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 Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED

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Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Empty
PostSubject: Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED   Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED EmptyTue Jan 27, 2015 9:28 pm

Full Name: Sabastion Loth
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Element: Water
Birthplace: Southern Water Tribe
Position: Pirate Captain
Training: Axe [Master]
Sword [Master]
Waterbending [Expert]
Sailing [Expert]
Navigation [Intermediate]

Personality: Sabastion is a fearsome and unstoppable warrior. He is a man driven by a lust for glory and fame, but also of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. All of which makes him a fearsome warrior who is dedicated to his cause.

In battle, Sabastion is swift and ferocious, and his blows carry incredible force behind them which allows him to defeat any enemy in battle. He is a warrior born, a master of the axe, sword and spear. His speed and strength are such that he is able to defeat multiple foes at a time, and his fortitude is such that he can endure a great deal of punishment and yet fight on through sheer will. In terms of raw physical strength, he is capable of overpowering even his larger brother Rollo; who wields his massive battle-axe as if it weighed nothing at all.

Despite his qualities all pointing him as a fearsome warrior and bloodthirsty raider, Sabastion is a devoted family man as well. He is a fine husband to his wife, but an even better father to his children; whom he adores. Particularly his son Bjorn, whom he dotes on. Sabastion also cherishes his brother Rollo, though his love for his brother blinds him to his resentment for him. Sabastion also cherishes the lives of his friends and reciprocates their loyalty to him. He is deeply protective of his follower's lives, and to harm them is to invite his vengeance.

Sabastion is quite a deep character past his intellectual and martial prowess. Sabastion is ambitious, almost to a fault. Sabastion cares for all those under him, and would be willing to go to extreme measures to protect them. All in all, it's Sabastion's ambition, courage, and eagerness that make him a special leader rather than his fighting skill. This is what separates him from his brother who is only a warrior and nothing more.

Abilities: Sabastion is not one to be defeated. He is a great warrior, wielding an axe in one hand and a sword in the other, and his lust for glory is only surpassed for his thirst for knowledge. He can defeat anyone, as he uses both psychological warfare and has great intellect, being able to be several steps ahead.

The psychological warfare comes from people imagining him and his crew as giant, 7 foot tall beasts, never getting a scratch. He plays up this belief when he raids, making his men yell battle cries to scare and intimidate the inhabitants, while not fearing to get smothered in blood. Although, he only kills those who oppose and fight back. Those who huddle and cower are safe. He only wants the loot, really. Although, if comes across unknown territory, he will assume everyone is a threat, and kill them all.

Being a master of the weapons he has on him at all times and the power he has at his disposal came with hard work as a farmers boy, living on a small island that was just barely warm enough for plants to survive. Although, many of them failed, so Sabastion is no stranger to hunger. With this work, he had strong muscles, and practiced with his older brother often bending water into the fields. His father taught them both how to fight, but Rollo and Sabastion practiced that too, and in turn became great warriors.
Sabastion doesn't use his water bending along with his use of his weapons much,  but in the times he needs to facing a difficult opponent, he does. Slashing open a wound in the opponent, he can bend water into the wound, then freezing it. Sure, it stops them from bleeding out, but ice right next to muscles, bones, blood and blood veins is worse.

Sabastion is a skilled and seasoned sailor, and has perfect head for directions and where he is. In turn, he rarely gets lost. He can read the weather better than most, able to predict the softest of rains and the harshest of storms.

Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 195 lbs

Eyes: Bright Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Skin: White

Sabastion has a very distinctive look. The side of his head is shaved smooth, leaving only a wide middle section to be pushed back behind his head, and braided. The braid goes down a in between his shoulder blades, just surpassing them. It keeps the hair out of his face in battle and looks rather dashing in his wife's mind.

He has a beard, not too long, but still having hair that curls down to make a hairy scruff. He does have side burns, but they do not connect to the middle of his head where almost all of his hair is.

In the right side of his head, he has a tattoo, lines and outlines that represent a raven cawing. These outlines are only the head feathers, the beak, the eyes, the talons, and tail feathers. The mind connects all of these to make the full raven.

The armor he wears is black chainmail underneath black leather, showing a hardened leather shape of a raven in flight in the middle. His leather tunic has short sleeves, only going to a few inches before his elbow. From there, a thinner cotton shirt goes down to his wrists. From his elbow to the hand, leather straps are wrapped and bound for protection.

He wears a simple but embroidered long shirt under it all, to not have the leather rub against him and create blisters and rashes. The shirt ends at his mid thigh, and using a belt at the waist, he hold it to his body and hold his axe. Coming from underneath the shirt, a pair of simple and soft leather pants go down to his ankles. He wears leather boots that reach up to his knee.

Weaponry & Other Gear:

Item Name: 'The Sword of Kings'
Materials: Hardened Steel, leather wrapped handle, decorative steel hilt and pommel.
Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED 50116810

Item Name: Hand Axe
Materials: Leather and Wood, Hardened Steel
Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Viking11

History: Sabastion was born an a small farm. He had an older brother, and his mother died in wedlock. His father was exceptional, always putting his boys in front of his own needs. He knew they were growing up in a dangerous world, and they were growing up fast. Their father was once a Water Tribe warrior, and taught his sons all he knew. From water bending techniques, to how to defend themselves with the sword, the axe, and the spear. Despite the lack of food most winters, Rollo and Sabastion grew quickly, and got strong fast. Rollo and Sabastion grew up closer that any other pair of brothers. They were always together, teaching each other sword and battle skills. They often wrestled, and sometimes they broke stuff. After the table incident, they always did it outside.

Their father took them out on every fishing trip he went on, which was often to get the amount of food they needed to survive. When they got older into their teenage years, Sabastion and Rollo began going on fishing trips on their own. Their father was getting old, having them born later in his life. They did everything on their own. The hard farming, the fishing, and the hunting.

Sabastion had met his wife through selling the small amounts of food that they could spare in the center of the village. She caught his eye immediately, and for a few years developed a love for her. But she was always wanting him to prove himself. Sabastion had never really told her that he loved her, but she knew.

One day, he decided to just go to her house, and confess his feelings. Upon arriving at her house, he found a wild Polar Bear Dog and a small Polar Eel Hound stalking around it. He killed the Polar Bear Dog with his spear, and strangled the Polar Eel Hound with his bare hands. after that, he gained her hand in marriage. They had a lovely ceremony, and moved to his island to continue being farmers. Soon they had a son, whom Sabastion adores to this day.

Rollo and Sabastion joined a small band of other fishermen in the village for big fishing trips, out into more open waters where fish came in leaps and bounds. On the ship, Sabastion learned how to navigate pretty well. Rollo didn't have the knack for it. Sabastion became the captain of the ship after their former captain had an accident on board, resulting in him being lame. He picked Sabastion, as he grew up fishing and knew more about the ship and how to use it than the other fishermen.

Eventually their father passed when Sabastion was 29, after Sabastion had married his wife and had a small son of his own. Sabastion still lived on the small rock, while Rollo moved to the main village, still trying to find someone to love. Once the father passed, the own who led their little village wanted their property as it was one of the very few pieces of land that could support crops. When Sabastion refused, the Chieftain ordered him and his family killed.

Sabastion was having just another day, fishing on the shore, when he heard screams from his home. An entire dozen men had arrived, all brandishing clubs and spears. During the battle, Sabastion had gotten a dislocated shoulder and a nasty gash in his leg. The other men fled, leaving behind 8 of them bleeding into the snow and dirt.

Not everyone was alright with killing Sabastion, and he sought them out. All of them were from his fishing crew. One of them his Sabastion in his home, far away from the main village. Meanwhile, the Chieftain searched and searched for him.

When Sabastion was better, finally able to walk, he challenged his Chieftain to a battle to the death. He accepted.  They had an honorable duel, but in the end, Sabastion had won, running the chieftain through with his sword.

Sabastion was then declared the new chieftain, and awarded the Chieftains sword, the ’Sword of Kings’. Sabastion was honored and took the sword, but did not accept the title. He turned the title over to a dear friend of his, the one who had sheltered him from the past chieftain. He took what men would follow him and left.

His men sailed around the world, selling fish and eating provision, always stopping back to their home once every few months or so. Sabastion missed seeing his son grow up.

One particular winter was harsh, during the War of Tipped Scales, and his people and family suffered in the extreme cold and lack of food. They could not fish enough or hunt enough, the cold chilling the water to such a high degree that it killed them. Sabastion had no choice, but to steal. But he didn't steal from the Capital, no. He went and raided the Fire Nation. They prioritized food, but some couldn't help themselves from gold and precious items. When they returned, they were met with such cheers and fame, that they did it again. And again. And again. All over the Fire Nation’s coast, hitting the wealthiest towns. Quickly, they got a reputation. But they fought with such fury that they were not seen as Water benders, but as Giants. To be fair, they were all large, and fought hard knowing it would protect their family's. They were not concerned with dying enemies, or the blood that was splattered all over them and running down their faces.

Once the war had ended, the men started to miss the raiding. They started to miss sailing around, plundering, bringing home the loot, seeing their families faces light up. Some wanted the bloodshed back. They like Sabastion, had been trained as warriors since birth.

So, after a feast, the men courted their wives once more, played with their children, kissed everybody good bye, and left on the boat. A future of Glory, infamy, and tales.

Reasons Why You Believe You Deserve a Master-Tier Character/Position: Sabastion should be a Master-Tier Character because of his skill with the sword, axe, and spear. His navigation skills are top notch, he is always two steps ahead in planning, and a wonderful father and husband when at home. Who doesn't love that?

**Required of ALL Master Tier Characters**

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Sabastion Loth[/u][/u]

OOC: This is Ky.

Last edited by Sabastion on Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:06 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED   Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED EmptyFri Jan 30, 2015 12:34 am

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Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED   Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED EmptyFri Jan 30, 2015 5:43 am

Ok, so I'm not going to approve this right away., because I think five masteries is a bit much.

Try and consider for a bit how long each of these things would take to truly master, and then imagine how crazy it would be to obtain all of these by the age of 35. Your history doesn't really mention where he attained his three weapon masteries, and I'm pretty sure that even a prodigy wouldn't become a master without some kind of training rather than simply sparring with the same person every day (in this case, Sabastian's brother, Rollo).

Because of all this, I'm gonna hold off on my own approval until the others have weighed in on it.
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Superb Member

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Birthday : 1991-01-16
Join date : 2011-11-30
Age : 33
Location : Wasatch Valley

Character Description
Age: 43
Position: Earth Queen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED   Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED EmptyFri Jan 30, 2015 6:01 am

I've gotta drink to what Tami said here. 5 masteries is a bit much, even at that age. I think expert level in 2 or 3 of those would do better to balance out the character a bit, while keeping him at a still-respectable level. Otherwise,I think it looks pretty good.
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Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED   Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED EmptyFri Jan 30, 2015 11:43 am

Changed him to 40 years old and made his Spear and Waterbending  to Expert level, and Navigaton to intermediate, and Sailing to Expert.

Also, I was trying to go for him getting the experience to become master with these weapons through his raiding, gradually getting better as they hit more and more towns.
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Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED   Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED EmptySat Jan 31, 2015 7:36 am

Okay, this seems a lot more reasonable now.


Just wait for one more approval and you're good to go!
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Superb Member

Posts : 531
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Birthday : 1991-01-16
Join date : 2011-11-30
Age : 33
Location : Wasatch Valley

Character Description
Age: 43
Position: Earth Queen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED   Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED EmptySat Jan 31, 2015 4:58 pm

rockin'. I would have even been fine with master waterbending.
Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Soa
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Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED   Sabastion, Terror of the Seas FINISHED EmptySat Jan 31, 2015 8:16 pm

Sweet, thanks!
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