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 Coal for the Furnace

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Awesome Member

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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyThu Aug 07, 2014 7:54 am

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Anger... such a powerful driving force... such an easy monster so proficient at wrapping its tendrils around Isikiro's wrists and neck to drag her down into further states of dismal bitterness and malevolence. It was in times like this that she often just abandoned reason and would storm out and smash things. Usually it was just in the mountains away from people, but after being inside of mountains for so long, even they grew tiring.

Well anyways, during some of these travels of upset, pent-up rage, Isikiro decided to take her issues right to the people that mattered the most--the Fire Lord himself. It was not even necessarily his fault--heck, she didn't even know who the Fire Lord was... was it a man; a woman; were they single? married? She just saw them as the social elite and the decadent despots that were responsible for sustaining themselves on the backs of workers like her who thus lived miserably from long hours and shitty pay. Her mind was very closed to the outside realities of life outside of her mining camps. It was an unfortunate truth, really.

Whatever the case, this rogue, rampaging earthbender made it to the palace itself, smashing through anything or anyone who got in her way. It had been a particularly rough week. Normally she was better at containing herself... or so she thought. Was this the result of 22 years of pent-up rage finally boiling over? She certainly didn't know. She was kind of in a blind rage at the moment.

she was screaming obscenities as she rampaged through the halls, smashing her way around as she screamed something about crossing paths with "whoever ran this establishment" and giving 'em a piece of her mind. Welp... this was certainyl one way to start it... with a stunt like this, she would certainly be noticed by someone soon--someone that could hopefully contain her, as those guards were nothing against her raw, berzerk strength thus far. She didn't even really know what she wanted. She was just doing this because it had sounded like a good idea at the time... and thus, she rampaged.
Mood: Angry
Condition: Dirty, Grimy, Injured; the usual
Link: Isi

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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyThu Aug 07, 2014 9:46 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek was not yet accustomed to the Fire Throne, in fact he found it difficult to do his work so far from his desk and books, but that was not his job anymore.  He now had a country to run, and it was a responsibility he did not take lightly.  At least the throne room itself was full of rich history, with paintings, carvings and elaborate mosaics of Fire Lords past adorning the walls.  Tarek felt their faces staring at him, daring him to do better, to be better.  He purposed in his heart to live up to the task, and earn his way into the ranks of legend.  

Tarek’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a low rumble.  As he stirred, the rumble got louder, and soon a series of crashes and booms echoed through the halls.  Tarek knew it to be the unmistakeable sound of an earthbender.  But how did one get into the palace?  And what were her intentions?  Tarek shut his eyes and reached out through his senses, a technique perfected by his wife, and which he mastered himself.  He sensed a young girl, her motions indicated that she was literally seething with rage.  Her energy was erratic as well, which was a normal result of anger and it made her bending was quiet formidable.   Tarek instantly sprang into action and headed after her.

He found her in a large open room, surrounded by almost half of Tarek’s guard force.  Her power was great, but against the array of guards who had finally caught up to her, she didn’t stand much of a chance without risking her own life.  To many of the guards fellows had been seriously wounded, some even killed.  They were long past capturing the intruder, they wanted her dead.  “STAND DOWN!” boomed Tarek, from the passage where he stood.  The guards obeyed without question and stood at attention.  Tarek began slowly walking toward the young girl, careful not to get too close and provoke her further.  As he walked, he looked at the injured and dead around him with a heavy heart.  He then turned his eyes toward her, and if she would look him in the eyes, she would see wells of kindness and gentleness, not rage or anger.

“These men….” Tarek began, his voice soft and calm, “They have families, they have friends.  Some were bandits who wanted to atone for past crimes.  Some were farmers who wanted to serve their country after they lost all they had to famine or raiders.  Some were war veterans who took respite from their long and bloody service for an honourable job guarding their Fire Lord.  They all had one thing in common though, they served me, they pledged their lives to me and now they have died for me.”  He said with heavy words, laced with genuine sorrow, “So tell me something young one, what have I possibly done to you to warrant this massacre?  Why are my people dead around me, while I am yet living?  If you have come for me, then here I am, but by the Avatar you will not harm a single hair on one of these innocent people’s heads.” He demanded in a calm but authoritative tone, gesturing for the guards to leave.  He knew she was filled with rage, but if she continued to hurt his people, he would have to intervene, and so he hoped she would listen to the voice of reason.

Mood:  Saddened
Condition: Healthy

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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyThu Aug 07, 2014 5:43 pm

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

So blinded by her rage was Isikiro that she did not even realize the magnitude of damage and destruction that she had been wreaking all around her. Her mind was so bent on this single-minded fury that she didn't even know what she was trying to accomplish here, although that realization had not come to her either.
Let it not be said that Isikiro was an idiotic woman; anger literally brought out the worst of people. This was not a plan she had thought through very well--this was just a huge release of pent-up anger. had she stopped to think of what the results might have been, she might have planned things a bit differently.

A booming shout was something that instantly snapped her back to reality, the haze of her eyes quickly fading as she snapped back into the horrifying reality of what she was doing. She froze, panick showing in her eyes. She was frozen with a mixture of fear and various other feelings, and so instead of trying to run or fight, she became as rigid as a board, still in her attacking position from a split-second ago. Here was the man she was looking for--here was the Firelord.

A moment later, she cowered, bracing herself for the divine retribution of what was surely an angry man, crouching down and putting her hands over her head as if to brace herself for what was surely to come. And yet, a few seconds passed, and then a few more, and then she looked up nervously to see why she had not been struck down where she stood. She might have been able to hold herself in a fistfight, but that was irrelevant.

The speech though... those words struck her harder than the lashes on her back. Slowly, she got up, looking around her as she realized, horrified, what she had just done. Wasn't that why she was here? Wasn't she just another one who was doing what she could to help support her family? She had not even noticed that she had been so violent that she had just taken many lives. The look of horror; of shock... it annihilated her anger on the spot, and it was replaced with guilt; with sorrow.

Isikiro fell to her knees, her eyes watering almost instantly. She had every demeanor of 'what have I done' written all over her face.
"Anger..." she stuttered, "blahnd... anger... Ah... Ah wuz angry... 'n Ah didn' think... didn' realahze what Ah wuz doin... what Ah... what Ah had done..." her voice was trembling, and she began babbling almost incomprehensibly. In it was something about harsh conditions, coal mines, a struggling family, and general mistreatment. she repeated herself a few times, still babbling both nervously and shamefully, and something about lashings also made its appearance. Someone would need to snap her out of this.
Mood: Horrified; Shamed
Condition: Dirty, Grimy, Injured; the usual
Link: Isi

Last edited by Isikiro on Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age: 43
Position: Fire Lord
Nation: Fire Nation

Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyFri Aug 08, 2014 2:35 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek looked down upon the faces of people he had known well, good friends and loyal subjects all, as he spoke with the young woman who had caused the destruction.  Whatever feelings of sorrow, rage and hate that would normally have been expected to surface from the very depths of his soul failed to manifest themselves, for Tarek was the master of his emotions.  Though that didn’t mean he couldn’t feel, instead he would not let his emotions cloud his mind.  This was his greatest strength, and it always served him well.  

As he looked upon the young bender who now cowered, expecting her life to end, he felt naught but pity; Pity for a young girl who was a slave to hate and anger, and who had lashed out unthinking, following her base instincts and passions.  If she had attacked him, his hand would not have been stayed, but she didn’t.  Instead she was frozen in fear and paralyzed with regret and shame.  Sadly these were always the by-products of anger.

“Anger?” asked Tarek softly, examining the young woman more closely now that he was near her.  He could immediately see that she had not had an easy life.  Her face was etched with old worries and her hands and arms were that of a very hard worker.  Tarek could see that the girl was utterly horrified.  He knew that before he could speak with her that he would need to calm her down, and so in a soft voice he said:  “You need not fear me, the only enemy you have in this room is yourself.  Stand up and tell me your name young one?”

Mood:  Saddened
Condition: Healthy

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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyFri Aug 08, 2014 3:10 am

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Isikiro was not exactly that talented at hiding her emotions, especially not if that emotion was anger or fury. She was generally rather belligerent and would explode at the drop of a hat at times. That had explained why she picked so many fights with people in her past, although those had just been brawls and beat-em-ups rather than actual fighting to the death. The fact that she had killed these people around her whose only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time... that made her feel horribly guilty. The rage that had controlled her seconds ago was now replaced fully with guilt, which gripped her like a hangman's noose. That, she felt, would be too merciful a death or punishment for her though.

She cowered, whimpering both for fear of losing her own life and fear of the retribution she feared was still coming. She had to be allowed to live... not for her own sake, but becuase there were four other people that relied on her. Her starving little siblings couldn't do a whole lot, and her crippled mother, much to her chagrin and dismay, was fairly incapacitated in her current condition. This also irked Isi because her mother would blame herself for this and would hate how disabled she was. This sort of self-harm never did anyone good. Perhaps she could do to take a lesson from... well, herself.

She shuddered as he approached her. Hesitantly and cautiously, she rose to fer feet, her dark and sooty face stained with tears from her eyes.
"Ah... Ah...." she stammered, "m'name's Isi... Isikiro... Sherazi... Anazalrok." she admitted, "Ah'm... Ah'ma coal miner jus' in th'nearbah mount'ns... Ah..." she stammered, launching into a shaky and summarized version of her life story. Hopefully that would clear some things up.
Mood: Horrified; Shamed
Condition: Dirty, Grimy, Injured; the usual
Link: Isi

Last edited by Isikiro on Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyFri Aug 08, 2014 4:21 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek had his suspicious about the girl being a labourer of some sort, and it was even more apparent as he saw her dirtied face.  He listened to her story, and imagined the pain and suffering she must have endured.  He pitied her greatly, and felt a strange compassion for her and her predicament.  He could understand her anger, although her actions were much too extreme.  She was young, and alone.  With responsibilities and cares that no one should endure alone heaped upon her.  If anyone had been dealt an unfortunate hand, it was her.  And yet Tarek sensed a good person standing before him.  It’s true that she lost it and made a very bad decision, but she was not an inherently bad person despite her upbringing and all odds.    

“You seem like good girl…confused and maybe broken…but good.”  Tarek said softly, “Your treatment in the mines was unknown to me and unacceptable; it is something I will look into right away.”  He said with a reassuring tone, “I cannot root out all the corruption and evil in the world, but I will not stand by and let such atrocities happen when I can help it.”

Tarek sighed, looking at all the bodies around him again.  “You have committed murder, no matter your reasons, no matter your past; the families of the dead and injured will need to know what happened.”  He said softly, “you must know, Isikiro…every choice we make and every action has consequences.  But I know how you feel, I was young and angry once too, and so I am going to make you an offer.”  He said, looking her straight in the eyes.  “You will remain here, in my palace, under house arrest.  I will personally send my most trusted men to fetch your family, and bring them to the capital, where they will be cared for while you atone for your actions.  If you will allow me, I will help you deal with your anger while you serve in the palace. You will earn your freedom through hard work and discipline, and do not think for a second that the lessons you will learn will be easy.” Tarek paused before continuing, “that is my only offer, for I do not want to see a young promising life like yours rot away in a dungeon.  That is your choice, do I send for some servants to clean you up so we can start, or do I call my jailer?”  Tarek asked, his voice sounding almost like a father’s, teaching a child.

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Awesome Member

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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyFri Aug 08, 2014 5:41 am

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Isi's words about having a miserable life were not trying to gain sympathy from anyone really. She just wanted people to know where she came from and thus why she was so hostile the way she was. This rampage of hers was not justified by any of that though, and she knew it. She was still worried that she would die--that her family would lose their breadwinner, and that the remainder of them would starve.

She was a decent person who had made a horrible mistake, and now her time had come to atone for that crime. She knew what she deserved, and part of her crying was not from knowing that she was probably going to die, but for her family to know that this was where it ended--that Isikiro had gone on an angry rampage through the Fire Nation Royal Palace only to be apprehended and then put to death for charges of murder. Murder... that was exactly what she had done. She didn't even realize she had done it until someone had snapped her out of her furious spat. Now that that realization was upon her... she felt horrible.

She nodded softly at his remarks about the mines. "Ah... Ah didn' know y'didn' know... jus' that th' Fahr Nation's gotta hist'ry of exploitin' mah people... r they used to anyhoo... Ah guess that's just another thing t'chalk up against me before y'put me t'death ain't it?" Yes, she still figured that she was going to die. A life for a life... that had always seemed fair to Isi, except that she never thought she'd be on the receiving end of that swift and harsh justice. Hopefully they would just do it quickly or something then.

She heard him out as he repeated to her her crimes, and her eyes watered. accepting her fate was difficult, but she was willing to buck up and deal with it. She had done the crime, and now it was time to do the time, even if that meant going 6 feet under for good...

An offer... a chance for atonement. Perhaps this was what she needed... and the notion and offer to watch over her family in the meantime meant that it could very well be possible. She almost felt bad for whoever would have to clean up... if the coal dust wasn't bad enough, the lacerations and scars certainly would be. Those might need a professional healer to clean up though, given that it made her back, arms, and thighs look like mincemeat.
""Ah'll accept th' offer," she swore, putting her fist to her chest. "N if Ah fail... Ah'll take mah punishment th' Ah deserve..."
She sighed. "Ah'm used t'workin' hard tho. That's purdy much th'story of m'life raht thar... Ain't never really had no tahm t'do anythin' but work ever since dad died... so Ah think Ah kin cooperate..."
Otherwise, she remained stock-still, waiting for whatever fate awaited her next.
Mood: Accepting
Condition: Dirty, Grimy, Injured; the usual
Link: Isi

Last edited by Isikiro on Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptySun Aug 10, 2014 1:21 pm

Tarek Raiden

Tarek gave Isikiro a small nod in recognition of her compliance.  He slowly raised his hands and clapped them twice.  Suddenly, an array of young serving girls appeared, giving their Firelord a quick bow. “Two of you clean her up,” he ordered in a gentle voice, “make sure she is fed as well.  The rest of you, start cleaning up this mess.  Many of these men need medical assistance.  Be sure to tend to their wounds first, save as many as you can.”

In an instant the room was bustling with activity.  The servants were obviously very efficient and within a flash two young serving girls took hold of Isikiro’s arms and led her away to get cleaned up and fed.  “Once you are done with her, bring her to me in my gardens.”  Said Tarek as Isikiro was being led away.

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyMon Aug 11, 2014 12:37 am

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Isikiro remained where she stood, humbly and guiltily gazing around her as her feet locked up, rooting her to the spot as if she were incapable of movement. she could not bear to see these people all around her, working to clean up the damage that she had caused. If she had not just been ordered to go somewhere else, she would have stayed to help set things right. In fact... she felt horribly guilty about it all.

"Ah kin help fix all thiz..." she pleaded as she was led away to be cleaned up and healed, "'r sumthin'..." she felt horrible, and it showed. She was not entirely sure what cleaning up and healing her would do... but whoever was about to clean her up had a long road ahead of them.
Mood: Humbled; Heartbroken
Condition: Dirty, Grimy, Injured; the usual
Link: Isi

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Superb Member

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Position: Fire Lord
Nation: Fire Nation

Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyMon Aug 11, 2014 5:47 am

Tarek Raiden

The two serving girls that carried Isikiro off all but ignored her request to help clean up; they had their orders.  It wasn’t that Tarek didn’t mind her wanting to help; in fact he was glad she offered, but he really didn’t want her to see exactly what she had done close up.  He didn’t want her traumatised or broken anymore then she already was.  After all, he was trying to help her not hinder her.

The two girls quickly led her into a beautiful bathing room, and nimbly stripped her bare before sitting her down in the huge bath and pouring pleasantly warm water down her back.  The fragrances of the soaps and bath salts were incredible, especially since they were all picked out by the resident Firelady who was no stranger to proper grooming.  The girls literally gave Isikiro the star treatment, she was scrubbed head to toe, her wounds were tended too, and she even got a quick massage to help ease her tenseness.  As soon as they were done, they dressed her in a typical Fire Nation Kimono, similar to what the servants wore, and tied her up.  Even the servants were surprised at how different she looked. “Firelord Tarek has requested your presence in his gardens,” said one of the servants as she led Isikiro out to a beautiful garden outside.

Tarek sat waiting on a bench under a tree.  A beautiful pond filled with turtle ducks glistened beside him.  “You look much better,” said Tarek in a kind voice as he saw Isikiro approach.  He then gestured for her to sit down in the soft grass before him, “how do you feel?”  He continued.

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Awesome Member

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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyMon Aug 11, 2014 7:47 am

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Frankly, Isi would have thought that it was nothing less than she deserved--to see the extent of her damage so that she would be too haunted to ever try doing anything like that again. So maybe this was for the better that she wasn't allowed to do it. On the other hand, she wanted to help because she knew that she could use her rather talented earthbending skills to fix the place up fairly quickly. As vicious as she was, she had some considerable control and was good at repairing damaged halls or shafts. She worked in a mine. if she didn't have that kind of skill and alertness, she would have probably died many times over. None of her other family members were benders, and so Isi's talents had really been a boon for them.

Isi grunted a bit from surprise as she found herself led to an overwhelmingly luxurious bathing room, where her clothes were pulled off, causing her to blush under all that muck. she cringed as she waited for a reaction, but they got to work. they gave her an initial rinse before she entered the tub proper, just to get the primary layer of muck off of her, and then they finally gave her the royal bathing treatment, and Isi was once again overwhelmed by the fragrances, and by the fact that these two servant girls knew what they were doing in terms of cleaning her up. Of course, the massage that followed afterward was probably one of the greatest feelings the beat-up old coal miner had ever experienced.

After seeing herself in the mirror... she was a bit awestruck at all the changes. the kimono they had dressed her in was more beautiful than anything she had ever worn, and she looked... well, gorgeous. Her legs felt a bit bare because they could move around freely in the dress and her knees and thighs could rub against each other (but they were also *soooo* smooth... it blew Isi's mind. luckily there was an opening on the right side for Isi to have some moving room... but her legs still felt very exposed). The little slippers she wore also felt light... too light. She was used to heavy work boots.

Still... she couldn't complain. She'd have to live with this for as long as she was here, she figured. When she was instructed to meet Tarek out in the gardens, she went, her hands together in front of her and her head bowed, not wanting to look up or at anything. She was led out there where she met Tarek under the tree on the bench. She sat down in front of him as instructed, crossing her legs as she seated herself on the grass, which inevitably exposed most of her right leg. She had no real sense in fashion and had never worn a dress like this before, so she didn't know the etiquette or anything... but hey; her thigh exposed like this let her run her fingers along her skin. it was *mind-blowingly* smooth... she had never felt skin this soft in her life... and it was -hers-?!? She felt like a different person... and to be honest, it kind of scared her a little.

"Ah feel... diff'rent..." she admitted, hesitantly. "Ah... well... Ah'm kinda still scared, t'be honest... Ah thought you wuz gunna ill me then 'n there... Ah..." she sighed, lowering her head, "Ah def'nitely woulda deserved it..." the notion that she had killed several innocent men just doing their jobs haunted her already. "'N now... with all 'o this..." she motioned towards her kimono, also stopping to scratch under her armpit rather shamelessly, her thigh showing so much that her underwear were almost visible, "Ah... even these clothes... Ah've never worn anythin' lahk it in m'life... but m'scars 'rgone..." she moved her exposed leg to show Tarek, since the scars on her upper thigh were gone. she moved her leg back, but it still stayed exposed due to her position. Yeah... she had a lot to learn.
"Ah'm scared, akchally..." she stuttered as she confessed, her voice, even with her thick country accent, barely more than a whisper, "Ah look so diff'rent... Ah feel so diff'rent... 'n Ah'm surrounded by people whose friends 'r workers Ah jus' murdur'd..." her eyes were watering. "N' now Ah... shit, Ah jus..." she was confused... scared; she didn't really even know why at this point, but tears began rolling down her cheeks as she put her hands to her face and cried.
Mood: Humbled; Slightly Scared
Condition: Beautifully Clean ^^
Link: Isi

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Superb Member

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Character Description
Age: 43
Position: Fire Lord
Nation: Fire Nation

Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 4:31 am

Tarek Raiden

As Isikiro sat down and crossed her legs, the servant that accompanied her almost had a heart attack.   She instantly corrected Isikiro’s position, putting her on her knees in an almost meditative stance.  “Like this,” she softly whispered.  Tarek couldn’t help but smile, as he nodded for the servant to leave.  

“Scared?” ask Tarek, “Scared of what you have done?  You fear the repercussions?  But its more than that…I sense your fear is not born out of self…you are worried what will happen to your family?” asked Tarek knowingly.  “But fear is a paralytic.  It binds you, and breeds anger, hate and resentment.” He paused, observing her reaction closely as he spoke, “You have seen first-hand the result of anger.  Rage is a mistress that promises relief and closure but brings only ruin and shame.  It removes control and makes all reason null and void.  It rots the soul, numbs emotions, and heralds a pain that never leaves you.” He continued.  
When he saw tears begin to form in her eyes, compassion welled up in his heart and he gently wiped the tears from her face.  “Hey, it’s alright, you are going to fine Isikiro.”  He whispered softly.  “Tell me … what do you know about Chakras, and the effect of positive and negative energies on them?”

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Furnace - Coal for the Furnace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 4:41 am

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Blushing and slightly hesitantly, Isi shifted into a more suitable position and had her dress adjusted accordingly. It felt weird though, and put unwanted pressure on her knees, and so no sooner had Tarek dismissed the servant than she crossed her legs all over again, pulling her dress so it was now showing alf of her underwear, but her thigh was still visible. She ran her hand along it, as if it was reassuring her when her mind was so weighed down with troublesome subjects.

The tears that welled up in her eyes were also formed because he knew what was ailing her. He might not have fully understood it, but she had explained it to him earlier, and more importantly, had realized that this fear and that anger had controlled her--had taken away her freedom; her control; her reasoning... and she had done something catastrophic that would haunt her the rest of her life. Even if all amends were made... she could not bring back the dead. They were gone for good, and to know that if it weren't for Isi's furious rampage that they would still be alive... well, it made her feel horribly guilty all over again.

And thus, the battered young girl was overwhelmed with emotions of all kinds.
"But... but it's not gunna..." she whimpered, "Ah... Ah killed 'em.. AH KILLED 'EM!!" she wailed. "Th'..." she sniffled a bit, "th' same way th'minin' accident killed m'father... smashed 'em 'tween the rocks..." she murmured helplessly as she remembered the incident. He had not been a bender, so Isi's father couldn't save himself the way Isi might have been able to. neither had her mother--and that was why she could not walk or stand properly.
She collected herself a moment later--well, sort of. But she managed to answer his other question.
"Ah... Ah ain't gotta clue..." she confessed... "Ah kin move rocks, 'n ah kin sense th'metal ores 'n stuff in th'mountains... that's 'bout all Ah know..." her brown face was red and wet, and she was clearly still rather distressed.
Mood: Guilty; Frightened
Condition: Beautifully Clean
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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 5:51 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek’s heart broke for the poor girl as she started crying yet again.  He tried his best to comfort her and calm her down.  “My dear girl, you have had such burdens and such hardships.  Just as you were cleaned up on the outside, you need to be cleansed on the inside.  You need to get rid of all your negative and energy and these turbulent emotions, I promise you, you will find peace.” He said in a hopeful voice, “Forget about what you have done, and forget about your past.  You will never be able change it.  Instead look to what you CAN change right now.  Focus on a future where your body, mind and spirit are set free.”

When she explained what she knew about Chakras and Energy, Tarek could immediately see that she had no knowledge of the subject whatsoever.  “Chakras are pools of energy within your body.  Positive energy is a result of positive emotions, and negative energy is a result of negative emotions.  Negative energy weighs you down, you feel more slow and flustered, your natural energy diminishes making you feel tired all of the time, your thinking and reasoning becomes hazy and unclear, and even your bending is affected.  Your negative energy could even affect others, like your family.  It cultivates the emotions of rage, hate, bitterness, greed and more.  I am now going to attempt to unblock some of your Chakras, you should feel much better afterwards.”

Tarek sat beside Isikiro and softly touched the base of her spine through her Kimono.  “Chakras work in a special order.  You must unlock one, before you can unlock the rest.  You will be surprised at what the first Chakra deals with, for I feel it is very relevant to what you have gone through in life.  Relax now, and listen…The Earth Chakra, located at the base of your spine deals with survival.  Our most base need.  It is blocked by the negative emotion of fear.  I need you now to imagine all your greatest fears, and then tell me about them.”

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 6:17 am

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Isikiro looked admittedly a bit skeptical at this. "But Ah thought..." she stammered, "Ah thought it wuz y'er past tha' shaped who y'were... 'n then that helped shape y'er future... 'r sumthin' lahk that..." she hadn't heard that anywhere, per se; just that it made sense. rich people generally had a spoiled, entitled mentality because of how they had lived their lives, while Isikiro's own hostile disposition was a byproduct of her shitty life and her brutal living and working conditions. "So how d'wAh do it?" she tilted her head, her fingers caressing her (now) soft, exposed knee. "how 'kin Ah jus' let it all go 'n be at peace with m'self?" Hopefully the answer would reveal itself soon.

Chakras... she had always associated them with the avatar and such, but Tarek's line of thinking sort of made sense. On the other hand though... di it? it certainly was not like she was not powerful, even when supposedly clouded by these negative energies. "well... Ah clearly have sum' pow'r behand m'benin' if Ah kin'... well... if Ah 'kin be a 'structive li'l fuck lahk Ah wuz..." she whimpered again, guilt still clutching her and caressing her in an unpleasant way. On the other hand, she was actually a very powerful earthbender--not necessarily lacking in control (her bending during her rampage had been very good; just that her mind wasn't working properly and so she had... well, rampaged), but definitely on the wild side. She had some powerful potential.
"alrighty..." she shrugged, "can't hurt much Ah reckon..."

She let out a tiny squeak as he touched the base of her skin, even if it was through her kimono. She was actually not used to being touched like this (the massage had been mind-blowing as a result), and she froze where she sat. Luckily the servant girl was not still here to freak out about Isi's bare right leg.
"M... m'greatest fears?" she trembled as if just thinking about them.
"M'family... losin' 'em lahk Ah lost m'father... subjectin' any of 'em to th'kind of hell Ah've gone through... seein' 'em starve... they're m'life... m'reason f'er livin'... they mean ever'thin' t'me." Other than that, she honestly couldn't think of any, and so let Tarek know this as well. Her biggest fears were losing her family, or being unable to support them.
Mood: Guilty; Frightened
Condition: Beautifully Clean
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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 7:22 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek chuckled at her statement.  “My dear girl, if the world worked like that then the poor would get poorer, the rich would stay richer, the corrupt would become more corrupt.  Our past definitely has a hand at making us who we are, but we make our own lives.  I used to be a lonely and poor scholar, travelling the world unearthing relics, and living off whatever measly income I could scrape together.  I couldn’t even conjure up a mere fire ball.  Now I am the Firelord, and a Grand Master Firebender.  Do you think I was molded by my past?  Or did I forge my own future?”

Tarek smiled.  “Your bending is indeed powerful, but you have hardly scratched the surface.  You use your rage to make up for your blocked energy, overcoming it with your own strong will and brute force.  But I will teach you a better way.  Where you will be able to effortlessly accomplish feats you wouldn’t believe.  Power is nothing without control, and control does not mean how well you manipulate earth.  Control means how well you manipulate your own energy, amplifying your skills and prowess ten-fold.  If you don’t believe me I will show you.” He explained

Tarek listened to her fears intently.  After she had explained, he gave her a nod.  “Do you see how giving in to your fear and anger has brought your own worse fears upon you?  Like I mentioned earlier, fear is a paralytic, whereas courage is a motivator.  Do not fear what will happen to your family without you, instead act and make sure that they will be provided for and protected even if you are gone.  Now don’t get me wrong.  I know you would die for your family and that you protect them very well, and you are most certainly not a coward.  My point is that if you fear that they will be subjected to hell, make their hell easier to live with.  If you fear they will starve, teach them how to fish instead of just bringing them food.  You need to let go of yours fears, there is only so much you can do for your family, and they don’t expect any more from you.  Let go of the fear of what you cannot control, and focus only on doing what you can. See your fears fade in your mind, come to terms that you just can't help certain things.... Once you have put your fears behind you, tell me how you feel.”

Mood:  Calm
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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 2:21 pm

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Isikiro sheepishly glanced down at her lap as Tarek spoke. it did kind of make sense, but at the same time, how were some people who were so poor that they were practically enslaved, be able to change their lot in life. It wasn't like her siblings sat around all day doing nothing... just that they were young and isi did not want to subject them or their crippled mother to the sort of hardships that she was exposed to on a regular basis. They knew how to work though and would do so when they were able and within their limits. And yet none of that had helped or had been enough. This was the cause of Isi's lament.
"Ah... Ah guess y'forged y'er own future." she admitted, looking up at him, "Ah jus' wish Ah coulda dun th'same..."

Isikiro's eyes widened. She was not a self-proclaimed skilled earthbender here. Those she had worked with or those she had fought had warned others of that small but very powerful girl that worked in the mines. For one, she was dangerous because she was a brawler, but secondly, many people (none nearly as wise as Tarek, however) considered her very skilled because of her strong earthbending skills. Skill and strength were not the same though, and surely Tarek knew this.
"Show me... please?" she was still humbled and her tone indicated this. She wanted to learn.

Isi did look a tiny bit insulted at the mention of her family, but she did not lash out.
"'Ey! the nex' oldest kid's only 11... 'n me mother kin hardly even walk no more... Ah've taught 'em to do what they can... but Ah'm jus' worried... wut if th'stuff they do ain't enuff? what if it just don't cut it? Ah jus' don't wanna die knowin' that they'd probably die withou' me..." she sighed.
"How..." she asked meekly, closing her eyes, "How 'kin Ah release them fears... Ah dun' wann'em... Ah jus' wanna make sure m'family could fahnd a'way t'live 'n less shitty conditions, even if Ah did end up disappearin' 'r sumthin." She was trying; she really was, but she didn't seem able to just shed her fears like an unwanted burden. Her family was basically the reason for her existence, and it had only brought them closer after her father was killed and her mother was crippled. Heck, those old work clothes she had (which she would demand to keep) had been her father's, which had also been why they were a little bit loose on her.
"Ah'm th'only bender in m'family..." she also added, "so that's always jus' been 'nuther reason whah Ah've bin able t'help 'em so much... but..." she sighed.
"Now, kin... 'kin ya halp me?"
Mood: Meek
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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyTue Sep 09, 2014 4:05 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek smiled.  He was glad that Isikiro didn’t just swallow up everything she heard.  Instead she applied her own logic to whatever Tarek said in order to try and understand things better.  A curious mind was a mind eager to learn, and she had a very curious mind, filled with questions.  “Our past is a part of us, it does shape us but it does not rule us.  Sometimes our pasts can help us, other times it can hinder us.  It is not a crutch or an excuse to use for our current decisions however.  In your case, your past is something you must use as a lesson, and learn from.  Your past is something you need to overcome.  You should be the conqueror, not your past.  Letting go is hard and it is a lifetime task, otherwise nobody would have issues…but you are a strong young woman, I know you can do it.”

Tarek shook his head slightly at your second remark.  “My dear, you are a truly remarkable bender, don’t get me wrong.  You manipulate the earth well, you have precision and more.  But were you in control of your actions?  True power is mastery not of the elements.  But of oneself.”  He said pausing briefly, “you were a slave to your emotions.  But when all this is done, you will be a master of yourself.  And then you will see what happens to your bending.  You will do things you never thought possible.”

Tarek nodded when she mentioned her fears.  They were very familiar.  One of Tarek’s own greatest fears was losing his amazing family.  “I too know that fear.  But I realised that life is an unknown.  No matter your skill or power, anything can happen.  I took comfort in the fact that I have done my utmost for my family.  I have taught my children to be responsible and make the right decisions; I have spent as much time as I could with them all as I could.  I have no regrets.  They have their own lives, and I have equipped them to face anything that comes at them.  Losing someone is always tragic, no doubt, but let go of the fear of losing them, and embrace the joy of having them.  You will feel better instantly, I promise.”

Tarek then softly touched her abdomen, just above her intimate area.  He was very calm and gentle, and it was in no way sexual.  “The next chakra is the water chakra, it deals with pleasure and is blocked by guilt.  When pleasure is blocked, the world seems to become grey and dull.  Everything becomes a chore and negative emotions like bitterness and depression can take root.  Now, think of all that causes you guilt and tell me about it.  Then we can work to eliminate that guilt and unblock your second chakra.”

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

Last edited by Tarek on Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyWed Sep 10, 2014 10:22 pm

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Isikiro nodded. She was never one to just blindly believe things, but had never really thought too deeply about some of them. When she was so fixated on survival, there was simply no time.
"But tha's 'xactly wut Ah wanna do," she admitted, "Ah wanna let m'past go... jus'... Ah can't really do tha' when Ah'm on th'brink'o starvation, y'know?" she wasn't trying to justify herself here or anything either--she was just explaining where she came from and why it had been so hard to escape the past when she was still living in it.
"Tha's whah... if Ah could jus' git outta lit'rally livin' in m'past... Ah could let it go... Ah think it'll be much easier now tho..." House arrest or not, if it got her out of the mines, she would settle for it.

Isikiro listened. She had never been called a remarkable bender before... just a very strong one who relied almost solely on brute force and straightforward attacks and defenses. She possessed a very unique and aggressive style that was in fact fuelled by her negative emotions.
"Ah wanna learn 'en." she insisted, "Ah dun' wanna be so angry 'n aggressive that Ah blow up 'n do what Ah did here 'gain..." she shook her head, the guilt from such a thing still weighing down upon her just a little. She would slowly correct this behavior though... when Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok put her mind to something, it got done unless it proved to be literally impossible. Otherwise, she had no limits.

At her family, Isi nodded slowly. "Ah... Ah git it... jus'... they wuz literally on th'brink 'o starvation!" she exclaimed, "Ah... Ah had t'be able t'do what Ah did, otherwahz they'd go hung'ry 'n 'ventually starve... Then there'd be no way t'git 'em back... Ah... As long'z they've got food 'n shelter now... Ah think they 'kin handle 'emselves..." she gave a soft, meek little smile, her hand touching along her thigh, still a bit awestruck at how smooth it was. Yes... yes her life could begin anew.

Isi could tell that the touch was explanatory and in no way sexual. It didn't stop her from having a slightly noticable intake of breath, but she remained perfectly calm otherwise.
"Well..." she began, taking a deep breath, "other'n wut happened 'ere t'day... Ah think th'biggest thing would be jus' that Ah haven't b'in able t'better pr'vahd f'er m'family..." she admitted, "Ah know it sounds like m'past is th'source of all m'problems... but it kahnda is... 'n Ah wanna git rid've it... Ah'm listenin'..."
She'd be fine with shedding these guilts. The sources of the problems were either things being currently rectified, or things that she never wanted to do again, and she was pretty sincere in those desires, so hopefully it would turn out well.
Mood: Meek
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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyFri Sep 12, 2014 9:57 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek nodded.  “Indeed you have been given a unique chance now, and letting go will be easier, but starving or not your past is set in stone and cannot be changed.  So it is a futile thing to dwell on what has been done.  Your focus should always be on the horizon ahead.  You need goals, plans, and objectives, and more than this you need the tenacity and discipline to get there.  Like I mentioned earlier, I came from poverty into riches.  The thing is, when you are fighting for your survival it is hard to look ahead or have hope.  The day starts with you fighting and ends with you fighting; there is no time for you to even dream, let alone accomplish your dreams.  But it can be done…I know this because while I was starving and cold out in the field, I wasn’t thinking about the fact that I was poor and alone.  I thought about my future.  I knew what I wanted, I knew that it would be hard to get it and eventually after many years, I got it.   My dreams motivated me and drove me.  What money I got I saved, even if it meant I had to go another day without shelter or food.  I am not comparing myself to you, or even saying our situations were remotely alike, I am just using my story as an example; take from it what you will.”

At her next remark Tarek smiled widely.  “My dear girl, you wanting to let go of your anger means more then you know.  You have a good heart and I know you will accomplish all you desire.” Tarek smiled again.  “You need not justify why you fear, it is a perfectly normal thing to feel what you feel. Regardless of your past or family situation, fear is a poison.  We are trying to purge it from your system by using your most obvious fears in order to confront them and defeat them.”

Tarek nodded.  “Your guilt weighs heavily on you, but it is ill founded.  You could not help what you could not have done.  Of course you were a provider, but your family doesn’t blame you for their situation nor should you blame yourself.  I can tell you that what I see and what your family sees when we look at you is the same thing:  A young girl who loves her family so much and just wants the best for them.  There is no guilt in that.  So release those feelings of guilt and you will begin to feel pleasure again…Pleasure for all things in life.”

Tarek then touched her belly, the most concentrated well of chi in the body.  Isikiro might have felt her energy surge for a second as Tarek manipulated it to feel her chi paths.  “The next chakra is the fire chakra.  It deals with willpower and is blocked by shame.  Your shame deals with what you most regret doing.  You need to realise that it is in the past, and that only if you move on, determined to do things differently and better will you be able to be rid of it.  Now slowly, breathe out as you let go of all your shame.  I need to feel what is happening to your chi energy.” He said as he closed his eyes and touched her stomach with both hands.

Mood:  Calm
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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyTue Sep 16, 2014 6:29 pm

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Isikiro nodded. "Ah'm doin' wut Ah can, really... Goals?" she did stop to think about that one for a while. Other than feeding her family and ensuring their safety, what were Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok's dreams and goals? her ambitions and desires...
After a moment, she gave a meek smile. "Ah wanna start'a bizness... lahk... own a bizness... run'a bizness...a 'n treat m'workers fairly 'n kahndly... th'way Ah'd wanna be treated 'n all that..." it did bring a soft smile to Isikiro's face as she thought about it. It was clearly a very ambitious goal, but Isi was a very hard worker who was willing to do just about anything to get what she wanted--just that up until now, she was mostly concerned with the preservation of herself and more importantly, her family.
She nodded. "so Ah know wut Ah want... 'n how t'git it... even if raht now it'sa bit outta mah reach... If Ah could jus' git back'n mah feet..." she smiled, and otherwise accepted Tarek's words.

Isikiro nodded at Tarek's other remark. "well... other'n losin' em... Ah don't really have nuthin' else Ah'm worried 'bout... as long as they've got sumthin' t'eat... Ah'm ready t'face th'world 'n ever'thin in it." This was true, and the confidence in her voice had returned. As long as she had her family as her lifeline, Isikiro was not worried about what happened in life. That was how she was able to overcome the gruelling hours and the lashings from the working camps. Her comfort during those mercilessly hard times in her life was knowing that her family was okay.

When he spoke of guilt, Isikiro smiled, her eyes becoming watery. "tha... tha's 'xactly wut Ah wanted... Ah jus' wan'ed peace... Ah wan'ed th'best 'fer 'em... knowin' now that they 'kin git that..." well, she seemed unable to finish, but her expression seemed to speak volumes about it. It truly seemed that all of this girl's problems were centered on the plight of her family. Without that looming over her head, letting go of her negative emotions seemed to be fairly easy for her.

When Tarek touched her belly, Isi did give out a tiny squeak, but otherwise remained fairly calm. He would notice that her chi was very strong and very concentrated. Sure enough, the girl possessed an incredible amount of power. She breathed in deeply. "it'sall in th'past..." she murmured, "'sall in th'past..." there was forgiveness. There was salvation... this one seemed to pass fairly quickly, and there was a surge in Isiikro's chi energy when it did.
Mood: Meek
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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyWed Sep 17, 2014 10:39 pm

Tarek Raiden

Tarek listened to all that Isi had to say with a big smile.  With his hand on her belly he could start feeling her negative energy dissipate and be replaced with positive energy.  His words were finally getting through to her and her Chakras were opening.  “You are starting to shake off the negativity that weighed you down…feel how your positive energy and emotions free you from your bonds of rage and despair.  I can feel a change in your very being, by the way you are starting to talk and by what is happening inside you right now, it’s amazing…” he told her proudly.  “Do not lose sight of your dreams, I know you will accomplish them.”

He took a deep breath before he introduced the next chakra, knowing that this would probably be the hardest for her to deal with, because despite all her progress so far, she still brought up the point of losing her family.  He slowly extended is hand and placed it just above her left breast.  “The next chakra, is the air chakra…located in the heart.  It deals with love, which you have in abundance, however…it is blocked by grief…particularly the grief of losing someone.  When we are stricken with grief, we cannot love in the same capacity as we could before…” he paused, considering his next words.   “Earlier you mentioned losing your father…but he is not lost to you.  Love is a powerful energy, it surrounds us, binds us, penetrates us…you still carry the love of your father in your heart and can be reborn in the shape of new love.  So don’t let your grief choke you, let it go now and let your father’s love which you carry inside resurface and cleanse you,” he said giving her a big hug.  

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyMon Sep 22, 2014 4:55 am

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Isikrio smiled. It was nice to be reassured for once rather than bitched to about how she wasn't working hard enough--she was busting her ass. She was definitely working hard enough, and that was not just her opinion either.
But for someone to actually encourage her to chase her dreams that way (her dreams weren't too unreasonable right? was it so much to ask to be able to own and run a business?), well that made Isikiro smile quite broadly.
"Ah won't lose sight've 'em." she reassured Tarek, "Ah jus... well, Ah'm excited t'be able t'actually have th'tahm t'trah'n achieve 'em."
Such was the nature of the little earthbender. She was simple to please really.

At the mentioning of her next chakra, Isi did stop and think about that one for a moment. Clearly she loved her family and cared the world and them some, for them. Of course, there was no bringing her father back, even if the rest of her family was still considerably safe.
With a pause, she glanced down at her hand, where she bore a simple but beautiful little wedding band. Obviously Isikiro herself was still single, but this ring had some significant importance to her. It was her father's wedding ring. With a pause and a smile, she turned to Tarek, brandishing her hand for a moment.
"Ah know he's never truly gone..." she indicated, "'N Ah love 'im th'same way 'e loved us... that ain't never gonna change..." She took a deep breath, sighing comfortably. Yes, her grief had not exactly overpowered her love, which was certainly for the better.
Mood: Meek
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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyMon Sep 22, 2014 3:43 pm

Tarek Raiden

Tarek smiled happily and nodded as Isikiro spoke and then showed him her father’s wedding band, letting go of her grief.  She was really making progress.  “I am sure that your father would be so proud of you right now.” He reassured her with a gentle smile.  “We are almost finished, you are really flying through them,” continued Tarek as he moved his hand up to her throat.  “Next we have the sound chakra.  It deals with truth and is blocked by lies…or more accurately, it is blocked by the lies we tell ourselves.  To open up this chakra you need to identify all the lies you have you have told yourself, and accept your true nature.  These lies are what people tell you and even if you don’t believe them, they take deep root in your mind and when things get rough, these lies will resurface and hinder you from seeing the truth.  These lies could be anything like:  ‘you will never amount to anything,’ or ‘you are a failure.’  Let any of the lies you have told yourself or allowed others to tell you go, and the truth shall take its place.”

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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PostSubject: Re: Coal for the Furnace   Furnace - Coal for the Furnace EmptyTue Sep 23, 2014 6:59 am

Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok

Isikiro smiled. "T'see me not dominated bah workin' in th'mines... 'n t'see me puttin' mah powers t'the test lahk this... Aye... Ah think he'd be proud." Isi was the only earthbender in her family, although she had mostly just taught herself the moves and tricks that she knew, from observing, and from being surrounded by so much earth all the time. With her chakras opening, perhaps she really would learn new tricks and skills that she never would have imagined.

The earthbender closed her eyes as Tarek touched her throat. "Ah... ah guess th'only real lah that Ah've bin told wuz that Ah'm aggressive... Ah mean... Ah kinda am if y'think back t'wut Ah wuz doin' earlier... but otherwahz... Ah dun' wanna be lahk that no more..."
She took a deep breath.
"Ah'm not aggressive no more... Ah faht t'defend those Ah luv... not jus' cuz Ah'm pissed at people... no more takin'; mah anger out'n people who don' d'serve it..." she sighed gently, and it seemed to be working well.
Mood: Calm
Condition: Beautifully Clean
Link: Isi

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