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 My Lord...(Firelord Shula)

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Mei Fong
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Mei Fong

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Age: 33
Position: Fire Nation General
Nation: Fire Nation

shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) EmptyTue Oct 30, 2012 5:23 pm

Mei stepped into the palace, this was a long awaited meeting, the Firelord herself. He hadn't had the pleasure of meeting her, and seeing that it had been years, he thought it best to meet his Firelord. He had his hands folded behind his back, and was beckoned in by a nearby noble guard. As he stepped into the Firelord's chamber, he glimpsed at the guard, each man measuring the other. The guard looked nervous.

Mei continued into the chamber, looking straight ahead toward the Firelord's chair. He stood for a time, making the symbol of firebending, and bowing his head, "My Lord.", a simple, two word phrase that carried immense weight. "I have a request."
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Staff Admin

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Position: Fire Lord
Nation: Fire Nation

shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) EmptyTue Oct 30, 2012 6:16 pm

Shula Njoo

Shula had a busy morning that day. First, meeting with her advisers to speak of a new group started by her previous Admiral Kashikoi Kai, who was leading forty of her soldiers in a rogue organisation against her. She was sick of all the war and fighting, but understood that she had to crush the enemy to gain peace. Then, a presentation from the Capitol's finest Firebending school was given in the courtyards, where she met with many of the Fire Nation youth. They seemed to be good kids; each had made her smile with their beautiful techniques--she remembred when Gen Zhou had taught her such.

Then, a meeting with General Mei Fong. One of the Generals appointed by Jianjun and Gen Zhou, but a man she hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet. Settling into the traditional Fire Lord's throne comfortably, she folded her hands neatly in her lap and held her head high as the great doors of the throne room opened and revealed the General. One of her guards, Sintao, beckoned for the General to step inside. He did so, and the men seemed to size each other up before the General finally looked her way. She had a cold, deadened look in her eyes; she always did when meeting men of high positions in the Fire Nation. Many seemed to think that because she was a female Fire Lord, she would be easy to pick off and cast aside, such as Novai had done. Her hands went from folded in her lap to the arm rests of her throne, the finely manicured nails of her right hand drumming against the arm rest, as they always did when she felt impatient or stressed. The cold, deadened look became slightly more fierce; it felt ridiculous to have to make this man understand that she was a fearsome ruler, but it was a necessary precaution to protect her seat upon the throne.

Then, he bowed his head and respectfully rested the palm of his right hand on the fist of his left, the firebending insignia passed between respected individuals. She stood and returned it, then folded her arms across her chest as he spoke. "My Lord. I have a request." He said. She smirked when he called her "My Lord." Most subjects of the Capitol reffered to her as "Lady Shula." She wasn't sure which she preferred.

She took the four small steps from her throne's platform to the actual floor, so that she and the General were standing a few feet from each other. She arched an eyebrow, her small smirk still there, but the cold and deadened look was gone, replaced by amused curiosity. "Well, General Mei Fong, ask away. In the mood for some tea? A bowl of noodles? I'm a bit peckish at the moment." she stated, looking him in the eye. Although she was smaller that an him, she was certainly unafraid of busting his kneecaps. She motioned for a servant, standing behind one of the golden pillars decorated with the Fire Nation tapestries of her ancestors, to go fetch some tea and noodles. A table was automatically placed next to the flaming stone platform (the flames currently extinguished, because she found them unneccessary) that her throne rested upon and she motioned for the General to sit. There was no difference in the two chairs; while she liked people to understand that she wasn't one to be messed with, she didn't feel better than anyone. She was everyone's equal, simply in a position of power--she learned this during her two years of pained exile.

She took the opposite seat, relaxing as a tray was brought and then looked at the General after a sip of tea. "Come now, no need to be so formal. I get so bored with all of that; we shall talk as two friends might of important affairs and enjoy a small brunch while we're at it. Now, as for this request you have, I would like to hear of it." she said, waving the servant airily away after the boy had set the table neatly. She usually did this with visitors--sitting and enjoying a quiet meal or small snack and talking casually. No point in making people grovel the entire time; she wasn't quite that full of herself. She passed the General a friendly smile, awaiting for him to elaborate on this strange request of his.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Fine
I'll Put a Link Here....Eventually.

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Mei Fong
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Mei Fong

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shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) EmptyTue Oct 30, 2012 7:43 pm

Mei stood quietly for a time, this was a new experience, and he knew he was younger than most other generals the Fire Nation had seen, and he certainly wasn't the best. He thought hard about how to word the request without making it sound demanding, or rude. She seemed to be of sound mind and judgement, but Firelords always seemed good and wise, that's when the madness showed. He seemed to lose most of the confidence that had stood behind his voice initially when he spoke next, "Mei is Lord...I'm proud of my title...but not to the point of constant reminders during conversation."

He managed a polite smile, walking alongside Shula, stopping in front of her rather than standing at her side. Mei had never been in such a place, the palace, he spent more time living in beaten down shacks or other cheap renovations, the setting itself unnerved him. "Just tea, thank you."

He stood still, holding his hands tight behind his back to avoid her seeing his tensity. "I'm sure you've recieved word of Ex-Admiral Kai, and his band of...traitors.", his voice did not so much quaver as heighten in passion, a certain deep-seated anger toward the group. "I have come to request your permission to take a Battleship and a task force after Kai and his accomplices."

He took one more step, this time knowing he may be acting too boldly, "A Battleship, two scouting blimps, and 40 Firebenders...and...", he stopped midsentence, somewhat shocked by his own demeanor, "Forgive me, I seem to have gone too far.", he said hastily.
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Staff Admin

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shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) EmptyWed Oct 31, 2012 12:58 am

Shula Njoo

Shu's friendly gaze hardened momentarily at the mention of Admiral Kai, before she worked to loosen her own expression. Memories of traitorous men she at one point in time trusted always brought back anger and pain--Novai took her whole kingdom, after all. She flicked a finger at his apology; she understood the passion with which he spoke--she often spoke the same way. "I suppose that would be acceptable. I would like to have this problem remedied before it becomes too large. I want you to understand though, if you are able to subdue Admiral Kai and his followers, I want him brought back to me, preferably alive. I understand the troubles of battle, and do not expect such. But if you are able, then I would like him brought to me so that he may be fairly trialed in the Fire Nation court," she stated, feeling like her father. Never had her father passed judgement on a man without a fair trial--she herself was quick-tempered, and would much rather tear the man to shreds with her bare hands. Her ferocity certainly came from her mother; her calm and concise thoughts and judgement from her father; her skill for firebending and passion for life from her grandfather--and her playful ways from her childhood.

She stood, then, wanting to show something to the tense man standing before her. "Follow me." She stated simply, not waiting for a response--this was not a question. She wanted to show him the pond in the courtyards, where the turtle-duck mothers were just barely teaching their ducklings to swim. This always made her smile, and she rather disliked stiff-backed members of nobility. They were such a bore; after exile and war, Shula was more concerned with ruling with passion and playfulness than with customs and rules. A new era was dawning, one that called for new traditions. One of them being to loosen up in front of her. Yes, yes, she was the Fire Lord--but she wasn't going to kill anyone if they didn't remain completely rigid in her presence.

She led him through the Palace, going through the back halls towards the private courtyards of the Fire Lord and the Royal Family. She and her specified guests were the only ones allowed to visit such an area and tend to the gardens there. Not even gardeners and servants could enter unless she wished them to. When she opened the large door leading there, she frowned at how the grandeur and beauty of such a place had fallen during Novai's rule. But, nothing could be done about it right then--after all, no other Royal Family existed to tend to such a place. She waited for some sort of response from Mei Fong--the turtle-ducklings were flapping and kicking in the water and she couldn't quite help the small smile that turned the very corners of her mouth upwards.

Mood: Wonderful
Condition: Quite Fabulous, Actually
I'll Put a Link Here....Eventually.

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Mei Fong
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Mei Fong

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Character Description
Age: 33
Position: Fire Nation General
Nation: Fire Nation

shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) EmptyThu Nov 01, 2012 12:15 pm

Mei was silent through out most of the walk, aside from the occasional shaky sigh. How could he have been so bold, foolish, even pushy, to the Firelord? He condemned his actions, and silently cursed himself, and his upbringing, had he been raised properly he may have not made the same mistake. At least she had reacted favorably, he hadn't been burned yet, that was good.

The more he explored the palace, the more he wished to be free of it. He was, in a sense, trapped in a strange place with a woman who could vaporize him where he stood and no one would say a word about it. No doubt he would be buried in a grave somewhere, no one would attend the funeral, his would be a silent exit from the world. No grandure, just a hole, a box, and the smell of freshly dug dirt.

He practiced his breathing to keep himself calm, deep breath in, slow exhale, repeat. He watched the Firelord warily, if she was angry, it didn't show, but one thing was sure, she hated the traitor Admiral as much as he did.

Once they reached the garden, Mei's inhibitions started to melt, if only a little. He looked down at the turtle ducks, a creature he'd never taken the time to appreciate. Perhaps he was too serious. The saddest part of the current situation was that as he looked upon the ducks, he saw a possible blueprint for a war machine, a battleship topped with a shell to shield the men and women within.

The Firelord appeared to enjoy these little creatures though, that smile. He looked at her for a time, she really was quite young, and beautiful, how had she avoided marriage thus far? Surely men could look past her nobility, or perhaps it acted as a deterent, fear kept them away. What a lonely life for a woman to lead.

He finally loosened up enough to speak, and kept his eyes on the ducklings. A smile touched his face, "If only our lives were so simple.", he said quietly, both to himself, the turtle ducks, and to Shula. He wondered, would he have been happier if he had remained ordinary, lived his life like one of the Airbenders, take life in stride rather than force your will upon it, live free of restrictions. He didn't bring up Kai again, he had his permission, no need to ruin whatever moment the Firelord was creating.
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Staff Admin

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Character Description
Age: 27
Position: Fire Lord
Nation: Fire Nation

shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) EmptyThu Nov 01, 2012 2:43 pm

Shula Njoo

Shula mentally tensed as she noted him looking at her. Her expression became smooth and clear, something she had mastered at a young age. The smile had gone without a trace of its being there. She wondered what he could possibly be thinking, until he smiled as well at the small turtle-ducks. Well, at least he wasn't so rigid anymore. "If only our lives were so simple," he murmured softly, and she sighed alongside him. Yes, if only their lives were simpler. Sometimes, she longed for the ability to go anywhere, meet anyone, such as the many travellers and visitors to her great nation did. What was it like, to not be born into such a status? What was it like to meet people and know that they smiled out of genuine delight, rather than out of fear for the horrible things she could possibly do to them?

They were right to fear her though. She did not blame them for it, honestly. She was very well aware of his reasonings for being so tense and proper. "I brought you here so that perhaps you wouldn't feel so uncomfortable and tense in my presence. I may be a leader of a large nation, but I prefer to be treated as a respected equal." She said quietly. She was often surrounded by people, but was alone, seperated from them. Such was the burden that she had to bear, and bear alone.

"Was there anything else you needed?" she asked, shutting the door to the courtyards suddenly; her calm and clear gaze had become furrowed, as though her peaceful expression from moments ago had been the calm before the storm. She had things to worry about, and could not stand there and pine away for a life that was not hers. She was blessed to have been born here; there was food, clothing, safety, servants to do her bidding. In return, she ran a country. It was a cycle that had to be kept--she would not be the one to break it.

Mood: Wonderful
Condition: Quite Fabulous, Actually
I'll Put a Link Here....Eventually.

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Mei Fong
Awesome Member
Mei Fong

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Age : 30

Character Description
Age: 33
Position: Fire Nation General
Nation: Fire Nation

shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) EmptyThu Nov 01, 2012 3:00 pm

Mei was silent for a time, she was just an ordinary girl, at heart. She wanted a normal life. He frowned, and lightly touched her shoulder, "I know how you feel.", he said. As if reading her mind, "The resrictions placed upon people...of position, are harsh, and can often be seen as unfair to those that ae trapped within them."

Mei smiled, "I have no further questions or requests..." He removed his hand from her shoulder, stood back and bowed again, "Shula, I hope that when next I meet with you, it will be when I have Ex-Admiral Kai kneeling at your feet, begging for your forgiveness." He looked up, and with the most sincere voice, he said, "I wish your days were of greater simplicity, but I know you'll make the best of the responsibilities you have been given, and I will do everything in my power to lessen those which I can."

"Thank you for your time. If you ever...feel overwhelmed, don't hesitate to send a messenger hawk, I am always willing to listen."
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Staff Admin

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Age : 28
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Character Description
Age: 27
Position: Fire Lord
Nation: Fire Nation

shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) EmptyThu Nov 01, 2012 3:40 pm

Shula Njoo

Shula flinched at his touch, not used to physical contact with people unless she was snapping them in two. She nodded at what he said, hearing it but not quite storing it within memory. He would not dare harm her--she would only need to make a small sound and he would be surrounded by guards. Not that she couldn't take care of her own, of course. Her body relaxed the second his hand was removed and he bowed to her. He called her Shula, which she almost didn't realize was her actual strange. She could barely recognize her own name without a title before it. "I appreciate the sentiment, Mei. I'm sure that if I ever need anything, I shall call on you."

She said it with feeling and a smile, but inwardly she knew that it would go against proper etiquette to do such. But she sincerely appreciated the fact that he extended that offer towards her--it was good to know that there were some out there who wished to help others. Unless, of course, he just wanted to know when she was most vulnerable so he knew when to strike--no. She shut those thoughts down immediately; her distrust of people was going to be the end of her. Paranoia was as silent a killer as an assassin.

Mood: Wonderful
Condition: Quite Fabulous, Actually
I'll Put a Link Here....Eventually.

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Mei Fong
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Mei Fong

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Character Description
Age: 33
Position: Fire Nation General
Nation: Fire Nation

shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) EmptyThu Nov 01, 2012 3:52 pm

Mei nodded, and turned his back on Shula, making his way out. She truly was alone in this place. He shook his head as the doors were opened and he made his way out into the city. He hardly expected her to write, she was, afterall, above writing to a general on any matter aside from war advice. It saddened him to know that the offer would likely remain as empty words less than actually care.

He asked himself often as he navigated the roads, 'How can such a young girl be expected to bear such a heavy burden?'

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shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Lord...(Firelord Shula)   shula - My Lord...(Firelord Shula) Empty

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My Lord...(Firelord Shula)
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