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 Kazuki Hanamura

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PostSubject: Kazuki Hanamura   Kazuki Hanamura EmptyWed Aug 13, 2014 1:33 am

Full Name: Kazuki Hanamura
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Element: Air
Birthplace: Nomad Caravan
Position: the Wanderlust King
Training: Airbending (expert), Bojutsu (expert), Mandolin (intermediate), Hand-to-Hand (intermediate-beginner)

Personality: (220/210) Often seen as being a layabout who doesn't care about anything but fun, freedom and enjoying himself, it might come as a surprise to find that Kazuki is... exactly like that. Valuing these principles above just about everything - except, perhaps, a comfortable place to sleep - this Airbender is great at parties and other social gatherings. His easygoing nature generally gains him dozens of fast friends, but it takes a while to get any deeper into the good graces of this particular individual.

Responsibility is synonymous with 'plague' in his vocabulary, and he will do just about anything to avoid catching some of his own. While he's flirt with the ladies and likes to play around, he has that typical male aversion to commitment, thus far, and is generally miles away by the next morning. Perhaps a lady of similar persuasion would suit his fancy, though that might just put an even bigger damper on his lifestyle than the various wild oats that may or may not have been strewn behind him (Kazuki Hanamura, ladies - still single, technically).

If Kazuki does happen to find himself in a fight, he'll try to make a joke out of it; though he's generally good enough with said jokes to keep himself out of that sort of trouble in the first place.

Abilities: (232/210) Though most of Kazuki's abilities are for good fun, the young Airbender man has become proficient in using his abilities to protect himself as well. While not even close to master level, he's begun to employ the air blades, which slash at an opponent or obstacle - rather unlike the Air Nomad philosophy. Blasts of wind to the face or clothing (in order to trip someone up) are quite common a tool in his arsenal as well, employed with annoying frequency. Should he get really annoyed, Kazuki retrieves his old weighted juggling spheres, using his Airbending to hurl them through the air at high speeds.

His fighting mostly involves using his bo staff, which he carries on him at all times. It's just a stick of wood, really, and so he could improvise with a branch or something if he lost it, but his combat is better with the proper weapon. When using it to avoid his enemy, Kazuki almost looks as though he's dancing, which is definitely something that the Airbenders are known for - and oftentimes it irritated their foes to no end.

At hand-to-hand combat, this young Airbender man is actually rather pathetic, lacking the power and focus in a straight blow. Should he be forced to fight this way, Kazuki takes on a sweeping style, using centrifugal force to kick at his enemies or empower his left hook.

Height: 5'11"
Weight: Lithe
Eyes: One green, one hazel (Heterochromia Iridis)
Hair: Sandy Blond
Skin: Tanned

(266/210) Though not as tall as some, Kazuki is a rather lanky individual - in fact, his childhood nickname tended to involve phrases such as 'monkey' or 'rubber'. Once he grew into his stature, however, the Airbender is seen by many as a handsome enough young man. Points of question about his appearance tend to come from his naturally dark eyebrows (at odds with the also natural blond of his hair) and his irises, which are two different colors (green and hazel). He jokes that this is because of his very mixed ancestry, of which he isn't even fully aware and may contain each of the four nations.

The one part of himself that Kazuki likes the least is his inability to grow a beard. The best he can do is a thin layer of peach fuzz, which doesn't always go over well with the ladies, since it makes him look even more scruffy than his worn traveling clothes. While he has a traditional Air Temple uniform befitting his rank (however low it might actually be), Kazuki doesn't usually wear it, favoring loose shorts and flowing tunics, instead. Each of his ears sport several piercings as well.

He also lacks the traditional Airbender tattoo on his forehead, but has them on each of his hands. That might be because he refused to shave his head, having come to the Air Temple later in his life, or it might also be because he never formally completed his training, deciding to run off and "go back to his roots" instead (a nomad with roots - haha, funny).

Weaponry & Other Gear:

Bo Staff
Materials: Wood, metal brackets
Description: A long, straight staff that is used for fighting (or for balance, when required) - a standard weapon without secrets.

Materials: Wooden frame, strings, metal brackets
Description: A musical instrument with beautiful detail work - a standard item without secrets.

Materials: Canvas cloth
Description: Made specifically to be animal-product free, this is a basic Airbender satchel with a single blue arrow painted on the side - a standard item without secrets. Sometimes holds money or food.

History: (559/520) Born to a young Earth Kingdom nomad woman and an unknown father (though there were dozens of candidates from different towns and even within the troupe of travelers), Kazuki is definitely a mixed breed. In fact, he sports characteristics of each of the four Nations. The caravan of wanderers didn't care much, however, as there were tons of other children and adults with similar backgrounds, and thus his formative years were without reticule - and included a nice, healthy dose of acceptance both from and for others. His mother was, despite all indications, a competent one who kept her son from (most) harm and made sure that he ate his vegetables to grow up big and strong.

When it was discovered that he had some talent with Airbending, Kazuki became a part of the traveling show troupe, rather than simply family to another of the performers. His act included tightrope walking comedy (pretending to fall, pinwheeling his arms, only to save himself), sky-high juggling and even a strange little show involving ropes and escaping them with the aid of his bending. In this way, he learned several of the fancier little tricks before ever even thinking about air scooters or gliding (though he broke his arm when he was twelve, jumping off of their wagon in a misguided attempt to fly). Any sort of combat Airbending was, of course, out of the question, as he had no one to teach him such a thing.

Kazuki's shows went off well enough as far as he was concerned, considering how many young ladies followed him home each evening (once he had his own nomad wagon, of course - it wouldn't do to have such relations in his mother's home). However, when he was eighteen, the charismatic young man packed his bags and sought out the guidance of the Airbenders at the Eastern Temple, to hone his abilities. He couldn't tell you why he decided to do so - ...well, no, he could; too many young ladies were trailing behind him, trying to tie him down with things like marriage and child-rearing, which was definitely not high on his list of things to do with empty headed, albeit beautiful young women.

Thus, his training began. Combat was something he learned specifically at the Temple, preferring a bo staff over any other weapons; though flight was his absolute favorite thing to do (something he had dreamed about since he was a young lad). While he was good enough at various disciplines of Airbending, his attitude was a bit at odds with the elders of the Air Council, and so Kazuki never bothered to rise through the ranks, and some of the others did. In fact, once he felt that he had learned enough - and been enough of a cautionary tale, for the young ones - the young man took off and went back to his roots. Or lack thereof, since he began traveling once again, all on his lonesome.

The one thing Kazuki regrets above all is that he didn't snag an extra glider on his way out of the Air Temple, as his was broken, leaving him grounded. He'll claim that he doesn't mind all the walking, because it allows him to meet new people all the time, but he really wished that he could still fly.

Character Box (Required):

Kazuki Hanamura

This is a post. It does post things. I love posts that do post things. Eventually there will be many words here; they will be good for all the reading. For now though, the words do not word well because I am tired.

Mood: Excellent
Condition: Good
Link: Character Sheet

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Join date : 2014-08-13

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PostSubject: Re: Kazuki Hanamura   Kazuki Hanamura EmptyWed Aug 13, 2014 2:33 pm

Bump, because finished!
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Elite Member

Posts : 1140
EXP : 20825
Birthday : 1991-01-16
Join date : 2012-01-22
Age : 33
Location : Everywhere

Character Description
Age: 30
Position: Avatar
Nation: Water Tribes

Kazuki Hanamura Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kazuki Hanamura   Kazuki Hanamura EmptyWed Aug 13, 2014 11:38 pm

silly silly Jurishe. Cute character box "post" <3

Kazuki Hanamura Soa
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PostSubject: Re: Kazuki Hanamura   Kazuki Hanamura Empty

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