Renayu had unpacked the last bag she had with her, even though she only brought three with her. One bag full of her daughters things, one of her things and a combined one to remind them of where they came from. Chinatsu, her young seven year old daughter, had been enrolled at the local school eraly today. She was even accepted and started too. With that, Rena had the prefect time to unpack and get ready for a day of job hunting.
She got dressed in the only clothing she had, which was Tribal clothing. She found a cozy little tea shop near her apartment and found a job opening. She walked in and they handed her a brown apron and was started. She was hired on as a waiteress. She braided her hair into one piece, taking out her tribal hair loops. She was enjoying Ba Sing se a lot, and now she felt like she was truely starting a new life.