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 Determining One's Values

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Determining One's Values - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Determining One's Values   Determining One's Values - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 21, 2014 10:22 pm

Alyza's expression deepened into an angry frown and creased eyebrows. She watched with annoyance as Umar started shooting Fire punches at them. She reflexively raised her arms up to cover her face as she sidestepped swiftly away.

Unfortunately, she wasn't quite fast enough. One of Umar's attacks hit her right in the left knee, and the other in the right arm. She clenched her teeth and held back a screech of pain, stumbling backwards a bit. She seemed to have just gained back her strength from starvation, and now she had two most likely third degree burns. Well this day was going well.

Of course, Lyza really should have expected this. But her idiotic confidence in herself was eventually going to get her into some shit, so, guess what that shit was? You guessed it! She got burned. Literally. But that wasn't going to stop her, for long. She stood weakly one on foot, her left leg lifted off the ground, holding her right arm with the left. Still wincing, she hopped backwards a bit.

"I gotta take a sec," She mumbled, flinching. She pressed her hand against the wound on her arm painfully.
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Awesome Member

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Determining One's Values - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Determining One's Values   Determining One's Values - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 22, 2014 7:45 am


When Umar launched the Fire balls toward Kei and Alyza, Kei was on the move again. Kei began running in a wide arc around Umar. Umar had to turn his body in order to keep Kei directly in front of him and kept launching Fireballs toward Kei, but the Kei was moving too quickly to remain in the Umar's path of attack and get hit by the Fire Balls.

From the corner of his eyes, Kei saw that Alyza got hit by a couple of the Fire Balls. She seemed like she was injured, but it didn't seem to threaten her life, so Kei continued on his path around Umar.

Kei had suddenly stopped which had caught Umar off guard as the ex-captain kept turning his body and was no longer directly facing Kei. Kei began sprinting straight toward Umar even though there was a Fireball headed directly toward him. Kei threw the two Shurikens he had drawn earlier directly at the Fire Ball, dissipating the Flames making most of its heat and power quickly disappear. Kei didn’t worry about running straight through what flames were left of the fire ball, his speed and protective apparel would protect him from the heat. To Umar, it appeared as though Kei had ran straight through the Fire Ball.

Umar was not ready for this and poorly tried to slash at Kei with his lance. Kei dodged the slash easily by sliding under the lance. Despite being within reaching distance at this point, Kei didn’t reach for Umar but instead reached toward his belt. Umar released his Fire Breath at Kei who was currently sliding past him. Kei threw the end of a weighted metal wire from his belt causing it to wrap around Umar’s ankle. Kei safely slid past Umar’s Flame breath with one end of the wire around Umar’s ankle and the other still attached to his belt. Kei grabbed the wire with his hand and charged up electricity in his hand using his Lightning Affinity.

Kei sent electricity running through the wire directly into Umar. Umar gave a scream of agony and fell to the ground. Umar wasn’t dead however, Kei had only sent enough electricity through the wire to knock him unconscious.

With that over with, Kei got up and walked over who appeared to have suffered some burns to make sure she was at least somewhat alright.

Mood: Serious
Condition: Hungry
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Determining One's Values - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Determining One's Values   Determining One's Values - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 22, 2014 11:29 am

Alyza watched helplessly as Kei finished Umar off. She was still cradling her injuries, wishing she was a water bender so she could just heal the burn. Oh well, she liked her fire bending abilities anyways. She observed with wide eyes when Kei seemingly burst directly through the fire, though she'd been at an angle where she could see he'd thrown something that dispersed most of the fire ball.

It was quite an amazing trick though, in Alyza's opinion. She wasn't much of a magician or trickster, merely a teenage run-away with a few skills to call her own. Oh that and a Red Elk. She looked over at Kei as he approached her, Umar lying unconscious on the ground. Her violet eyes glanced between the two, finally realizing how powerful this man was. Any normal person would be scared, but the very word wasn't in Alyza's vocabulary. She refrained from speaking for a moment, instead regarding the man in front of her.

"Well that was.....impressive." She finally admitted after a moment, then winced when she remembered her lovely new burns. Well that's going to leave a scar....
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Determining One's Values - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Determining One's Values   Determining One's Values - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 22, 2014 12:13 pm


"Well that was.....impressive." Alyza had said as Kei stood in front of her.
Kei scratched the back of his head and smiled humbly, “Ahh, I just got a bit lucky back there. Let me check your injuries real quick as well.”
Kei had kneeled over to inspect Alyza’s burns. They were pretty bad and would leave ugly scars if left untreated. Kei reached in his coat and retrieved a small jar which appeared to have a green, goo-like substance inside and handed it to Alyza.
“Here,” Kei told Alyza, “It’s got a… (Kei decided it was better not to tell her) ‘unique’ substance inside. Apply this to your burns and it will help them heal faster as well as preventing most of the permanent scarring.”

Many villagers had begun leaving the Dining Hall and various buildings that they had been hiding in. For a while, no one had said anything.
The village elder finally spoke up, “Did you kill Umar?”
Kei said, “No, but he is not waking up anytime soon. I should be able to get him into the custody of authorities at Shu Jing before the day is out.”
“That won’t be necessary,” The Village Elder spoke with a commanding voice, “Kill him right here, it’s what he deserves.”
Kei argued, “All he did was steal crops from your village, that’s hardly worth death.”
The Village elder spoke with an angry tone, “The iron fist of justice must be dealt, someone as evil Umar must not be allowed to live!”

The village elder continued on his rant of how Kei should kill Umar because it was the right thing to do. According to the village elder, since Kei was letting Umar live, Kei was just as bad as Umar. The village elder also threatened to cancel Kei’s pay if he didn’t kill Umar. Other villagers started joining in with the village elder and soon, the whole town was against Kei trying to push him into killing Umar.

Kei had soon stopped trying to speak and his face remained emotionless.

Mood: Annoyed
Condition: Hungry
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Junior Member

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Determining One's Values - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Determining One's Values   Determining One's Values - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 22, 2014 4:21 pm

"Thanks." Alyza growled rather ungratefully. She wasn't one to accept help, really. But it wasn't like she had any burn cream laying around. So she took it, angrily, but still. She set the jar on the ground and opened it-with some struggling-with one hand. She dipped two of the fingers on her good hand into the cream and smoothed it onto the burn, sighing with relief as she did. She then did the same with her leg burn.

Upon finishing, she stood weakly. Alyza limped over to wear Kei was talking to the people of the village, though she tried to hide her injury. She stood, slightly slumped, beside Kei and faced the elder. When she realized what he was saying, she cocked an eyebrow and wore an expression that was a mix between confusion and a scowl.

"If I might cut it in," She said quietly, stepping forwards, "This man just did as you asked, Old man you shouldn't take his reward away just because he won't kill someone? Do you know how fucked up that is? You don't have to kill just to prove you won. It's not like this 'Umar' did more than steal. That's not all that harmful, you greedy bastards. Something is clearly wrong with you. You should be thanking him! Once Umar's been locked away, you and your crops will be safe and you won't be starving anymore! Kei has just saved all of your ungrateful asses!" Alyza was breathing hard now, her little speech having taken up quite a bit of her energy. The burns were hurting her more than she thought they would, and winced visibly. After taking a few deep breaths, she said "Just give him his damned reward, you worthless cowards."
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Determining One's Values - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Determining One's Values   Determining One's Values - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 22, 2014 8:26 pm


Alyza had begun doing her best to argue with the village elder but the situation didn’t change and the whole village was now entirely against Kei and Alyza. Kei still didn’t say anything and his face remained neutral.

Kei honestly couldn’t believe how the entire village he had just saved had immediately turned against him. The villagers demand for vengeance was too strong in order for him and Alyza do anything other than to comply with what they say.

Kei headed over to Umar’s massive body and heaved the ex-captain over his back.
The Village elder yelled at Kei, "You’re not saving our village from his threat at all, only delaying if he whenever he comes back!”

Kei snapped at that part and couldn't handle the villagers anymore.
“I didn’t save your village because I wanted you morons to admire me, I did it because I wanted to!”
His voice had stunned the villagers and no one spoke.
“Keep your payment.” Kei told the villagers with a softer voice.

Kei then turned to Alyza and said, “Come on, lets go” And began walking away from the crowd of villagers with Umar on his back.

Mood: Annoyed
Condition: Hungry
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Determining One's Values - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Determining One's Values   Determining One's Values - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 23, 2014 8:49 am

Alyza stuck her tongue out childishly at the villagers before turning and running to catch up with Kei. She slowed to a walk when she reached him, hunching her shoulders up and sneering angrily at the ground.

"You're just going to let them get away with that? You did what they asked, you should demand a reward!" She was quiet for a moment, but before Kei could respond she realized something. "Hey! You just ordered me around like some sort of dog!" She complained, referring to when he'd called to her to "come on, let's go."

She folded her arms and scowled, staring straight ahead as she walked. Now she was just pissed off. This was the exact reason she didn't like travelling with other people. And so, she put two fingers in her mouth and whistled a piercing whistle. Off in the distance, Evelyn stopped grazing and looked up, before she began to run towards the sound.

A galloping Red Elk cantered into the village, running right past the Elder, and continued on till she reached Alyza. Lyza, in turn, pulled Lyn's reins from where they rested on her belt and swung them over the elk's head. She then clambered up onto her back, with some difficulty due to her burns (which still hurt a bit).
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Awesome Member

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PostSubject: Re: Determining One's Values   Determining One's Values - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 23, 2014 11:15 am


On their way out of the village, Alyza had told Kei, “You're just going to let them get away with that? You did what they asked, you should demand a reward!"

Kei knew that she was right. Oddly enough however, Kei didn’t have any desire for a reward and felt contempt with the choice he had just made. Before Kei said anything else, Alyza had realized something.

"Hey!” She complained, “You just ordered me around like some sort of dog!"
Kei plainly told her, “You listened didn’t you?”
His comment only seemed to anger her.

Alyza had called for her Elk and hopped on her. They had left the village and headed toward Shu Jing. There, Kei had given up Umar to the people and both he and Alyza received a small payment from the village leader.

Kei and Alyza had then shortly separated paths afterwards.

Mood: Contempt
Condition: Hungry

--------------End Of Story---------------

[OOC: This was a fun thread, if you ever want to start up another one with me, let me know.]
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