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 Prepareing for the events to come.

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Junior Member

Posts : 33
EXP : 538
Join date : 2011-12-14

Character Description
Age: 25
Position: Southern Water tribe chief
Nation: Water Tribes

Prepareing for the events to come. Empty
PostSubject: Prepareing for the events to come.   Prepareing for the events to come. EmptyMon Jan 02, 2012 3:04 am

Kanaryu Oshiro

Loud noises could be heard coming from inside a giant igloo which was above the rest of the town. people we're pouring out from the door way of the giant igloo. on the far side of the igloo say kanaryu his eyes appeared closed as he was trying to concentrate on what would need to be said to them. They all argued with each other, The old southern water tribes chief had died at the hands of the earth king. Kanaryu had been given the position only a few days ago and he was already feeling the strees of leadership. Kanaryu him self was angered with the death of the former chief. Mostly everyone wanted revenge for his death, it was an un needed attack on the earth kingdoms part everyone cried for war, but kanaryu knew this would a fool plan, to attack the earth kingdom head on, it was suicide they didn't have that many warriors they had enough for an army but the earth kingdom was large. He slowly rose to his feet as everyone slowly turned there heads to him. He rose both his hands into the air as everyone silenced seconds after doing so. He looked over them as he walked a bit forward.

"You all speak of striking back. But... We are not enough against the earth kingdoms army. Sure we are large in number, but the earth kingdom is more. We are just a tribe of water benders and warriors, we need allies to fight by our side. We will surly die if we do this our self, we can not take a foolish approach to this. I am prepared to go to war with the earth kingdom as much as all of you but we must be smart, we must be patient. When the time is right we will have our revenge! For now we must prepare... I want all those who can stand and fight to prepare for the coming day! I want all black smiths forgeing the finest weapons and armor for our warriors and benders, i want all waterbender's to touch up on there bending skills the same goes for all you warriors out there. I want both woman and men it makes know difference, your tribe needs you!"

Everyone cheered, Kanaryu made his way forward looking left and right at people as he exited the giant igloo. Everyone else soon exited out of the igloo going back to there homes as the black smiths started to smith weapons and armor as they we're ordered to. most didn't go back home most went on to do as they we're told to, And that was to touch up on there skills and learn new ones possibly. Water bending masters went on to teach as well so everyone would be prepared for the day they would go to war. Only one thing needed to be done and that was to get some help from there allies if they would join him, Kanaryu would do this him self seeing as he was the leader of this tribe.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Junior Member

Posts : 33
EXP : 538
Join date : 2011-12-14

Character Description
Age: 25
Position: Southern Water tribe chief
Nation: Water Tribes

Prepareing for the events to come. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prepareing for the events to come.   Prepareing for the events to come. EmptyTue Jan 03, 2012 9:29 pm

Kanaryu Oshiro

Days had passed since kanaryu had his tribe prepare for war against the Earth Kingdom. they all practiced there formations smoke was in the air from all the building of naval vehicles and ground vehicles. Some we're new designs and some we're old the new ones we're just some ideas kanaryu had and also from others they proved effective at least one of each type was to be tested some we're and some we're not. He walked through the streets seeing every black smith forge the finest weapons like he had asked for. Most weapons the soldiers had we're made on there own but not all had a weapon in the tribe. He saw them making armor the best he had seen so far most we're made from chain mail some we're just heavy leather. Kanaryu took in a deep breath as he smiled he was relaxed there plan would go through just fine but the allies he needed we're not found yet, There we're reports coming in that the fire nation had mobilized its military they had a great army to like the earth kingdom. If the northern and southern water tribes joined together they would also make a great army together, Kanaryu was sure that out of most of there allies the northern water tribe would understand there pain. Everything was going great if the fire nation attacked first kanaryu would be sure to back them up any where, Although he sort of wondered who the earth kingdoms allie was maybe they we're the airbenders if so then that would probably prove a problem. He knew one air temple laid above the south pole, he wasn't really sure what to do with them maybe he should send some of his troops there just in case but first he would send some scouts, if they we're sent then he would get information to see if the airbenders would be in position to attack the tribe. he knew of about three or five scouts in the area he only needed three of them though if there we're more. He made his way to a soldier and told him to grab the three needed people and to bring them to his igloo. He made his way to his personal igloo and sat down indian style looking at the front door awaiting for them. After a few minutes has passed they finally made it into the igloo and kneeled down before him respectfully, they looked up at him slowly all three of them weilding daggers on each side of there waist with light leather armor and a scarf around there neck. Kana looked at them with a glare and decided to tell them what they needed to do.

"I need you three to go to the southern air temple, I'm sure you three know we're that is. I will be providing you with a small water powered submarine it will fit about five people, Dont worry i will be sending at least two bender's with you seeing as i dont think y'all know how to waterbend. When you get there you report everything you see i expect at least one of you to bring me the report or reports which ever is better for y'all. If you run into anyone that looks like an enemy kill em. If you see any of our allies there, tell me right away. Now go i have faith in you three to complete this successfully."

The three scouts exited the igloo meeting the two water benders at the harbor with the submarine already in the water bobbing above they soon entered in with the water benders behind them after they all entered they closed the hatch shut and the submarine went down into the water. the water tribes submarines we're different they we're powered by water bending unlike most which really helped out. Kanaryu sat in his igloo relaxing back a bit feeling tired from walking almost all day, they only needed to wait a few more days until they would unleash there attack hopefully the fire nation was already makeing there move. Kanaryu's eye light shut and he soon fell asleep.
Mood: Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Junior Member

Posts : 33
EXP : 538
Join date : 2011-12-14

Character Description
Age: 25
Position: Southern Water tribe chief
Nation: Water Tribes

Prepareing for the events to come. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prepareing for the events to come.   Prepareing for the events to come. EmptyFri Jan 13, 2012 12:15 am

Kanaryu Oshiro

It had been a couple days since kanaryu had sent the three scouts to the southern air temple to scout out the area and see if anything unusual was going on there. He was waiting at the docks for there return he had gotten a letter the day before notifying him that there we're in fact earth kingdom agents at the air temple, This meant that the air benders we're accepting there protection and he knew this meant that they we're allies and they would back each other up. Soon a small submarine bobbed up from the water as a hatch on the top of it opened up and out jumped the three scouts, they walked side by side as they approached kanaryu the three of them bowed before of them as the one in the middle explained to him how many earth kingdom agents where there the air bender population was not counted for but it was small they reported that there was at least one council member there and a few travelers had come in it seemed there we're not many ships but who knew what was inside them maybe more vehicles from the earth kingdom such as tanks or new vehicles not yet to be seen. Kanaryu nodded his head and the three left him he stood there for a while scratching his chin thinking of what to do now, he thought maybe now would be the best time to attack he would start with the southern air temple and also would need to send at least a fleet to the northen air temple which as of lately they had no new information on. He proceeded to walk back to the town all around women and men where still training to better the skills for the war this would be the day that would all stop. They would actually do something this day that involved fighting, He went to the large igloo located on the far side of the town, there he found two people both we're his generals one was a water bender and one was a warrior he approached on the far side of the rectangular ice table as the other two where on the opposite side he looked down at a map of the world and looked to the two as they looked at him. He pointed to the southern air temple he had green flags in most of the area including the main temples and had a light blue flag that had an air symbol on it marking where the supposed air council member was at. he was the southern air temples leader basically and would be good to have him surrender or die either would work without there leader they could not do much really except for the earth kingdom agents he also marked there boats with big green plastic flags all these pieces we're small enough to fit on the entire map. he even has his forces marked as well.

"Alright gentlemen... Looks like we will start are quest for revenge here in the southern air temple. I was told there we're earth kingdom agents there including a few boat's and maybe more, the air council member is here at the temple's living there close by. I'm sure you both know that he will be quite powerful as he leads these people and will defend them. Are main target is the earth kingdom ships and agents, The airbenders are also a target seeing as they are helping out the Earth kingdom. I would rather not hurt them as they are peaceful people but we must do whatever we can to get to the earth kingdom, I will be sending a fleet to the northern air temple i have not heard of a council member residing there so it should be and easy move if we receive help from the northern water tribe. I'm also hoping to receive some help here at the southern air temple from the fire nation. We will position our ships out here so that are artillery can reach, i only want two on the left side and two on the bottom and two on the right each ship carry at least 3 artillery cannons on each side, lets hope those work. along with those artillery ships will be carrying soldiers there will be small ships aboard that will carry them ashore. I also want a couple of submarines going over to here to bombard there ships with ice torpedo's and what ever else we have. Jiro!"

He said as he pointed to the water bender.

"I want you to lead the attack on shore and make sure are artillery will be in position, and as for your Aito."

He said as he pointed to the armored warrior.

"You will be leading the fleet that is going to the northern air temple i have hope you will be successful in this. you should receive some help once you have made your way onto the shores. As for me i will be taking a small force of our elite warriors and benders to go and capture the air council member. This should turn out successful I am not very sure if we will succeed in capturing the member. Good luck to you both and round up the troops and line them up outside the gate. after i have arrived there we will proceed to load them on to the ships and we will be on our way. Thank you gentlemen."

He soon turned around very quickly and proceeded forward to exit out of the giant vacant igloo, he then made his way back to his igloo to get ready for battle. It only took and hour or so to get the troops outside the city. the city was pretty empty but still had people in it. he was sure to leave a few soldiers behind here in case there would be an attack upon there home. He quickly made his way over to where everybody else was silently looking at the hidden faces of soldiers as he walked passed them he went to the front of them all and stood in the center of the two generals.

"I'm sure many of you know why you are here, And yes it is true we are going to war! Are conquest for revenge begins today! we will start with the northern and southern water tribes as they harbor earth kingdom filth, Apparently they have accepted help from the earth kingdom and you know what that means, The airbenders will back them up. We will strike at them and they will die as the earth kingdom will because if they are with them then they support the murderous deed's of the earth kingdom, Let us show them that the southern water tribe is not a force to mess with!"

He turned to the ships and submarines and pointed towards them as the men and women cheered and rushed to get aboard in an orderly fashion. He smiled a bit with his eyes closed as he put his hands behind his back. He would be heading to the southern air temple him self as soon as everyone was loaded up which only took a few minutes for everything to get situated. He and the two general's made there way to there own ships kanaryu made his way to the tip of the ship and leaned forward against the railing looking down at the ocean, He hung one arm over as the ship started to move forward creaking as it left the dock the waves started moving perfectly across the ships bottom, Kanaryu really loved the way water moved along thing's. He used his arm that he had hung over to grasp some of the water below as it slowly made it's way up his arm it made a coat around it reaching up to his elbow he stopped leaning for a while and looked at him arm as he shot it up fast into the air shooting the water upwards with speed as it exploded into a thousand making a popping noise as it exploded. He smiled a bit, He grabbed a pouch that was adjusted across his chest from his right shoulder. he bent back over to grab more water and began to fill up the large pouch, this would be used in case of emergency if there we're no water to use that was in the area, he wanted water from this part of the sea because he felt like it was part of his home so to him he was taking a piece of his home with him. The ship sailed away as it disappeared into a thick fog sailing for the southern water tribe it would only be a matter of days or so before they would reach there shores.

Mood: Excited
Condition: Healthy

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