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 Zelgius Sanaki

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Senior Member

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Age : 33
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Character Description
Age: 47
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Nation: Fire Nation

Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki EmptyThu Nov 10, 2011 2:32 am

Zelgius Sanaki Scz
Full Name: Sanaki Calameda Zelgius
Gender: Female
Age: 47
Element: Fire
Birthplace: City of the Red Maiden (Fire Fountain City)
Position: Fire Lady; Actress, Ex-Assassin
Spouse: Tarek Raiden
Katsuo [18]
Kaede [18]

Kilon [8]
Keiko [6]
Kyla [2]
Kozue [31, adopted]
Firebending: Master Level
Lightningbending: Expert Level
Martial Arts: Master Level
Heat Sense: Master Level (taught this to Tarek)
Swordmanship: Expert Level

Personality: (435)
======EARLY YEARS (0-28) ======
To try and describe the personality of such a fickle noblewoman would be a trying task, but not impossible. Nothing is impossible when your mind is in it. That is one of Sanaki's many philosophies.
Secrecy is another of her key virtues, as her very existence had been kept a secret in her early years. After all, if people don't have to know about it, why tell them? It is because of this that Sanaki appears to be an honest, compassionate, and honorable woman. In reality, she is more of the type who will claw her way to the top of a hill and then prevent anyone else from climbing it. While it is not to say that she is without morals, her profession involved devious trickery, a bit of violence, and, of course, deception. Some would call her a malevolent woman because of the way she views death. She had few regrets when a kill is made, stating "it is simply business."
Sanaki's pride is a formidable force. She is quite proud of and content with who she is, and she enjoys the life of lavishness that she leads. there are very few things that anyone could get her to admit that she not proud of.
The rest of this creature's personality involves a posh superiority complex over those she deems "inferior", as well as--though you would never hear it from her lips--insecurity... over many things. To fully understand what these are requires more information on the other aspects of this woman.

======PRESENT DAY (29-35, onward)======
Everything changed when Sanaki fell in love. it was like the child that she had spent so long repressing was finally released, and she felt almost entirely different. her fickle personality became the repressed one, covering up her wicked past. to suddenly have children of her own, Sanaki became a momma bear. she cared deeply for her children, and found that she had a soft spot for the, due to her own formerly-repressed childish nature. this nature sticks out quite a bit, but she still has her formality and her manners around others and in proper company. by herself or with her family though, she very well might just be a child trapped in an adult body.
Sanaki is a very expressive woman, showing all sorts of emotions that she had kept repressed as a child and a young adult. she loves to act and loves to dance, and is sometimes a little pampered and spoiled, but even this, she does not regret. she is a much happier person now that she has a proper, functional family, and it shows.

Abilities: (375)
Sanaki is a woman of several talents. Considering that her life was relatively easy, she was able to do whatever she pleased for the most part. She took that seriously, becoming a talented firebender and skilled with the blade. No one is flawless however. No one knows if she was born blind or turned blind, but at this point it doesn't matter. What matters is that Sanaki's eyes are little more than useless, (albeit pretty) glazed-gold orbs situated on her face.
This did not make Sanaki a helpless woman. She was ready to adapt, and did so. Her firebending gave her a keen "motion sense" that followed the heat from other living things, as well as from motion. It is far from flawless, however, but she can effectively detect her surroundings using her hands to feel the different heat levels. This sense is aided by her very sensitive sense of touch, as well as her very keen hearing. the sayings were true that said that when one sense failed, the others would become more intense.
Sanaki's "motion sense" is not unstoppable either. colder climes, as well as any damage to her hands, make it hazy for her, and she has to rely more on her ears to get around. As a result of these dangers, Sanaki lingers around warmer climates, and is very edgy when anyone touches her hands. Her feet are the same way in theory, but shoes are worn among Fire Nation nobility, and Sanaki is no exception.
Sanaki's profession required nothing short of competence and skill in bending and swordplay. After all, any respectable assassin could tell you that there was not only one way to kill a person, but that no one should rely on one method alone. Nonetheless, Sanaki's movements, while they lack a punch-packing power, do have speed to make up for it--so she often strikes before her enemy knew what had hit them.
Now, at 47, she is a master at many trades, including firebending, her unique heat-sense, and martial arts, while retaining expert skills in swordplay and lightningbending. she has lightning-swift reflexes, and this has served her well during her years as an assassin. she has grown more powerful with age, but still specializes in speed.

Appearance: (285)
Height: 5'7"/170 cm
Weight: 129 lbs / 58.5 kg
Eyes: glazed golden yellow (blind)
Hair: Black, straight, thigh-length.
Skin: Pale

Like any respectable noble of either gender, Sanaki is well-groomed and adorned in finery. Fire Nation finery included elegant robes of deep reds and golds, and Sanaki's were no different. She wore lightweight flats upon her feet, and her stride was nearly silent. Her skin, as evidenced from her head and her hands, was slightly paler than usual, but it was not by any means pale enough to shame a ghost. Conversely, her hair was black--very black. the ornate topknot, as well as the straight, silky, waist-length strands, were very well-kept, without a single one out of place. Her hair often even smelled pretty.
Sanaki's clothing was snug enough that it would not slip or come loose, but it was airy enough that she was not restricted in her movement. This may have also been augmented by a slit in the right side that went up to the waist--sometimes parts of her leg would show. Then again, Sanaki was a beautiful woman--all nobles were. There was nothing wrong with a little tease or two--which was clearly what the garment had been designed to do.
Physically, Sanaki is tall and slender. Since most of her time is spent honing her skills, she is in good physical shape, and remains swift and light on her feet. The catch? the delicate body of a pretty little noble wasn't designed to take very many hits. She wouldn't last long in a fistfight--not that she would ever let herself get trapped in one. despite this, she is very well-toned, and the hours she spends grooming her body show. Her age has not yet caught up with her appearance, and she is therefore still very pretty.

Weaponry & Other Gear:
Item Name: twin dragon-head blades
Materials: gold hilts; steel blades
Description: a simple set of swords that have small dragon-heads at the ends of the hilt. while these are gold, the rest if made from fine steel, and thus remain durable. apart from the intricacy of the dragon-heads, they are simplistic in their appearance.

History: (1013)
The 47-year-history of Zelgius Sanaki is a blood-stained path of treachery, deceit, intrigue, cunning, and in Sanaki's words, "enjoyment of it all." Sanaki's parents were as ambitious as their 2nd-born daughter and Mikaya, Sanaki's older twin sister. It seemed that freedom was a small price to pay when you could do what you wanted. Both children wanted to hone their skills, and that was exactly what their parents wanted them to do. So while they had little opportunity to do much else but become more skilled, neither woman seemed upset by this. It was easy to strip freedoms away from someone if they never noticed they were gone.

In such a household, there was no room for error though. mistakes were punished severely, often with just enough physical abuse for it to hurt, but never enough to scar the perfect little bodies of these young women. Sanaki and her sister were no use if they were marred.
Alas, the life of violence and intrigue ran all through the family, giving the Zelgius line a bloodstained path through the generations. Sanaki and Mikaya even competed against each other, and there was no love between them just as there was no love between them and their parents. Whatever the case, the family remained alive and well for many years.
Then, 'tragedy' struck. It seemed that the Zelgius family's love of forcing their offspring to hone their skills in many different areas, finally came back to bite them. Stealth, swordplay, and the easiest way to kill another person were the skills that ended the lives of Sanaki's sister, mother, and father. Lies, deceit, and imitation skills were what protected Sanaki's innocence. The murderer of Sanaki Calameda Zelgius' family was never found, thanks to Sanaki's skills at hiding any and all evidence of her deadly deed.

By this time, she was an adult at the lovely age of 25, and so she was able to handle things quite well on her own, and handling the estate and the riches therein, was a task Sanaki quite enjoyed. Nonetheless, she had also been taught that everything had its price. She knew that she could not spend without some source of income--so she put her skills to the market. After all, that was exactly what her parents had done with her, and had planned to continue doing.

It was not long after that, that Zelgius Sanaki became an assassin. killing people in a discreet manner was nothing new to her, and she was very keen at spotting anything that could be used as evidence against her. When someone important needed to be picked off, people paid well for a job well done. Sanaki was usually the one for this job.

"Death happens," she liked to say, "and when I get paid for it, death happens more."
She was a difficult woman to suspect of such crimes though. Who would think that the pretty little noblewoman who smiled coyly behind her fan would be a cold-blooded killer? After all, it was only 10 years ago that Sanaki's devastated wails and expressions from the loss of her family were fresh in people's minds. She wouldn't have cried if she didn't care about them, right?

It may one day catch up to her, but so far, it hasn't. Sanaki's ability to conceal her true self has kept her prosperous for 35 years. Hopefully for her sake, she would not get caught. Anything she could use to her advantage, she would.
However, all of this was soon thrown off balance when something happened that Sanaki had never expected.

She fell in love.

years of repressing the child in her had begged for it to come back out, and after finding herself attracted to one Tarek Raiden, she found her childish quirks spilling over into the real world like a dam about to burst. soon enough, this was what happened, and she became a dramatically changed woman.

Her life as an assassin swiftly dwindled from here as the two began courting, and she fell back onto one of her other passions, which was expression through dancing and acting. she devoted more of her time to becoming an actress, which also paid the bills quite well, given Sanaki's now vivid emotions and expressive personality.

Soon, she and Tarek were married, and had two beautiful children--a little boy they named Katsuo, and his younger twin sister, named Kaede. this became one of the central sources of joy in Sanaki's life and ever since she had started dating Tarek 7 years ago, she had been extremely happy. Sanaki spends most of her time exchanging various firebending tips with her husband or teaching her children some of her own secrets of skill. while their story has passed many important milestones, there are yet many more that will confront them.

And sure enough, there were. When her children were 6, the two of them were kidnapped by a powerful and dangerous group of terrorists led by a man named Raikou. This led Sanaki and Tarek on a long journey that eventually led them back to getting their children safely in their hands. However, the organization that they ravished had swiftly become their enemies that day.

Shortly before the Reckoning incident, as it later became known as, they took in a firebender girl from an old friend of Tarek's named Naseru. Tarek had seen Naseru’s adopted daughter Kozue go from adorable little kid, to beautiful young woman. As she grew, Naseru thought it best that she grow up with a family of firebenders like herself. Soon after, she was adopted by Tarek and Sanaki, and made a bona fide member of the family. Of course Naseru still visits her regularly.

The family lives happily together in the old Zelgius Estate in the Fire Fountain City, where their unity is stronger than ever. many more adventures await them, and they have had many already. With their eldest children approaching adulthood, and the caretaker Zerviah breaking age records year after year, there is no telling what lies around the next turn.

**Required of ALL Master Tier Characters** (739)

Character Box:

Sanaki Calameda Zelgius

"being a noble is deceptively worthwhile," Sanaki thought to herself, "and being beautiful feels oh so wonderful."
And it did. There was not likely another reason why Sanaki spent at least an hour sprucing herself up whenever she went out. As a result of her amount of effort put into it, and perhaps also because of the attractiveness of her family that was in her genes, Sanaki had a wonderfully-toned body, and very beautiful, graceful, and elegant form of step and movement. Sanaki enjoyed this about herself perhaps the most. her prodigious talents were very useful, granted, but they were not things that she got to enjoy herself and show off to others without them getting mixed ideas about her. Sanaki's beauty was something that she could flaunt and get away with it--being pretty and elegant was something that was expected from a noblewoman, and Sanaki almost enjoyed that fact as well. Being single added to it as well, as she got more stares, as people knew that there was not going to be an angry husband approaching someone for looking at his wife the wrong way.

Deep in thought yet again. This was Sanaki's forte. Sanaki was doing three things at once, while seemingly apparently doing nothing. She was sitting down, upholding her graceful, noble posture, and at the same time, her mercilessly keen senses of hearing and detection were picking up all sorts of information for her. Furthermore, her cunning mind was processing these thoughts, among with other theories, wants, schemes, and other things. Sanaki's deceptive noble mask did not just hide her assassin status--it hid her cunning as well. To any outsider, except perhaps Saza, Sanaki was just an everyday noble with few thoughts and very little purpose other than pleasure.

...or so that was the conclusion Sanaki picked up about Hime and Iwai. She almost felt bad for them.
"they have no idea what they are missing out on," Sanaki thought to herself, smirking behind her fan. She was smirking a lot. She half-considered becoming more aware of that, but that thought was discarded.

"being able to do what I want behind this mask though, is the most fun I've had in my life. There are so many attributes about myself that I can't even control, that work to my advantage. I wonder how many people actually know that I'm blind..."

and she did wish to know. her glazed eyes would have been somewhat of an indicator, but she did not want to draw attention to herself. She pulled the "helpless blind woman" card sometimes, and since she had not have to move, it would actually be a believable card to play on most people if Sanaki needed to. Sanaki never told any of her employers that she was blind, and her movement and skill with fire and with the blades was a deceptive indicator. Sanaki's blindness was something that had to be singled out in order to be found.

more time passed, and Sanaki overheard a little bit of conversation about some children belonging to prominent Fire Nation nobility. This did not strike much interest to Sanaki, but at the same time, she figured it'd be worth remembering, in case it ever came up again. Sanaki had that knack for remembering things like that...

...and on that note, she had remembered the way that they had taken from the estates t their present location, and she had not forgotten that she owed them both a visit at one point or another. For now though, she would remain acting casual, and be enjoying herself immensely behind her fan.

After all, to anyone that had constantly been watching Sanaki, she had not even moved. She had occasionally switched her fan to her other hand, twitched her ears or her fingers, curled her lip into a tiny smirk, shifted very slightly to remain comfortable, or sometimes crossed her legs. However, all of these, even the periodic crossing of her legs, were all minor movements that did not tell someone anything unless they knew what to look for. Even then though, that that knew what to look for would only see the twitching ears as anything significant.

And yet the funny thing about all of this, was that although she totally seemed to be doing nothing, Sanaki was actually doing a lot, and it was working to her utmost advantage.

doing "nothing" was tons of fun.

Mood: Content
Condition: Healthy

By typing your Forum name below, you acknowledge that your Master-Tier Character requires a considerable degree of activity(to be judged by our staff), and that you are subject to removal from your position of your Master-Tier Character if site staff unanimously decide you are not fulfilling this required level of activity in an undue respect. This judgement will also apply if abuse of this position occurs, whether in or out of character (IC or OOC).

Type Forum Name Here: Sanaki/Meili/Xilingshi/Zulera/Zenzi/Varsha/Raeya/Akhet/Zakura/Naseru&Kozue

Last edited by Sanaki on Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:29 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Staff Admin

Posts : 515
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Birthday : 1995-05-22
Join date : 2011-07-06
Age : 29
Location : the Netherlands

Character Description
Age: 22
Position: Ba Sing Se Citizen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki EmptyThu Nov 10, 2011 10:03 am

Oh man.. so much fire nation.


One thing: your username must be the same as your character's name.
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Senior Member

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Age : 33
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Age: 47
Position: None
Nation: Fire Nation

Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki EmptyThu Nov 10, 2011 12:06 pm

gotcha. Didn't want to change it too early, in case the character wasn't approved.
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Superb Member

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Age : 33
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Age: 16-19?
Position: Nobody
Nation: Fire Nation

Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki EmptyWed Dec 12, 2012 12:51 am

this one's ready for re-checking, yaddey yaddey.
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Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 12:22 pm


I see no inconsistencies with any rules or expectations. And I still love the Heat-Sense. Puts a new play that any of the bending disciplines can have some form of detection, not just earth.

Well done, and I might just validate this myself since other staff are so inactive about it.
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Age: 22
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Nation: Air Temples

Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 12:50 pm

Cool job, I approve too. We never decided how many you need to be reapproved, but 2 should be plenty.
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Nation: Fire Nation

Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki EmptyFri Mar 15, 2013 5:30 pm

bumped with Tarek for some minor updates and aging things and other fun stuff.
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Superb Member

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Birthday : 1992-06-29
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Age : 32

Character Description
Age: 43
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Nation: Fire Nation

Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki EmptyFri Mar 15, 2013 5:38 pm

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Staff Admin

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EXP : 156
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Character Description
Age: 6
Position: Ultimate Child Badass
Nation: Fire Nation

Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki EmptySun Mar 17, 2013 3:01 am

Beautiful. I love the Raidens. <3 Approved ^_^
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Zelgius Sanaki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zelgius Sanaki   Zelgius Sanaki Empty

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