man whatsoever. Of course, that was the point, very few people would recognize him, as he too had been raised by the academy since his thirteenth birthday. Unsurprisingly, the spymaster didn't show any mercy, he whooped Kako's sorry ass from the Air Temples to the Water Tribes without breaking a sweat, and using just his bare hands, inspiring Kako to strive to do the same, in the closing seconds of the 'battle' Kako turned and fled, and was promptly shot in the back with a bolt of lightning, something he almost died from. The Spymaster saved him, however when he saw the mark on Kako's uniform, and realized that the boy wasn't there to kill him, as he had previously suspected.

Kako was sent back to the academy, healed, and then promptly wounded again as the instructors followed the Spymaster's lead and kicked his ass once again. From there a much more humble oung lad continued his training, reaching expert level at sixteen, which is when he was allowed to start going on missions to the ‘enemy’ countries. He did this until he was thirty, and usually refers to it as the best years of his life. His parents also died within that period, and Kako was upset, but he quickly got over it, something which actually shocked him quite a bit

Since then, it was smooth sailing for him, he learned lightning, and discovered that he was able to fire an unusually large bolt of it, and after almost burning down half of Shu Jing, decided to use it less in future. Sadly, in his time in the palace he has developed an unconditional and unwavering hatred for any and all of the Fire Nation's high ranking military men, this is because he believes that, like everyone else, they're doing it wrong. He believes that he could do better as he learnt that they didn't go through the rigorous training he did, and that they weren't asked to join the military at the age of thirteen. The two exceptions being Tarek Raiden and The Fire Lord. Although he spent the majority of his life friendless, he has made one in recent years, a man by the name of Tarek Raiden, they bonded quite unexpectedly when Kako attempted to vegetate him, since then they've gone on plenty of adventures together, most of which involve them getting absolutely hammered.

Character Box:

Name goes here

"Come long can this take?" asked an irritated spy by the name of Kako Anthropos. He was crouching behind a bush, trying to be as stealthy as possible. Next to him sat a row of bored looking fellows whom he had the pleasure to call his companions in the mission they'd been set, which was an ambush. Kako himself was also a tad bored, he guessed that they'd been behind that bush for at least an hour, there was no way it could be any less. He relayed this opinion to the person sat next to him, and was hastily shushed. "Shut up! You're being way too loud!" someone further down the line hissed. Kako grunted with irritation, and hissed back "You shut up Rayleigh! I know what i'm doing, okay?" the girl in question stifled a laugh. "Oh please, you wouldn't know who we're looking for if they came up and explained the mission to you!" Another voice, even further down the line, piped up. "Both of you be quiet! I'm tired of your crap! Every single day it's 'Oh, you're this!' 'Well, you're that!' and quite frankly i'm getting sick of it!" The group was quiet for a moment, until everyone else, unanimously, said "Perkins, shut up." Perkins twitched irritably and began to look at the rest of the group with disgust "Way to help out, guys. 'Hey, let's all side with the idiots making noise. I bet nothing could go wrong!'"
"Perkins, you're shouting again." came a much quieter reply.

"No, i'm not!" he yelled, standing up at the same time. "You're all bloody nitwits that would be dead if it weren't for me! I'll have you know that if I wa-" with that, he was promptly hit in the stomach by a small ball of fire. Much to the annoyance of the rest of the group. "Great job, Perkins. You got us spotted. Gee, I'm sure glad that you're such a great leader." A spy sporting a red band around his left arm said, the said spy then sighed. "Come on guys, let's just get this over with. Move into different cover! Get out of sight!". The group of nine lept from their hiding place, running somewhere else, mostly behind trees. Kako was first out, and he managed to spot a sea of blue on the horizon. He turned to the new leader, who had taken over in the absence of Perkins. Like everyone else, he only knew the guy's surname, Andreios, but everyone called him Andy. "Oy! Andy!" Kako shouted. "It's the bloody blues! They've found us! There's a ton of them, thirty at least!" A fireball whizzed past his face, swiftly followed by a spray of even more fireballs. He heard Andy, but he didn't know where from. "Alright! Everyone hide! Things continue as planned!" Rayleigh however, had other ideas. "Are you insane! There's no point in an ambush if they expect it! Andy, we need to attack them before they see us coming!"

"Hell no! That's not going to hap-" Andy, like Perkins, was cut off in the middle of his sentence. This time by a fireball straight to the noggin, he fell, unconscious. According to the chain of command, Rayleigh was now in charge, she shrugged. "That was convenient. Alright, attack!" Following his leader's orders, (albeit reluctantly) Kako moved out from behind the tree, to find the men in blue right in front of him. He punched one in the face, slammed another's face into the tree which he was behind earlier, and was promptly fireballed in the stomach, at close quarters no less. One of the men, the one whom he only punched, returned the favour, brutally slamming both his fists onto the back of Kako's neck, sending him slamming into the ground. They seemed to think he was done for, so they walked off, in search of more victims. Kako rolled over, his face bathed in blood. He couldn't bring himself to stand up, but he was able to observe most of the fight. The blues were clearly winning, due to both their superior numbers and their coordination. Only three of the team remained, and they were being pushed back. A few feet away from him lay Rayleigh, who was far more battered than he was. Kako was giving up, he managed to spit out a weak "bloody good plan that was." Passing out soon after.

A moment later, Kako shot up in his, sweating like he was on Ember Island. It was around three in the morning, he'd stopped working a few hours ago, when he fell asleep at his desk. Kako inspected the damage, thankfully none of the papers were too drenched in sweat, it was nothing important anyway, just info for blackmailing, the usual stuff, really. He reflected on his dream. Come to think of it, he did miss the team exercises, old Perkins, what a doofus. He whipped out a pen, and stuck a note to the desk. It read: 'Increase number of team exercises in academy.'


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Last edited by Kako on Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:12 pm; edited 4 times in total
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kako - Kako Anthropos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kako Anthropos   kako - Kako Anthropos EmptyTue Oct 23, 2012 4:52 am

kako - Kako Anthropos Soa

and the absence of staff and all that makes waiting for multiple approvals take longer than it should. if anyone else sees problems with it, take it up with me or Dai. otherwise, Dai... have fun.
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kako - Kako Anthropos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kako Anthropos   kako - Kako Anthropos EmptyTue Oct 23, 2012 11:38 am

I have problems. *harumph* Razz Nah, I approve too.
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Daichi Takumi
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kako - Kako Anthropos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kako Anthropos   kako - Kako Anthropos EmptySun Feb 24, 2013 2:44 pm

Welp, I did this ages ago but forgot to bump, so bump for revamp I guess?
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kako - Kako Anthropos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kako Anthropos   kako - Kako Anthropos EmptySun Feb 24, 2013 3:04 pm

Of course I APPROVE of this Razz
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kako - Kako Anthropos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kako Anthropos   kako - Kako Anthropos EmptySun Feb 24, 2013 3:09 pm

as I used to do in my old messages (Pre-Zul)...

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PostSubject: Re: Kako Anthropos   kako - Kako Anthropos Empty

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