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 Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder

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Rain Ryder
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Rain Ryder

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Join date : 2013-07-26

ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Empty
PostSubject: Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder    ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 11:12 am

ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Oc_bender_by_narutolover6219-d50anfa

ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Coolte12

Full Name: Rain Ryder [Child of the moon]
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Element: Water
Birthplace: Southern water tribe
Position: Wanderer

Water Bending [All forms] - expert
Gymnastic's - Expert
Chi Blocking - Intermediate


Due to his zest for life his personality allows that to flow through speaking as if he himself could give life. Hateful against those who take lives he is reluctant to do so himself unless it is truly needed to save many hence assassins who have taken lives without just caus are an easy kill for the lover of life. Caring and compassionate he likes to look after people and help them through there power's. Something that he loves to do.  This is only one half of his personality a front that he follow's up his true personality is built upon power. Finally like every human being he has and goes through every emotion that human's fell. Love happyness sadness etc. The only emotion he doesnt seem to feel is envy never once being jealous of anyone to be honest. When life gets him down Rain can easily over come any obstacle to pick himself up again. When this happens he will allow his full range of emotions to over take him most likely becoming "to happy" or "to sad" Suicidal tendancie's can happen.l"

A male of many likes to much to write down. A simple few would be due to the fact that the man is gay he likes other men. Hospital's are his favourite place to be he enjoys watching medicine work and people getting better. Snake's are also something he truly loves something with such strong venom yet such small animals intrigue the male greatly. Homophobes are his worst hate usually removing them when they insult them and making them his subjects for experiments they regret there actions greatly before there death comes. Vegetables are something he detests and would gladly murder the person who invented them.

Abilities: Rain Ryder is slightly more than your average water bender, Since he began training in the bending art's Rain has shown more than proficient progress in using almost all arts of water bending. Able to easily pick up on water bending forms and kata he is known as a genius within the water bending community of the Southern water tribe only. His movements are significantly quick yet perfect when utilizing the required movements and graceful flowing motions that follow water bending. His proficiency has earned him the title of an Expert water bender though he strives to become a master.

Within water bending he is capable of bending almost all and any liquids minus of course that of blood bending. This means he has expert knowledge of all forms and abilities of water. Capable of easily manipulating the pressure of water with ease or completely forcing the water to freeze over or take the water in another direction and utilize a water bending ability most commonly known as Steam bending. Rains best form of joke bending is sweat bending having become skilled enough that he is capable of pulling sweat not only from himself but others to create a source of water. Naturally you must be sweating for this to be used.

Being an expert Rain is capable of water bending without a proper source of you say. Well water vapor in the air can be called to his aid. Though this isnt a full proof way of water bending due to the small amount of moisture in the air. Like stated Rain has knowledge of almost all arts of waterbending being able to pull water from almost any source that has water like the grass itself or the trees that thrive with water. Halting Rain is a mere parlour trick to this advanced expert of the water bending arts. Plant bending is something he does in his spare time and likes to pull it out as a party trick or a binding ability if required in battle. As one with great power over water Rain is capable of making large tsunami's and tidal waves when under the influence of a full moon [ the waves would be big enough to easily take out one of the fire nation generals ships from the series]. Many tricks of his trade. During his recent years Rain has studied the art of Chi blocking and its nimble movements granting him a somewhat unique style combining gymnastics and water bending. Yes as stated his art of water bending mastery is very advanced thus his healing abilities follow this principle.

Height: 181cm
Eyes: Amber/red
Hair: White
Skin: Lightly tanned

Rain Ryder is a lightly tanned red eyed white hair'd boy, His skin colour showing his heritage of the southern water tribe were he lived all his life. His unusual hair colour giving to him by his mother seen usually only in elderly water bending masters. it was believed he was born with the white hair to signify his future abilities as a master in the art of all things water. His eyes were something his mother had always feared. The red burning eyes thought to have been the sign of an evil entity a son of the devil his mother always thought. His mother would soon find out that this was wrong, That his red eyes signified his burning passion to stop the mindless murder.

Though born in the southern water tribe his clothing heavily signifies ties to the fire bending community thus causing confusing on his elemental bending status. His dark brown/black clothing tinted and made his own with the red seems was an outfit his late father wore back in his day and having much love for his father Rain began to done his clothing. Rain is nimble for a male due to his gymnastics training his muscles are muscles but not like you would see on those warriors who train like crazy every day. his strength comes from a much more unique training. A true water bender at heart he has the southern water bender insignia tattoo'd over his back.

Weaponry & Other Gear:

Item Name Water Skin
Materials: Animal skin

The Water skins are used mainly by water benders. Created via the use of animal skin to carry small amounts of water used for bending.

Item Name Arisa
Materials: ANIMAL Very Happy
Given to Rain when leaving the circus during there time in the circus Rain and Arisa became good friends.


Within the water bending tribe of the southern nation those born with hair as white as snow upon the day that the full moon is closest to the earth are said to have powers so great that even the avatar's strength of the water element would not compare. upon that day that rarely any children are born upon was a single child. Hair as white as snow and eyes as red as fire. Rain Ryder was born. Of course being as strong as the avatar in the given element is just a story and would have to be tested at some point but the southern water tribe believed it. Legends and myths are hard not to believe if your ancestors believed it themselves.

It was what could be considered an unusually warm summer in the southern water tribe when Rain Ryder entered this world, The moon so large giving him strength. Why was this considered a huge deal? A child born with white hair and when the moon is closest to earth?. Well let me explain have you ever heard about the moon spirit or the first water bender?. Well the very first water bender known to man was the moon, Pushing and pulling the tides. The ancient ancestors of the current water benders were taught by the moon. It was said that those touched by the moon spirit would have hair as white as snow. The full moon also grants water benders exceptional power so when the full moon is so close and a child has hair white as snow they have been touched by the moon spirit and received the power of the first water bender, or so the legend goes.

Naturally the news of a child gifted by the presence of the moon spirit flew through the town and after being upon this planet for 4 year's and 35 days Rain Ryder had his first assassination attempt. This assassin was formerly within a band of pirates. A bender of fire whom thought himself lucky to find the child of the moon spirit. What he did not foresee was the child's extraordinary potential when it came to the skill of water bending. The assassin had stupidly attacked with his flames. Fire being weak against the water especially in a land covered in snow. A single hand movement would force the snow to quell the flames while a basic water bending kata would allow the bender to flow the water into the man covering him in ice.

This tradition of attack happened every other day in the mind of the child, Eventually those he loved were caught in the cross fire and he lost his father. A powerful fire bender whom died shielding his son. This is why he dons his fathers fire bending uniform. At the age of 8 Rain was placed into a protective custody programme and was forced to live out in the circus were he would subsequently learn gymnastics. During this time he was forced to wear a wig to shield his hair colour and make up to lighten up his skin. His other predicament was the circus refused to allow him to water bend thus his bending abilities were honed in the dead of the night while training his gymnastics skill. At about 16 Rain had become quite impressive within the circus world and had performed many shows. Sadly with fame comes recognition and one night he was jumped. Sticking to not using bending he was defenceless. It seemed like a random mugging. Ariko a chi blocker found the beaten Rain who had refused to use water bending due to the rules of the circus. Taking Rain under his wing Ariko would begin to teach Rain Chi Blocking.

3 years down the line Rain decided he was done hiding and removed his wig showing the world that the water bending warrior touched by the moon spirit was still alive. Having been practising his own form of combat combining water bending and gymnastics was born and of course slightly shown off. Rain who knew constant attacks would keep happening refused to go home until he had made a name for himself a name that though his kindness refused to allow him to kill would still strike fear in those he defeats. Upon choosing to leave he was gifted with a southern water tribe pet. A polar bear dog whom he would call Arisa.

Thus Rain has travelled to many places all around the world when with the circus making many friends under the disguise of Haru [his stage name] now he would go to meet those friends and ask for there help in defeating those who would wish to destroy him.

Sample RP:
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Last edited by Rain Ryder on Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:28 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Rain Ryder
New Member
Rain Ryder

Posts : 3
EXP : 5
Join date : 2013-07-26

ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder    ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 10:17 am

Complete ^^
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Join date : 2012-10-23

Character Description
Age: 45
Position: Ex-Spymaster
Nation: Fire Nation

ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder    ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 10:34 am

Well, firstly Rain is nowhere near old enough to be a master. For your character to become a master, they need to be 30 or over. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend him being a master, as we prefer it if people start with less powerful characters. So, you need to fix that up. Also, note that he wouldn't be able to do things like create tsunami's and tidal waves, much less with ease.

As a side note, there are a few issues with your grammar and spelling, particularly with your use of the apostrophe. I'm not going to deny you for it, I just thought i'd let you know. You also mention an "immortality goal", which you shortly never mention again, it would be appreciated it if you elaborated on that,
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Rain Ryder
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Rain Ryder

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Join date : 2013-07-26

ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder    ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 11:16 am

Due to not being able to find any rules on things like what people can and cant start out with i just did what i could with the info i found, I made the edits minus the spelling caus i dont focus much on spelling when it comes to rp so thats my bad sorry.

Made the required edits though if i read the mastery temp if i edited my characters age to 30+ i would meet the requirements for master correct?

But yeah i wanted to start of as expert so edits made ^^
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New Member

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Join date : 2012-12-20

Character Description
Age: 13
Position: Airbending Prodigy
Nation: Earth Kingdom

ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder    ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 4:30 pm

Yeah, i'll approve it.
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Birthday : 1991-01-16
Join date : 2012-07-14
Age : 33
Location : North America

Character Description
Age: 19
Position: Healer
Nation: Water Tribes

ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder    ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 6:46 pm

ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Soa
knock yourself out, yo.

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PostSubject: Re: Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder    ryder - Water Bender of Hope: Rain Ryder  Empty

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