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 A Dance With Death [Tuezal]

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyTue Feb 03, 2015 12:58 am

Kozue Maziki Zenava

It was perhaps an ironically delightful welcome to a world so full of powerful and destructive fighters, that there was at least one that did not take part in anything of the sort. She had proven herself capable of such at least once, but for the most part, Kozue Maziki Zenava was not a fighter, nor did she wish to be. Instead, she used her ability to put on beautiful performances, where her flames and bodies swirled around in elegant displays of color.

Often times the little performer would wear exotic costumes, although most of the time, these exotic outfits were modest, flowing dresses and robes that swirled in various colors and flowed with the little dancer's elegant movements. There was usually musical accompaniment to Kozue's performances, but the girl did not hear them. That had never stopped her from dancing perfectly to the beats of the songs though, and her keen sense of motion, focused from her elegant little hands, was enough to tell the "mood" of the song, which in turn affected her dance.

Today she was in a cute little red ensemble, with long sleeves and flowing skirts, a few little ribbons in her hair and jewelery around her neck, wrists, and on her ears. Her feet were padded inside of frilly ankle socks within a nice pair of heels--not for inches, but for a nice little clicking noise that added to her beat. Kozue's footwork was a significant part of her fire-dancing, after all.

To her... a beautifully intelligent and talented girl who lived in a dark, quiet world without working eyes and ears, this day was just like any other. Everything seemed normal, and to her, normal was good.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Kozue

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Tuezal Kai
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Tuezal Kai

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyTue Feb 03, 2015 2:38 am

Tuezal Kai

“The trail stops here!” insisted Tuezal as he walked through the streets of the Fire Nation Capital city.  Balreth walked beside him, invisible to all but Tuezal himself. “How could an artifact imbued with such power just vanish into thin air?”

“It is hidden,” replied Balreth, “Someone very powerful has masked its presence.  It seems like we will need to face the Spirit Eater without it.”

“Then we have come all this way for nothing.” Sighed Tuezal in defeat.  
Tuezal and Balreth were now in City Square, and the sounds of beautiful music filled the air.  Tuezal stopped suddenly, mesmerized by the sight that lay before him: A young woman, clad in scarlet, dancing as if she was a goddess of flame and beauty.  Tuezal’s wide eyes reflected the bright colors she was producing and he remained motionless, holding his breath as he watched her graceful performance.

Balreth raised an eyebrow at Tuezal.  “Do not waste your time fawning over that girl; we have much more pressing issues to deal with.”

Tuezal seemed to snap out of his trance when Balreth spoke. “I’m going to get a closer look,” he said as he made his way closer to the stage, completely disregarding Balreth’s words.  Balreth simply sighed.

Mood: Awestruck
Condition: Healthy

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyTue Feb 03, 2015 3:36 am

Kozue Maziki Zenava

the girl was vaguely aware of the people that watched her. They knew to look and not touch, after all. However... there was one that stood out to her--to the point where she could actually see them. That... was a rarity she had not experienced since Tarek, with only three other exceptions in her life.

But, the show would have to go on. she continued her dance, but hoped that the mysterious spirit-man would be there when she finished. It would be another half-hour or so before she took a break, but the show was certainly worth it. If he was still there when she finished, she would come to seek him out.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Kozue

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Tuezal Kai
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Tuezal Kai

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyTue Feb 03, 2015 6:32 am

Tuezal Kai

Tuezal made his way through the crowd that watched the beautiful Kozue dance on the large ornate stage in the center of the market square.  He wanted to see her close up.  The nearer he came to her the more he noticed the girl’s eyes were glazed and unmoving.  Tuezal whispered under his breath: “Is she…”

“Blind?” interrupted Balreth, “Yes, blind and deaf from birth…your mortal bodies are very fragile indeed.”

“Oh come on,” answered Tuezal, “even you have to admit that what she is doing is amazing:  Dancing on time with the music, keeping rhythm and moving so gracefully without sight to assist her.  Even you can’t deny that it is beautiful.”

“Hmmm…” grumbled Balreth, “it does have a certain pleasing aesthetic quality about it…but it is still a waste of our time.  The longer we wait, the stronger the Spirit Eater becomes.”

“Lighten up will you,” chuckled Tuezal, “The Spirit Eater can wait, let’s just enjoy the dance.”
With that Tuezal moved up towards the backstage area, vanishing from sight to get past the guards, and wait in the beautiful dancer’s dressing room.  He just had to speak with her.

Mood: Awestruck
Condition: Healthy

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyTue Feb 03, 2015 6:41 am

Kozue Maziki Zenava

By the time the little dancer had finished her performance, ending with a dazzling display of purple flames, people were practically throwing money at her. they *were* throwing flowers, ma y of which Kozue took, sniffed and smiled at. Her remaining three senses still worked after all.

But, the slightly tired little girl made her way back to her dressing room, mostly just to rest a little rather than get changed. Some of her dancer's clothes were just fancy dresses that she wore on a regular basis.

She was surprised, then, to see spirit-man there, and while her muoth did not move, there was something in her mind that did--her spirit, speaking to his.
"you followed me here? Why? and why am I able to see and hear you?" She was entirely curious, and the nature of her question and mindset made this fairly clear. The little fire-dancer stood there curiously, hoping that she wasn't just going crazy.
Mood: Happy; curious
Condition: Perfect
Link: Kozue

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Tuezal Kai
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Tuezal Kai

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Nation: Earth Kingdom

A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyTue Feb 03, 2015 8:10 am

Tuezal Kai

“You’re an idiot,” said Balreth who stood in the corner of room with his arms crossed, “how do you even plan to speak with her?  She is deaf and blind, she will most probably not even know you are here!”

“I…” started Tuezal, suddenly realizing the foolishness of his plan.  He was so caught up with this girl that he forgot that she would not see or hear him and before he could say anything else, she had already walked into the room.  What happened next however completely blew Tuezal’s mind.  He heard a voice come from the beautiful dancer.  Her lips remained motionless yet he could hear her voice clear as day.

Balreth unfolded his arms and stepped into view now, looking the girl up and down as he circled her.  “Interesting,” he began, “blind yet she can see us, deaf yet she can hear…her spirit must be potent indeed.”

Tuezal waved an arm at Balreth.  “Don’t mind him.  Just try to ignore him, Avatar knows I do…” he said interrupting Balreth’s inspection of the girl.  “I am Tuezal, and this is Balreth….and I have no idea how we can be speaking.”

“Her spirit is communicating directly with ours.” Said Balreth, “There are no physical limits in the spirit world.”

Tuezal’s eyes never left Kozue, even as Balreth spoke.  “I am here because I erm...well I saw you dance.  It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen...I just had to meet you…I hope that’s not too weird or anything.”

Balreth simply rolled his eyes.

Mood: Awestruck
Condition: Healthy

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyTue Feb 03, 2015 8:56 am

Kozue Maziki Zenava

Kozue "watched" awkwardly as the conversation unfolded. Her physical form did take on a rather confused look, which was made interesting by her featureless eyes. The little dancer's hips were also lightly swaying from under her ornate dress, though her feet remained in the same spot.

"I am glad that you enjoyed my dancing." Kozue replied, "I live to perform these sorts of thing, and train myself accordingly. It makes me happy knowing that others enjoy them too. My name is Kozue, by the way." her spirit was doing what her body could not. It was an interesting phenomenon, to say the least.
Although at this point, either perhaps out of habit, or from being blind, Kozue began undoing some of the many fastenings and zips of her outfit, to prepare to change into something simpler. After all... it was a changing room for a reason.
Mood: Happy; curious
Condition: Perfect
Link: Kozue

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Tuezal Kai
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Tuezal Kai

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyThu Feb 05, 2015 3:23 am

Tuezal Kai

“A pleasure to meet you Kozue,” said Tuezal with a smile, “I have never seen colors like that in fire before…” Tuezal froze and couldn’t finish his sentence as Kozue started undressing.  His eyes widened as his heart rate sky-rocketed.  He almost forgot to breathe as his entire body froze up in terror.

“Most peculiar,” remarked Balreth who observed the spectacle unfold, “I will never understand mortals.”

Tuezal quickly stood up, his eyes shot across the room, looking everywhere other than Kozue.  “I am so sorry!” he apologized, “I’ll leave!” he continued as he gathered some of his things clumsily.

Mood: Awestruck
Condition: Healthy

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyThu Feb 05, 2015 3:43 am

Kozue Maziki Zenava

Kozue was curious as to why Tuezal had sudde3nly reacted so oddly, but she continued undoing her dress until it was off her body, leaving her in just her underwear, her cute little frilly socks, and her heels. She began folding the garment, a tricky task given how ornate the beautiful dress was, but she had skilled little hands.

"I've never seen flames like mine either... or sensed them. A pleasure to meet you too by the way. There's no need to get giddy. I'm not going to hurt you."
at Balreths' remark, Kozue let out a physical giggle. She was not mute, after all--just deaf (and blind).

"what... the notion that we cover ourselves up, or that some people find our more natural forms to induce awkwardness?" she was in a giggly mood as she continued to carefully fold her dress, since all those extra embellishments and features made it trickier to put away.
Mood: Happy; curious
Condition: In her Underwear
Link: Kozue

Last edited by Kozue on Thu May 28, 2015 3:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tuezal Kai
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Tuezal Kai

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Nation: Earth Kingdom

A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyThu Feb 05, 2015 4:24 am

Tuezal Kai

Tuezal stared at the ground and raised his hand towards Kozue.  “It’s just not decent!  No offense to your ‘natural form’ but I am only trying to be polite.” He insisted.

Balreth tilted his head. “Tuezal? Your heart rate has quickened considerably, your palms are sweaty and your cheeks blush a deep crimson.  Are you ill?”

“Shut up!” whined Tuezal.  This was definitely not going as planned.

Balreth then looked towards Kozue.  “Both…your mortal bodies are only shells for your own spirits.  Yet you humans insist on covering your mortal shells even further?  The other thing that puzzles me is why your mammary organs are of such great interest to the men of your species.  Tuezal in particular was staring at your bosom not too long ago, yet now uncovered he looks away?  As far as I have learned they are used only for the suckling of the young of your kind, does Tuezal require sustenance from the too?”

By now, Tuezal was now having a full-fledged panic attack.

Mood: Awestruck
Condition: Healthy

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyThu Feb 05, 2015 5:04 am

Kozue Maziki Zenava

"I don't see anything impolite about admiring my form." Kozue was not conceited, but she didn't feel like she had to be in her dancing clothes to be admired. "Nothing has changed between now and earlier apart from that I am briefly bereft of clothing."

she paused at the next remarks. ""I... perhaps I should get dr--" Tuezal was freaking out, and really, that was just too much for the sweet little dancer to handle at one time. She set her neatly folded dress down and stepped towards him, her heels making light clicks as they touched the floor.
"are you okay, Mr. Tuezal?" she asked him using her spirit. "you... seem uncomfortable in my presence?"
Mood: Curious
Condition: In her Underwear
Link: Kozue

Last edited by Kozue on Thu May 28, 2015 3:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tuezal Kai
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Tuezal Kai

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Nation: Earth Kingdom

A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyFri Feb 06, 2015 3:05 am

Tuezal Kai

Tuezal shook his head, “Oh no!  Don’t misunderstand me.” He insisted, “there is nothing wrong with your form…I…I actually think it’s the more beautiful than anything I have ever laid eyes on…I have just…not spoken with a woman for a long, long time…and *HE* doesn’t help me at all!” he continued pointing at Balreth.

Balreth simply smirked, and Tuezal took a deep breath, now looking up at the woman.  “I’m most certainly not uncomfortable around you.”  He reassured her, shooting a dirty look towards Balreth. “As a matter of fact, from the moment I saw you dance, all I wanted was to get closer to you…I know it sounds cheesy…but it is true.”

Mood: Awestruck
Condition: Healthy

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyFri Feb 06, 2015 3:09 am

Kozue Maziki Zenava

Kozue 'listened' to the explanation, before nodding understandingly. Sure most of her audience was fairly classy and civilized, but now and again there was that crass bastard who, if he had his way, would have pulled off Kozue's skirts and panties and ravaged her. But... she didn't sense any of that lust from this man.

"well... here I am, in the flesh." she couldn't help but give one of those cute little giggles again. The charm of a giggling girl in ruffled undergarments was surely a tricky one to resist. "was there something else you wished to ask of me?" Not that she was trying to deflect the subject or anything either; it was just... now he had seen her, so what else did he want?
Mood: Curious
Condition: In her Underwear
Link: Kozue

Last edited by Kozue on Thu May 28, 2015 3:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tuezal Kai
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Tuezal Kai

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Age : 32

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Position: Traveler/Bodyguard
Nation: Earth Kingdom

A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyThu May 28, 2015 3:24 am

Tuezal Kai

“Yes,” Answered Balreth in response to Kozue’s next question. “We came here following the trail of a powerful artifact.  I can sense its power on you, which means you must have been close to it recently.  Tell us where the Amulet of Tsun is mortal…and we won’t have to hurt you.”

“Woah!” interrupted Tuezal, immediately raising his hands and shooting a glance at Balreth, “we aren’t going to lay a hand on her understand?!” Tuezal proceeded to give Kozue an apologetic bow, “Please allow me to rephrase that for Balreth.  We have tracked an artifact of great power that has recently been found in the City of the Sun Warriors. We need it to bind a monstrous and murderous creature who consumes spirits and steals their strength.  Even though you already radiate an aura of spiritual energy, we can clearly sense that you have been in very close proximity to the artifacts power and well...we were wondering if you have any idea where it is?”

Mood: Awestruck
Condition: Healthy

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyThu May 28, 2015 4:11 am

Kozue Maziki Zenava

Kozue thought about it for a moment, putting her little hand to her jaw and caressing it, as if she was stroking an invisible beard.
"I am familiar with it, yes..." she nodded slowly, "It was in the hands of a powerful Air Nomad Warrior... and she turned it over to the Fire Lord..." Kozue could tell who people were just by sensing their spiritual levels. Everyone read differently to her, and of course, up close, her keen heat senses differentiated people with general ease.

"although at this point..." she gave pause, still standing there in her frilly underwear, "I fear it has been moved... but it remains in the possession of the White Lotus. That is all I am able to read from it at this point." she hoped not to anger the spirit, and there was plenty of her that wanted to get to know Tuezal better too.
Mood: Curious
Condition: In her Underwear
Link: Kozue

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Tuezal Kai
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Tuezal Kai

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Age : 32

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Position: Traveler/Bodyguard
Nation: Earth Kingdom

A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyMon Jun 01, 2015 6:51 am

Tuezal Kai

As Kozue mentioned the Fire Lord, Balreth shot a look in her direction.  “The Fire Lord?  You know the Dragon Sage?” asked Balreth in an almost curious tone.  Tuezal seemed like he was very confused as to what Balreth was talking about.  “I know him, long have he and I communed.  He isn’t like other mortals, he walks the Spirit World unbound and unfettered.  Does he have the Amulet?”

Tuezal had no idea what was going on, but he let Balreth say his peace and waited for Kozue to reply.  As Balreth and Kozue spoke he couldn’t help but take in every little detail he could about Kozue.  The way she stood, the way her lips moved as she spoke, the way her underwear accentuated the beautiful contours of her body, the way her flawless skin invited him to reach out and feel it, the way her voice sounded, irresistible and sweet. He lost himself and for those few moments, there was nowhere else he would rather be.

Mood: Awestruck
Condition: Healthy

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyMon Jun 01, 2015 5:10 pm

Kozue Maziki Zenava

Kozue gave pause, contemplating the question. "from what I understand, he has left a false trail in the spirit world that I have investigated to no avail. It's probably set up to deceive interlopers who might otherwise steal it... Luckily Lyndis the Spirit-Dreamer has not interfered..."
There were stories of this Lyndis girl... a slightly unhinged young lady that could control elements of the spirit world as if like a lucid dream. No one really knew her intentions or desires though, and so luckily it seemed that she was not doing anyone any harm.

As she spoke, she sometimes shifted her legs or gestured her hands, so entranced by this spiritual conversation that she had forgotten (or simply didn't care) that she was completely exposed except her feet and her privates. her lips remained closed, although her expression sometimes changed, given the telepathic nature of their speaking, giving those beautiful red lips of hers a nice twisting shape. While she might have been surprised at being touched, if it were gentle, she might just like it...
Mood: Interested
Condition: In her Underwear
Link: Kozue

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Tuezal Kai
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Tuezal Kai

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Nation: Earth Kingdom

A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyWed Jun 17, 2015 9:19 am

Tuezal Kai

Balreth paused and looked at Tuezal.  “If Tarek the Dragon Sage has hidden the Amulet, then it is beyond our reach.  We will need another way to bind the spirit eater and banish him from existence.”
Tuezal rubbed his chin, “We were counting on that amulet...but okay.  What about this Lyndis character?” asked Tuezal, turning to Kozue.  “Could she help?”

“Not likely,” Balreth interrupted, “She is dangerous, unpredictable.  Besides...she has drawn the attention of other powerful spirits which Tzekel-Kan can simply devour and use to become more powerful.”

Tuezal glared at Balreth, wishing he would stop interrupting when he was trying to talk with Kozue.  But as Balreth spoke, Tuezal got another idea.  “What about Kozue then?  You yourself said she is incredibly powerful.” He insisted.

Balreth looked at Kozue once more.  “Hmmm...perhaps...she does seem to radiate a strong spiritual aura and she does know of Lyndis and the Dragon Sage.  I am just worried she distracts you from our mission, even now I can feel her presence drawing your thoughts away.”

“Would you stop!?” demanded Tuezal, “all these things you notice are natural things us mortals go through when we find someone stop drawing attention to it!  It's what makes us... us!”

Balreth simply smirked, “Very well then.” he replied as he stepped into Tuezal and vanished from sight.

Tuezal took a deep breath and turned his attention back to Kozue.  “Sorry about that...but anyway...what do you say? Willing to help us out?”

Mood: Awestruck
Condition: Healthy

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A Dance With Death [Tuezal] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dance With Death [Tuezal]   A Dance With Death [Tuezal] EmptyFri Jun 19, 2015 10:59 pm

Kozue Maziki Zenava

Kozue gave pause, contemplating those words. "Lyndis is tricky because she is erratic." she explained. Anyone giving them an audience right now might have thought Tuezal was talking to himself, since Kozue's lips and mouth did not move, nor did she make a physical sound. Her spirit, however, was full of life and communication.

"I can likely assist you in your endeavors." she smiled a moment later, "what is it that we must do?" obviously if she went anywhere from here, she'd get dressed, but for now, she was busy conversing. No need to interrupt that with putting clothes on. xD
Mood: Interested
Condition: In her Underwear
Link: Kozue

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