The Last Airbender: New Chapters RP
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 Spy and Assassin

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Staff Admin

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Birthday : 1996-03-21
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Location : Layton, Utah

Character Description
Age: 19
Position: Murderess
Nation: Fire Nation

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 12:20 pm


From the top of a building, Nokomi was watching the crowds of Ba Sing Se for a woman who fit the description of her recently acquired job. The streets were teeming with people, and she couldn't see the wife of the man who hired her. He wanted his wife dead because she had committed adul;tery; Nokomi didn't care about the details. She wanted the job done, to be paid, and to be on her way. She didn't like being around so many. With a tired sigh, she straightened from her crouch. She'd been watching since dawn; not a single sign of the woman. It was noon now, and Nokomi wanted some food and maybe go for a nice walk.

Descending from the building easily, she walked to a stall and bought an apple. She walked through the crowds, a dagger in hand, slicing pieces off of her apple and popping them in her mouth. She reached the Outer Wall as she threw the apple away, and began heading for a lake which she had heard one of the many citizens of Ba Sing Se speaking of.

Nokomi wandered inside the Outer Walls of Ba Sing Se, thankful for the peace from the crowds. There was a large lake up ahead, and she wanted to go for a swim before having to head back into the crowded city; she had a job to do, after all. While she was afraid of moving water, such as rivers and oceans, she was fine when it came to stagnant bodies of water, like this lake. She hurried up, not quite walking but not running either, almost like a skip, until she came to the water's edge. It was crystal clear, except for a little bit of algae coating the top near the bank. She didn't mind this; she didn't mind much, actually.

She set her pack down next to the water's edge, and began getting ready for a nice swim. She first untied her belt, various things strapped around it, followed by the removal of her arm whips; next came the leather strap around her right thigh holding her daggers, then her shorts, then her tank top, then her boots followed by her socks. She set her bow and quiver of arrows on her clothes, her pack next to them, and stretched for a moment. She wasn't completely bare; she was wearing her undergarments. With a smile and a leap, she jumped into the lake, going under the surface before a powerful kick from her legs sent her up. She continued swimming along, thinking that she was completely alone, and was completely unaware if someone dared to approach her....

Mood: Happy
Condition: Healthy

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Regular Member

Posts : 50
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Join date : 2012-08-25

Character Description
Age: Seishin Kinzoku
Position: Spy
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 12:36 pm

Seishin had been having a rather pleasant, if boring, day. The sun was shining, he was on shore leave (if, indeed, you could call someone who worked on land someone on shore-leave. The point is, he was off-duty) and was going to be having the entire day to himself. He decided it would be a nice time to go up to one of the lakes near Ba Sing Sei, maybe get a little bit of Earthbending training in, then go for a swim. It was, he had to admit, a little hot and he could use with stripping at the moment.

Walking to the lake side, he didn't notice the stripping girl and instead sat there in the middle of the clearing, for a moment seeming like he was meditating. He held his hand up, ripping two large chunks of earth out of the ground and levitating them in the air. He applied a small amount of pressure and compressed them into several small balls of concentrated earth. Throwing them forwards, they drilled into a nearby tree and left huge rivets in each tree. He grinned, glad that he hadn't gotten rusty. In fact, he figured, today would be a good day for a new form of training.

He closed his eyes and listened patiently, detecting neutral jing. However, as he listened, he could hear something else. It sounded exactly like splashing, and he wanted to go see what it was. Running at one of the nearby trees, he jumped up and grabbed the lowest branch, before using the rest like a gigantic climbing frame. When he was sufficiently high up, he looked over at the lake in his hiding position, and saw a girl he'd never seen before in the lake, swimming around. She looked innocent enough, but nevertheless he pulled two small earth clumps out and prepared rock-bullets, in case something should go wrong. He thought he knew almost everyone his age who lived in Ba Sing Sei.
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Staff Admin

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Location : Layton, Utah

Character Description
Age: 19
Position: Murderess
Nation: Fire Nation

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 2:04 pm


Nokomi was completely unawares to the man standing in a tree, aiming rock-bullets at her. Instead, she dove under the surface, her body curving through the water like a dolphin through waves. She came up for air, her blue hair slightly darker and glistening in the sunlight. She swam to the edge where her clothes were, her head bobbing above the water. She smiled as a lone figure could be seen walking; this was her target; the adulterous wife of a merchant.

She didn't bother getting out of the water. Quite contrarily, she ducked under and began flailing around, as though she was drowning. This brought back memories of her sister's drowning, but there was a job to be done; killing others always took Siri off of her mind. She jumped up above, and began pretending to sputter. "Help!" she called before letting her body sink back under. She held her breathe; she had seen the woman begin running towards the lake. A moment later, a shadow was above her. She swam up towards it, bursting through the water. The woman let out a shocked cry, but Nokomi dragged her body in the water and pushed the woman's head down under. She waited until the struggling stopped and weighted the woman's body down with stones before pulling herself out of the lake, and let her undergarments dry as she wrung her hair out. The roots were just barely showing black, the rest of it dyed a light blue color, and she pulled her tight shorts and cut-off tank top on, before putting on the rest of her gear. She sensed that she wasn't alone and looked around, knocking an arrow in her bow, searching the treetops.

A breeze alerted her to the scent of light sweat. She followed the scent with her eyes, seeing a blonde man standing in a tree with rocks floating next to him. She aimed the arrow at him. "How long you been standing there?" she called, eyes narrowed up at him. He was pretty far away...but close enough for her to hit with an arrow and knock him out of that tree to his death. She jerked her head to one side, and her hair moved out of her eyes, still slightly damp and dripping down her back.

Mood: Happy
Condition: Healthy

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Regular Member

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Join date : 2012-08-25

Character Description
Age: Seishin Kinzoku
Position: Spy
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 2:16 pm

As he stood on the branch, he saw a woman approach nearby. For a moment, he thought about moving on, this area getting a little too overpopulated for his liking, but then he saw it. The girl he had been pointing bullets at was spluttering and struggling to stay above water. He was getting ready to dive in and save her when the other woman came forth and swam to save her. He decided that as long as someone else was saving her, he wouldn't need to. That.... was when things got bad

The woman burst out of the water and pulled her down to, choking her. He wanted to see what was going on, and was not in the habit of breaking his cover to deal with something like this. However, he did draw his bullets ready to fire in case something should happen that blew his cover. Finally, the bubbles stopped and he knew she was dead. So, this girl was not only not a citizen, but she was a murderer. There was no crime on earth that made up for slaughtering a non-military member. If he was to die on the field of battle or on a mission, that would at least have honor. For an innocent civilian to die like this.... A vein started throbbing on his forehead. This was not how life worked, god did not get to be such a f'ucking jacka'ss, not today.

The murderess seemed to notice him and he grinned in a very disconcerting way, putting his hands on the tree limb and swinging onto the lower one, and so on until he could throw himself safely out of the tree. The bullets followed with him, and as he stood at the bottom, he put his hand up, obviously preparing to fire should she try anything. an arrow could be dodged, these things would pepper the entire area
"Stand down! Stand the F'UCK down!" he called over the area, obviously too annoyed to be making jokes for once
"Now, question time. Big one first, who the h'ell are you and what are you doing killing people in my city?"
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Staff Admin

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Birthday : 1996-03-21
Join date : 2012-05-12
Age : 28
Location : Layton, Utah

Character Description
Age: 19
Position: Murderess
Nation: Fire Nation

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 3:13 pm


"Stand down! Stand the F'UCK down!" The strange man called, but Nokomi didn't move. In fact, she pulled her bow tighter, taking deep breaths, not removing her eyes from him. He was now on ground level with her, and she took two steps towards him, now wearing a pleased little smile. Her hair had dried almost completely, now falling in loose waves down her back. She'd straighten it later; she continued watching him, studying his features. He was attractive--they were always attractive when you wanted to kill them--and she tilted her head to the side as she studied his features. He began speaking again, and she regained her focus, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"Now, question time. Big one first, who the h'ell are you and what are you doing killing people in my city?" he said, and she silently moved two more steps closer to him. She was now within the range that her arrow could go through his forehead and not even be bothered by the bone. But, she realized that he was probably an authority, what with the way he said "my city". She lowered her bow, arrow still nocked but not aiming at his chest anymore. "I'm an assassin, a murderess, a greedy teen who just wants to make a nice living..." she said, almost mocking him in her tone of voice. The woman I just drowned? Her husband wanted her dead. Go take it up with him; he's the one that tipped gold into my hand for his wife's death." she said, before turning and walking away from the man. He was wasting her time. She wanted her money; she had to return to the merchant's house.

As she turned away, she put her arrow back in her quiver and strapped her bow onto her back. But, with a single motion, she had grabbed a dagger. More than likely this stranger wasn't going to let her leave. But, if he was smart...he wouldn't pursue her.

Mood: Dangerous
Condition: Healthy

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Regular Member

Posts : 50
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Join date : 2012-08-25

Character Description
Age: Seishin Kinzoku
Position: Spy
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 3:29 pm

Sei gritted his teeth in anger. She was proud of being a murderess? She was PROUD that she'd just been paid to kill what was an almost entirely innocent person. This was disgusting, it made him feel physically sick. This was one of the reasons he was happy to follow in his family's footsteps, because it allowed the army to mobilize against sick freaks like this. Slamming his foot down on the ground, it brought a huge wall of earth up infront of her, stopping her from getting away.

"Now, you're going to play real nice and peaceful, Miss Murderer." he said, lining the bullets up as if it was a firing range. He stepped back a few inches to make sure that she wasn't in a very good range. He didn't know all that much about arrows but he knew that if it hit terminal velocity he was screwed.
"You're going to go back to whoever it was that hired you and you're going to get your money for killing her. I, after you've finished, will slaughter the cruel bastar'd who paid you and then you will get your sorry as's out of my city by sunset." He said, clearly annoyed by what he just saw. Nobody deserved to be treated like that. He'd come back later and give the victim a proper burial.

"If you don't, under the jurisdiction of the Earth Nation's military force, I am going to be allowed the right, as a Lieutenant, to execute you on the spot for murder, threatening an officer, and for disobeying orders. Oh, and don't try and fight back, this is going to go peacefully for you if you co-operate. If you don't, however, you will realize why I just made a firing range."
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Staff Admin

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Age : 28
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Character Description
Age: 19
Position: Murderess
Nation: Fire Nation

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 4:10 pm


Nokomi stopped dead in her tracks as a wall of earth slammed out of the ground in front of her, and she turned slowly. Small rocks were lined up in front of her, almost like bullets; she wasn't stupid. She knew what he was going to do. She listened to his demands, hands on her hips, a small smile playing there the entire time. "You want to execute me? Why not just have me go kill the guy, instead of wasting time; if you knew what his wife had done, the jury would have done the same thing I just did to her." she said, snorting at his little rocks. "Alright, Lieutenant. Why don't you cool off, huh? I can't leave by sunset. I need to stay here for two more days; have to meet up with someone." she said, quickly making a lie. She was an expert liar; there was no difference between whether she was telling the truth or lying to someone, and she sometimes scared herself with how well she was able to convince people that she was innocent of something.

She untied all of her equipment from her, daggers, arrows, pack full of alchemy jars and bottles. The only things she left on were her arm whips; there was no way for him to know that they were weapons. "I'm unarmed. And I won't take up anymore work in your little city. But you've got to understand, I've got no where else to go." she said, sitting against his little wall of stone. "You wanna shoot me? Go ahead. It's not like I have anything else to live for anyhow." she said, her voice completely devoid of emotion. She didn't feel sad or angry that her life had been reduced to this; this officer might just be what she needed to do what she was too weak to finish; her life.

"You stand there, judging me for something that I've been doing for two years now. You think you know me? You're wrong." she said defiantly. She wasn't going to follow his stupid orders; she was just too damn stubborn. She looked at him with her gold eyes flashing with disobedience, her arms folding across her chest. The look on her face clearly meant, "Bring it."

Mood: Dangerous
Condition: Healthy

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Regular Member

Posts : 50
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Join date : 2012-08-25

Character Description
Age: Seishin Kinzoku
Position: Spy
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 4:25 pm

Sei tutted lightly as she asked why he didn't just let her kill the guy.
"Because, if I do it it's called Sumarial execution. If YOU do it then it's vigilantism, if not flat out murder. And there are only two crimes as far as I am aware of that warrant execution. The first is murder, and the second is treason. Now, I doubt someone like her went out and betrayed the Earth King, nor do I think she was capable of murder. I can't say these for sure, but I dare say that unless you had proof, no jury on this side of the world would convict her. Stop talking out of your arse. And no, you will leave by sunset, or find someone who is willing to take you in, and thus take responsibility if you commit another atrocity." He said, coldly and coolly as if reading the information from a text book. He had read over the rights of the military and the laws of the four nations of the world many times, his job demanded that he knew where he stood in legal precedents, in case he was caught.

As she asked why he didn't just kill her, he smiled for the first time since he'd met her.
"Because I strongly believe that nobody who's even remotely redeemable should be put in the firing line. The man who hired her, he caused death and was cold and calculated enough to hire an assassin. That's wrong, on so many levels that's wrong. But I can speak from experience, sometimes people need to do bad things to continue to live, and so I really don't want to kill you right now. But, as warrants my position, I will if I have to. Otherwise what kind of soldier would I be?" He asked, rhetorically.

Unfortunately, less that a minute later she turned around and refused to let him do the case She flat-out accused her of judging her harshly. His smile fell into a scowl, as he pointed a finger at her.
"Now listen here, little missy. I know what it's like to take a life, I've taken plenty. It's not pretty, but sometimes you have to do it. Yet you act like it's a point of pride, like it's something to write home about. Blood'y hel'l, I really really don't care who you are, why you do it, or even if you're doing it to earn money for your starving family back home. Point is, there's nothing that makes up for what you've done. Killing for the sake of protecting your country is fine, as long as you don't just kill civilians. When soldiers join, they sign their lives away to the nation, and are thus ready to die. The only people who should kill are those who are willing to die." he said, drawing three of his bullets forwards. They stayed hovering in the air for a second, before he aimed them. One would have hit the wall above her head as a warning shot, and then the other two were pointed at her legs, aiming to take her out of commission non-lethally. He was still intent on finding out who did it, she could die after he had his information.
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Staff Admin

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Location : Layton, Utah

Character Description
Age: 19
Position: Murderess
Nation: Fire Nation

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 4:45 pm


"Point of PRIDE? You think I'm PROUD of what I do?!" she yelled, clearly angry. "I do it to survive. I do it to forget that my family died by the hands of those who take part in my same occupation." she growled, unable to help the trembling of her lower lip. Never had she admitted to being haunted by those she killed. She bit her lip, to avoid having him see, and didn't move when a rock smashed above her head. Quite contrarily, had she been standing, it would have gone through her stomach and solved so much. Two more went at her legs, and she just barely moved in time to dodge them. He could kill her; that was fine. But maim her body, ruin the only reliable thing she had left? There was no way. "Look, Lieutenant, I get it. You're completely righteous in every way. You've apparently never sinned; so how in the h'ell would you know if I was prideful about this?" she asked. She was quite hurt by the man's assumption that she was proud of what she'd done, and though she wouldn't admit it, she was determined to prove him wrong. His name's Lou Zhai. His wife was Karina." she said quietly. It wasn't that she wanted to stop being held at rock-point; it was that she was tired of always having to put up a fight with every single little thing.

I've killed more people than you could ever guess. Even I've lost count. You really want to just let me walk away, no punishment, free to do this all over again?" she asked. She might as well have just been begging him to kill her, but she knew that someone so apparently morally righteous would recoil at the thought.

Mood: Angry, Defiant, Guilty
Condition: Healthy

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Regular Member

Posts : 50
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Join date : 2012-08-25

Character Description
Age: Seishin Kinzoku
Position: Spy
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 5:04 pm

Sei could.... well, honestly? He could relate to how she felt. He continued going on with a job to try and take away the pain of the last person who did it. His father had fallen in the firing line because of the job that Sei did to this day, yet he continued. Any sane person would have stopped, thought twice, and gone and become a painter. But he wasn't sane, he hadn't been sane for a very, very long time.
"Look, Lieutenant, I get it. You're completely righteous in every way. You've apparently never sinned; so how in the h'ell would you know if I was prideful about this?" Sei gritted his teeth and said in a quiet voice, obviously ashamed of what he's done
"Who... who said I haven't sinned?"

He looked at her, a bit of resolve tweaking and said louder
"I have sinned. My job requires sins, every single day that I do it. Murder, theft, destruction, lies, blasphemy, sin upon sin is piled up and when I finally fall, I'm coming back as a dog... or worse. There's a reason why half of the people I've met have nicknamed me Paegani. It means 'the sinner'. You still think I don't know what I'm talking about? I've made peace with my fate a long time ago, it doesn't mean I like other people doing it. Call me a hypocrite if you want, but I don't go around slaughtering innocent people." he said, his voice turning into a bit of a growl. This was getting him nowhere fast, and admitting his sins wasn't going to change anything. He now knew the name of the man who's execution he was going to carry out, but that wasn't quite enough somehow.

As she asked if he was going to let her leave, to sin again, he sighed.
"Look, the mere fact that you're alright with the thought of me killing you is surprising me more than I thought possible. Most thugs and assassins never want the touch of death upon themselves, but you? You honestly seem like you want it, or at least wouldn't mind it if it happened. It's a royal shame that we had to meet on opposite sides of the law like this, because you could have been an honorable soldier in another life. But Indeus apparently doesn't want us to meet on friendly circumstances." he stomped his foot and earth covered the area where she had dropped her weapons and supplies, and wouldn't move until he made it. He started walking forwards, his bullets trailing behind him as he did.

"Your punishment has already been invoked by Indeus, and you will carry the scars and memories of it for the rest of your life. That's why, just this once, I'm considering letting you leave. I doubt you'll turn over a new leaf, but every kill you do will leave it's fresh scar upon your mind, until you're nothing more than a drooling husk. There is no fate worse than that. However, you continue to kill the innocents under my protection, and I will have no choice but to slaughter you like the animal you're becoming. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"
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Staff Admin

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Location : Layton, Utah

Character Description
Age: 19
Position: Murderess
Nation: Fire Nation

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 5:15 pm


Nokomi watched as her weapons were buried. Angry, hot tears filled her eyes; he'd just severed the only connection she had to her sister. "HOW DARE YOU?! she screamed, finishing in a sob. She curled up against the stone, sobbing, her entire body racking with the fact that her sister was now completely erased from every aspect of her life. "It was HERS! YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT!" she continued screaming, unable to control it, until finally, she'd had enough. She might not be able to get her weapons, but she'd end him. Or she'd die trying.

Launching herself up at him, her hands reaching for his throat, her training kicked in. The momentum which she had moving towards him would hurt more than help her, and she quickly turned to the side, but now no longer backed against a wall. She loosened her arm-whips, and she cracked them at the ground. Little scorch marks were made in the grass, and she turned to him, angry tears still flowing. With a single motion, both of her whips were going for him, one for his throat, the other for his leg.

Mood: Angry
Condition: Healthy

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Regular Member

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Join date : 2012-08-25

Character Description
Age: Seishin Kinzoku
Position: Spy
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 5:27 pm

Sei wasn't entirely surprised that she reacted badly to him completely disarming her, but the words she said when he disarmed her kicked him in the gut.
"It was HERS! YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT!" it was who's? He remembered that she'd mentioned that her family died..... oh crap, he realized too late, that must have belonged to her mother. She is going to be pissed... he was proven right seconds later as she charged at him. Years of military training kicked in, and within seconds of the beginning of her charge, he'd whipped both of his wazishikis out of their sheaths, holding them towards her
"You're going to regret this, girl."

As she ran, two whips cracked out of her wrists and he raised a puzzled eye. Where had she been hiding those? Well, her wrists probably, and it wasn't exactly like he had strip-searched her... or searched her at all really. Why was he surprised that she had concealed some weapons? He put his sword up to protect her throat and chest as she charged towards him and, like clockwork, sliced through the one that was heading towards his throat and let out a sigh of relief. Before, of course, the inevitable stifled cry of pain as her other whip went for his leg, slicing it and drawing blood, even through his trousers.

Thankfully, despite how much pain it caused, he could still move the leg that had been whipped and jumped back, pushing his right hand forwards and sending the volly of all eight bullets towards her.
"I'm sorry.... I didn't know they were more important than usual weapons... " he started to apologize, as if already giving her a mourning. She would pass, an unredeemed villain, and would sink to the levels of the worms, rampant in the soil.
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Staff Admin

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Age : 28
Location : Layton, Utah

Character Description
Age: 19
Position: Murderess
Nation: Fire Nation

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 5:40 pm


She smirked for a second as one whip hit, and the whips automatically recoiled back around her arms, one of them shorter than the other. Dam'n the bas'tard she thought, before his rock-bullets were at her. She managed to dodge one, two, whipped one to dust, dodge, duck....the other three hit. One slammed into her left shoulder, the other into her hip, digging into her hip bone, and the last grazed her ankle. She let out a cry, her shoulder and hip bleeding profusely, her ankle fine but raw.

She began gasping from the pain, a hand at her shoulder, before looking back at him. Through all the pain, she still wanted her sisters' bow. Those same angry hot tears were falling, and using her right arm to snap her whip at him again, she knew it was useless. She couldn't stand for much longer; the rivets of pain through her hip and up her spine were enough to fall a lesser-willed person. They would probably have felled even him. She couldn't let him see that she was so weak though; she was already crying; she would not fall before him.

"I'm sorry.... I didn't know they were more important than usual weapons... " he said, and she looked up at him, her throat tight, tears streaming from both emotional pain and physical. "Then give them back..." she pleaded, her hip completely giving out and she fell into the grass, jarring her hip with even more pain. She yelped, looking up at him, trying everything she could to swallow back her tears and push through the pain.

"Please...take it out," she moaned, trying to dig the stone in her shoulder out with her fingers, damaging the wound more. She knew she wouldn't be able to remove the one in her hip on her own, and so she digged through her own skin and muscle to find the damned stone inside of her. She was breathing in gasps, now, eyes tight and her back arched with the pain. She was still upset about her sister's bow, but the pain was too much for her to try and fight for them back.... She opened her eyes, pleading with him. "Take them out or finish me." she cried, removing her hand from her other shoulder. It was bleeding even more, and she vaguely wondered if she'd just die from the blood loss of ravaging her own wound to such a point.

Mood: Immense Pain
Condition: Wounded

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Regular Member

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Character Description
Age: Seishin Kinzoku
Position: Spy
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 6:01 pm

She asked him to give them back and he raised an eyebrow. She thought he had taken them permanently? He had just wanted the conversation to not involve any more hostilities, but that had backfired horribly. Now they were both bleeding profusely from their wounds and it was all the fault of misunderstood diplomacy.
"Of course, I never intended to keep them. I just wanted us to not have to fight and... you saw how badly that turned out." Before he had even finished speaking, however, she fell to the floor in what he could tell was unbelievable agony.

He looked down at her, pity and anger at what she'd done both streaking through his eyes, as if fighting for dominance. She wouldn't be able to take much longer, and was already making her wounds worse by just scratching at them. He looked at her with cold contempt, it apparently winning out for a second as he put the side of his blade against her throat, his voice dripping with contempt and malice
"You know what? Since I've met you, You've murdered a woman who risked her life trying to save you, insulted me, attacked me, and now you're begging me to help you? Begging me to take the pain away from you? When I could just as easily deal with you like I deal with other murderers..." he said, the side of his blade pressing against her throat. For a moment, he looked down at her as if about to slice, but then crouched and looked her in the eyes, clearly still angry.

"I won't. because I'm not as bad as you. I don't kill people who can't fight back, unless it makes the world a safer place." he said, pulling the blade back. He waved his hand and the two bullets ripped out where they'd come from and crumbled to dust as they hit the fresh air.

"By my estimation, you're going to bleed to death if you don't get that seen to. Run, little girl, run away and get help." he said, gesturing for her to run, to leave.
"You'll get your weapons back at the gate. Until then, there will be no more killing in Ba Sing Sei. Well, after I've dealt with your employer. Do. You. Understand?!?"
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PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyTue Sep 04, 2012 10:46 am


The metal of the blade was cold against her throat, and she could feel her pulse hitting the side of it. She couldn't hear his words; her heart was pounding in her ears, and while she'd never admit it, she was terrified. Then, she closed her eyes as she waited for the final movement of his arm that meant she was finished with this life, until suddenly, the metal disappeared. Her eyes flashed open, staring above herself at him. Nokomi looked at her would-be-executioner, no longer crying; she had no more tears to give. Were she in any lesser situation, she would have laughed at his comment about not killing those unless it made the world safer. Obviously, her death would mean safety; perhaps he didn't want to kill her?

Her thoughts were scattered as a fresh wave of pain racked her entire body; she was now shaking slightly. It took some effort to not begin sobbing again; she needed to be strong; she looked down at herself as the bullets crumbled to dust. She couldn't see the wound in her shoulder clearly; there was too much blood. She looked at her hip, and could see the bone itself was impacted and crushed by his stupid bullets. The blood was having a hard time passing, because of the bone blocking the exit. If she didn't die of blood loss first, then this would surely end her.

"By my estimation, you're going to bleed to death if you don't get that seen to. Run, little girl, run away and get help," he said as the ringing in her ears subsided. Well, where the h'ell was she supposed to get help at? It's not like she could exactly waltz down the streets of Ba Sing Se, go and see a healer, and be fine. She was wanted in multiple towns and cities; to those who followed her occupation and the members, she was one of the most feared. No, going into Ba Sing Se, wounded and unable to defend herself would be worse than bleeding to death right there; with so many that she'd hurt and killed, she'd be tortured to death most likely.

She didn't move, but simply lay there, taking deep breaths. They say when you die, you meet those you loved most; perhaps she'd finally see her sister and beg forgiveness for not being able to save her. She then suddenly realized that she had a pack full of medical supplies and bandages--she mentally cursed herself for being idiotic. "I can't exactly walk into Ba Sing Se like this; I need my pack," she said, forcing herself into a sitting position. The best she could do was sit at a forty-five degree angle because of the pain in her hip. She could see the destroyed bone fragments move as she did; she'd have to get it professionally healed in one of the villages, but Ba Sing Se was just too big for someone like her to be walking around with a busted hip.

"I'm sorry I attacked you..." she mumbled; she really needed to work on that temper of hers.

Mood: Immense Pain
Condition: Wounded

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Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptySat Sep 08, 2012 7:30 pm

Sei sighed as he heard the girl ask for her pack back. It was a reasonable excuse, he guessed, but he really didn't want to do anything for this girl right now. He had something he needed to do... He walked over and picked up the pack, throwing it onto the ground at her feet. He didn't care if anything in there broke or not, as long as she got it and stopped complaining that's all he cared about. Then, he had to do something out of respect for the innocent.

He'd seen her tie a pair of stones around the poor victim's body before she'd thrown it in the water, letting him use his bending to get her out. There was a lot of rocks under the water, so it took around a minute, but finally he got the right one and levitated the rocks attached to her body out of the water, pulling it onto dry land. He then ripped the stones off, leaving it uncovered. Bending down, he closed her eyes and said a quiet prayer for her.

"This girl... she didn't do anything to deserve what you did to her, assassin." he said, sighing quietly. His original rage was gone, left with an empty depression. He'd seen bodies everyday but he'd always been able to say that they deserved what they'd got, or that they'd signed up and thus were alright with it. But her.... this was one of the few times he'd ever seen a dead innocent. He raised his hands up and the ground underneath her ripped out, leaving a small grave that he closed up afterwards, giving her the proper burial she deserved. Using one of the stones she'd been dragged down with, he used his bending to inscribe a small epitaph.
'Karina Zhai, taken by undeserving hands. A victim of her time' he slammed the stone down into the ground above the grave and clasped his hands together in a short prayer for the departed soul.

With the quick ceremony over, he walked back over to the girl and offered her his hand.
"If you can't get into Bei, then I'll have to help get you there. Now take my hand and stop being awkward."
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PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyMon Sep 10, 2012 11:01 am


Nokomi grabbed the pack the second it hit the ground. She was glad that she always wrapped her jars and bottles in cloth; they would have broken from the impact had she not. She pulled out a salve that would prevent her wounds from bleeding out any longer. Applying this to her shoulder and ankle carefully, she then wrapped them in simple bandages; they looked like her arm-whips now, other than the fact that they weren’t weapons. She watched as he gave the woman a burial; for the first time, she actually regretted killing someone. Not because he was upset about it; she never cared if someone was upset about it. But she realized that the woman could have been pregnant; she never thought of these things until actually taking on the job. She said nothing, but hoping that the spirits didn’t judge this woman too harshly for what she’d done. It was a small crime; she’d paid her debt with the way she’d died.

She thought for a moment; the woman had seemed good enough. Jumping into a vast lake to help someone signaled the woman's despise for lost life. She thought for a few more moments as she applied some things and reapplied others to her hip. The one particularly painful part was when she poured two drops of a burning acidic mixture onto her hip. This ate away at the skin around the compacted bone so that the blood could pass and prevent blood poisoning. She quickly wiped it away with a cloth and a muffled moan, her hands shaking. She began taking deep breaths to finish with her hip and continued thinking of the woman. Her sister had died by drowning; it was the only death Noko feared. As she watched the curious soldier give the woman a burial, she wished she could restart the day. Maybe even the past three days; if she'd never taken that assignment, then this woman's death wouldn't rest on her conscience. But Noko was used to being plagued by the souls of those she'd killed; one more wouldn't make any difference.

Noko finished with her hip, then drank a mixture of various poisons that numbed the central nervous system. This was diluted enough that it couldn’t harm her; immediately, she could feel the pain subsiding; her movements were now slow, her limbs feeling as though they were weighed down by lead. She didn’t let this stop her; she wrapped her hip with bandages, as tight as she could, and then looked up as the soldier offered his hand to her. She looked at him with distrust for a moment before realizing that if she denied his help, he’d probably just leave her out there and she’d die of exposure.

She took his hand with a wary glance, pulling herself up easily now that the pain was not so overwhelming. She could still feel the faint lickings of pain on the edges of her mind, but she ignored these quite easily. She was used to pain; it was when that pain became overwhelming that was hard. She looked at the curious soldier who was helping her. If she was so despicable and evil in character, why on earth would he be helping her? Would it rest on his own conscience? ”I don’t understand why you’re helping me. Not that I’m complaining, but I wouldn’t do it for someone else if I were in your situation.” Noko asked, honestly curious. Perhaps she could coax a name out of him...."I'm Nokomi. And don't ask for a surname; I don't use mine," she said with a tight smile. What she should've done was use her sister's name; she silently cursed herself; she couldn't change things now. Whether or not he answered was up to him; she was used to being ignored, and ignoring others in turn.

Mood: Quietly Remorseful; Curious
Condition: Wounded

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Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyMon Sep 10, 2012 12:45 pm

”I don’t understand why you’re helping me. Not that I’m complaining, but I wouldn’t do it for someone else if I were in your situation.” Sei sighed audibly, wasn't it obvious? It was so clear to him, but she was so absent minded that she had no idea why a man would do something for someone else?
"The main problem with seeing why I want to help you is that you can't realize a simple fact; I'm not you. There's been one death today, there doesn't need to be two." He said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world, but there was the truth. Death wasn't a nice thing, and even though he didn't turn away at having to kill someone when the time came, and would often kill those he didn't need to if it made his job easier, it was always for the sake of the country. He'd never killed someone just because he wanted to, or if he thought it wouldn't aid him in any way. That was the difference between the spy and the assassin, he knew how to choose his victims

The girl asked him his name and he smiled slightly. He wasn't exactly going to tell her his name, but he would certainly tell her his false name. The one he went under behind enemy lines.
"Well, nokomi, your name is beautiful. I'm Lieutenant Nisemono Aburame, Earth Country military. I wish I could say that it's been a pleasure, but I hate to lie." he said, before crouching down and offering her to climb onto his back
"It doesn't look like you'll be able to walk very well, so come on."
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Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyWed Sep 12, 2012 10:12 am


Noko smiled at his words. Yes, he was not her; they were two people from the same source. Like a ceiling with two holes, you would be able to see two rays of light; same source, separate beams. She was actually curious about what he did; she had generally begun to hate the army, what with her brother leaving her for it. Well...he didn't exactly pack up and leave-leave; it was more like she ran off for a day, went back, and he was gone. She'd tracked him to an army camp, and left; she wouldn't follow in his damned footsteps. But this soldier...he was nothing like her brother. In fact, she sincerely wondered that if, in another life, he could be the same as her. She didn't just kill people for the pleasure of killing; she did it as a means to survive. She wouldn't bring herself to ask...but if he was willing, she'd like to see his lifestyle. Life in the army didn't seem half as bad as life as an assassin--at least he didn't have to watch his back at every turn.

"Well, Nokomi, your name is beautiful; I'm Lieutenant Nisemono Aburame, Earth Country military....I wish I could say that it's been a pleasure, but I hate to lie," he said and she actually chuckled a little. Her shoulder had stopped its bleeding by now; she was glad he'd given her the pack; slinging it over her shoulder, she turned back to him as he crouched down; she couldn't help the smile that lit up her usually serious features; it was a rare sight, and one to behold as well. Not only was he a strange soldier, he also acted the part of a gentleman.

She climbed onto his back easily, although her hip was providing some difficulty with the ability to bend it, but she managed. She wasn't a heavy girl; barely one hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet, she wrapped her arms around his neck carefully. She didn't want to choke him--anymore, that is. " long have you been in the military? You don't even seem old enough to be a Lieutenant," she said lightly, slightly teasing but still wanting a serious answer. She was very curious about the army at this point.

Mood: Curious
Condition: Wounded

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Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyWed Sep 12, 2012 12:20 pm

Sei felt her weight upon her back and let out a small breath of air, letting his muscles tense just enough to be able to carry her weight properly. He'd carried heavier things and people than her, but it had been a while.

" long have you been in the military? You don't even seem old enough to be a Lieutenant," Nokomi had said, and her words sparked a train of thought that he had never really embarked on before. Sure, he'd technically joined the military at fourteen, but it was clear to anyone, and especially him as he looked back upon his years with his father, that he had been in training long before that. As he dwelled on the issue, a sad thought surged through his body. He had been born into the military. The last nineteen years of his life, building up to being one of the most infamous agents the earth country had. Still, he wouldn't let Nokomi know how much that thought horrified him, the thought that he had had no choice about his life ever, he just forced a smile and replied.

"Why? How old do you think I am?" his voice was pleasant, if a little teasing, but then he allowed himself a bit of seriousness
"honestly, I was born into the army. My dad was a soldier, and his father before him, and his father before him. For the last few centuries, since birth we've been dedicated to fighting for the Earth King. I've been a lieutenant since I was seventeen however, and I'm almost certainly up for promotion within the next month." he said, as if it really didn't matter.

"so, how'd you turn into a murderer?" he asked, the question seeming rather strangely normal, asked the same way as someone might ask how their day went, or why there was a dog on the front lawn again.
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Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyWed Sep 12, 2012 12:53 pm


"Why? How old do you think I am?" he teased back, and she smiled. "My age, if a little older," she said in return before he said, in all seriousness, "Honestly, I was born into the army. My dad was a soldier, and his father before him, and his father before him..." he said, continuing as Nokomi listened with interest. He said all of this like he couldn't care less, but she knew that if she'd been born into being an assassin, she'd hate it.

"So, how'd you turn into a murderer?" he asked, like talking about the weather. She stiffened, then relaxed and rested her chin on his shoulder, watching where they were going. "Well. I guess it began with my's a long story, so I'll give you the basics..." she said with a sigh. She then began her little sob-story, almost whispering, her voice completely devoid of emotion, "My parents were killed by assassins when I was fifteen. My brother and my sister and I were orphaned and no one in the town would take us in--it was as though we were marked by Death's hand.

"We escaped the town, living in the woods around it, stealing food and basically trying to survive. One day, my sister looked like she needed a bit of fun....I took her down by the river, and we jumped in...we were having the time of our lives until the current suddenly got a lot stronger. She drowned, even though I tried to save her. My brother was off hunting and she was my responsibility. I ran away from him after that; I blame myself for her death, but my brother even more. I went back a day later, to say my proper goodbyes, to find our old camp abandoned. Not a single thing had changed...I tracked him to an army camp and vowed I'd never see him again. The bow belonged to my sister..."
she said, trailing off and flicking her blue hair out of her face irritably. It was tumbling around her shoulders and down her back and was getting in her way.

She didn't want to say anything else, now fighting back the memories that threatened to consume her. But she hadn't quite answered his question just yet, "Basically....I told myself that I had to get revenge. My brother enlisted to protect people; I made myself into his enemy, the evil he's protecting them from. I saw him once, too, in Chin Village. I wanted to kill him...but I didn't....My family is just a big bundle of confusion," she finished with a laugh, although it was empty.

Mood: Emotionless
Condition: Wounded

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Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 11:01 am

Sei listened patiently and, honestly, his heart went out for the poor girl. However, his head didn't. She had turned into an assassin because an assassin had killed her parents? in his head that seemed about as dumb as keeping a snake as a pet because you were allergic to snake skin. Everything else in her story made him understand her pain, losing a sister because of a mistake made out of good intentions, being forced to lose her brother to the army. He'd heard about that from his allies but he knew he'd never be able to feel the same way.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." he said, although he knew the words would give little to no comfort
"If it helps, I've been there. My dad died when I was only thirteen, because he'd been caught by the army that he'd tried to infiltrate. He was hung like a deserter, and that was the last I heard of him. Still, there's one thing that we can stay happy about. My dad, your parents and your sister; they're all alive somewhere, even if they don't remember the life where they were these important people to us. Reincarnation is funny that way.." he said, before forcing himself to be quiet about the concet.
" But, let's not get onto that topic, you probably don't want someone like me preaching onto you about my belief. " They were getting closer to the city and Sei was getting a little tired about these depressing conversations. But... what else was there to talk about. They might have been different sides of the same coin, but nobody had landed it on the coin's side yet. There was little to nothing that the pair had in common, apart from their jobs.
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Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 12:01 pm


Noko sighed to herself about the entire thing; she sincerely hoped that the soldier realized that becoming an assassin was because she hated herself so much, she became the thing she hated most. She listened with interest as he expressed his views on where his father and her family were; it made sense to her...she didn't feel like they were completely gone. Well, she had felt that way about her sister when her bow had disappeared, but she realized that her sister lived in her heart, not in her weapon.

She was beginning to feel her hip again, the pain coming back slowly. While it wasn't bad at the moment, she didn't want to end up screaming and crying again. She pulled out her mixture of various poisons, thanking the day she'd put it together. She'd assumed she'd never need it, but that proved incorrect. A single swig, and the burning solution went down her throat and made her eyes water before she put it back and felt the pain disappear--as did most of the feeling in the rest of her body.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders again, resting her chin on his shoulder like she had before and watching as he walked. While he probably didn't like the silence, she found it comforting. But before long, one of the many questions buzzing in her mind blurted out of her mouth. "Show me how you live? I'm tired of being an assassin; I want to see what I could trade it up for," she said calmly; her voice wasn't devoid of emotion any longer. More like she was simply calm and fine.

Mood: Considering A Major Life Change
Condition: Wounded

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Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 1:13 pm

Sei regarded her pulling out the poison from her pack and for a moment considered dropping her. He didn't want to have another fight. Thankfully, however, she was just administering it to herself. He assumed it was some kind of poison that made muscles become numb and hard to use. He sighed, this was the damage he'd done to her? She seemed so small and helpless like this... but then again, twenty minutes ago she was trying to kill him. He wondered what exactly had happened to make this sudden change of character happen, and so quickly too.

As she asked him to show her how he lived, his heart seemed to stop. He couldn't show her, she was an assassin. If he showed her his place, he'd just be making it easier for her. One day someone would come calling for Paegani, and he wasn't going to open the door for her... but still, there was something about her that seemed legitimate. It was hard to say no to her, it would be like kicking a harmless puppy. Well, a very very powerful puppy who'd just tried to kill it's owner, but a puppy nonetheless. For a few seconds he stayed quiet, before saying

"We'll see..."

As they got into the city, they started walking past people. People recognized him and smiled, some waved. A few people smiled and said things like "good morning Seishin" or "who's the girl, Sei?" and he blushed bright red. Well, there goes the cover name.
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Spy and Assassin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spy and Assassin   Spy and Assassin EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 2:31 pm


Nokomi didn't respond to his reply to her question, but simply watched as they entered the city. She was examining the crowds for possible enemies, and her hand itched to grab something from her pack to use as a weapon. Maybe she could beat someone with her flute? She shook the thought away hurriedly though, as people greeted the Lieutenant....who's name wasn't Nisemono after all. She wasn't surprised, actually; had she not cursed herself for giving her her actual name as well?

She watched as people greeted him, and a few even asked who she was. At that point, she hid her face behind her hair, the blue locks covering her Fire Nation-esque features. She didn't want people associating her with the soldier. Later, they'd think she was a friend of his and her ability to do a job in Ba Sing Se would be compromised....unless she seriously changed her life around. Then, she couldn't possibly care less who she was associated with.

She continued to hide her face as he went through the streets, her cheeks flaring with a bright pink color as a few whistles rang through the air. Apparently Seishin knew the people of Ba Sing Se fairly well. She was both surprised and impressed--the only time she'd become known in a town was when a wanted poster explained her misdeeds--usually under a false name, though. And then she'd change her hair for a little while, usually going back to her customary blue, though. She'd never had her hair naturally black though. Not after the day her sister had died.

Mood: Embarrassed
Condition: Wounded

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