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 Taming the Fire

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 2:36 am

Z. Katara Len

Katara helped rub her own painkillers into Jurishe's legs, also mentally noting that it was a right shame that such lovely, smooth legs had to be lacerated by these wicked spikes. It was not necessarily attraction, but it was definitely sympathy for her poor bleeding friend. Katara loved Juri as if she was her older sister.

"you are?" she heaved a sigh of relief. "good..."
deciding to flare up her heat senses one more time, she sensed Jurishe's legs and body heat. while it was still irregular thanks to the wounds, it seemed that she and her friend had done a good job. for a moment, Katara sat there, breathing heavily, recovering herself.

"I... so can you walk at all? what are we going to do from here? are you okay now?"
Katara was not sure, but she had proved earlier that she could carry the older girl if needs be. She wasn't sure about Jurishe's pants, not sure about bleeding on the fabric or getting threads caught in the wounds because of it or something, but Katara tended to overanalyze dire situations like this. she had acted like it was the end of the world.
"Is there anything else I can help with?" she added, hoping that they could figure their way out of this mess.
Mood: Relieved
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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 2:53 am

Jurishe Chuyin

"Can you help me get my clothes off?" Jurishe asked, already tugging on the ties of her jacket, trying to undo them, "I'm blazing hot, now... Now I know how you feel." She tries to allow some humor into the situation, but it falls a little flat, failing to get a laugh, even from her.

Once her clothes were shed, she asks, again, feeling uncomfortably needy, "Can I have your hand, to help me get up?" Jurishe really didn't want to fall, but she felt like she'd be able to stand, with a little help getting steady.

Mood: Calming
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:02 am

Z. Katara Len

"everything?" Katara looked a little surprise, "boots, shirt, coat, and all?" she began with her coat, and then her boots, and then her shirt, leaving her socks and her underwear on unless Jurishe requested otherwise.
"you want anything else off?" she asked, nodding towards her chest, waist, and then feet. "or is that good?"
Being blind, it didn't matter much to Katara, but she obviously didn't want to strip her friend naked if that was not her intent. She had assumed underwear might be fine.
Luckily for Jurishe's joke, Katara actually did chuckle, she too hoping to lighten the mood a little.
"heh... true enough..."

At her other request though, her eyes widened. "you want to try and walk?" she exclaimed, "are you sure? I could... well, I could carry you if you wanted..."
She had done it with a little difficulty before, but Katara knew that she had the strength in her to do such a thing. her hands were holding Jurishe's either way, waiting for her answer.
Mood: Relieved
Condition: Calming Down

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:08 am

Jurishe Chuyin

"Shoes and socks too, please," She had requested, continuing to dress down until she was only in her sarashi. Jurishe finally let out a sigh, feeling a bit cooler - she could very well be running a fever.

With a nod, she answered the next question, "I think I can get up... I just don't want to fall over, if I can't get my balance." Maybe it was her healer's training, but she knew that wounds could jump out and bite you, when you stood up.

Mood: Calming
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:14 am

Z. Katara Len

"Alright." since her boots had already been removed, Katara also pulled Jurishe's socks off, leaving her sarashi on.
She was hesitant to let Jurishe stand while so injured, but she trusted that the healer's knowledge was better than Katara's.

Taking her friend's hands, she pulled her up slowly, waiting to see how well she could stand or not. she did not let go off her hands, and was ready to catch her if she fell. "how... is... do you feel okay?" she asked nervously, hoping she was alright, but completely willing to carry her if she could not stand well.
Mood: Relieved
Condition: Calming Down

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Taming the Fire - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:21 am

Jurishe Chuyin

Thankfully, Jurishe was able to find her footing, regaining her standing position. "I got it," She murmured, slowly releasing Katara's hands. Then, taking a step, she managed to keep upright, much to her delight.

"I'm - ...I'm hurting, but I'm alright," She clarified, not wanting to outright lie. The wounds were definitely stinging - throbbing - but she could live with them, until she could treat them again. "I didn't figure on a trap in the tile..." She tapped at it with her toe, but it had already been triggered, so it would not go off again.

Mood: Calming
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:31 am

Z. Katara Len

"Good..." she heaved a sigh of relief. "We need to help you get somewhere safer so we can get you better." she insisted, although she did not know where that would happen. certainly not on this island.

"I didn't expect the traps to be this far out." she exclaimed, remembering stories her dad had told her about visiting here and dodging all sorts of hellish death-inducing devices. "if they're this far out... then they'll only get worse from here. Luckily... I think I know how to tap them..."

she decided to explain how she had been so keen in removing those spikes.
"I... when I said holy shit earlier..." she began, "I... I sensed everything... you... the walls and stones around us... the vines... I could *see*!" she exclaimed. "although... my body heat goes up really fast when I use it, so I can only use it for a short period of time... but I could sense things... I could sense you!"

she seemed happier and excited to break this news to her friend. "Maybe... maybe I'll be able to learn to control my chi so I don't heat up... and maybe... maybe then I will be able to sort of see again!"
sighing happily, she =returned her focus to the task at hand.
"Anyhoo... we have to tread carefully. there will be traps everywher if they are this far out..."
Mood: Relieved
Condition: Calming Down

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:40 am

Jurishe Chuyin

Wrapping her arms around Katara in a hug, heedless of the smaller girl's rising body heat, Jurishe gave a happy little noise. "That's wonderful!" She congratulated her, "If I can help you train for it, at all, I will; I promise."

Then, at the mention of more traps: "Oh... Yay." It was a very sarcastic statement, but Jurishe felt as if she'd had more than enough of traps, today. True, it was her fault that she'd blundered into it, but it had hurt!

"Lead the way," She smiled down at Katara, giving her a final squeeze before releasing her, "I trust you." It was a little late, but that was the answer to her friend's question, from earlier. Of course she trusted her - with her life, even.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:44 am

Z. Katara Len

Katara smiled. "I'd love that! if I could control this stupid power... well, maybe then it wouldn't be stupid anymore, aye?"
she chuckled lightly at her own little joke.

"don't worry... I might be able to disarm some with this..." she brandished her cane-staff, "or we'll have to dodge some others."
Katara led the way, keeping her heat sense off mostly, but also waving her cane in front of her like she did when she walked. This helped effectively dispatch any trap tiles, as any time during her sweeping movements that she hit one, it would go off in front of her. if the staff had been a living thing, it would have been lacerated and in great pain many times over by now.

"Let me know if you see anything interesting or unusual." she replied, "I'm not going to use my heat sense too often till I can get my fire under control, y'know?"
Mood: Relieved
Condition: Calming Down

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:52 am

Jurishe Chuyin

While she agreed to be the lookout, Jurishe allowed the other girl to lead, for once; so that they wouldn't come into more trouble. Katara coming into her power was the whole reason that they were really here, after all...

As they walked, she told Katara about the stone archways and a few crumbling murals carved with scenes depicting mostly dragons. She also told her about a large structure off in the distance, with a ring of pillars. It looked like the main temple - it was so huge.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:58 am

Z. Katara Len

Katara smirked and nodded. "that big temple place thingy is probably what we're after." she indicated, "not entirely sure, but it's a safe guess."
she paused. "let me have a moment..."
joining her friend in terms of states of undress, Katara stripped her shirt and pants off, leaving her in her own sarashi and those gloved that she wore all the time except when dressing fancy.

"Anyways," she continued, now less hot than before, I owe you big, Juri. we're coming here for me, and you're the one who gets injured. and don't try to weasel your way out of it. Next place we go is for you, alright?" she chuckled. "or something. just... that aye. I owe you, okay?"

she hugged her friend again before continuing to walk, setting off a couple more traps as they did so.
"How far are we now?" she asked. their state of undress was nit likely to be a big deal, especially not with the tribal members of this island--at least Katara didn't think so.
Mood: Relieved
Condition: Calm

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 4:03 am

Jurishe Chuyin

"Alright, alright," Jurishe just laughed at her friend's insistence, "We'll go somewhere for me, next... But first, we need to finish this trip." She bumped Katara's hip with her own, as they stopped for a brief moment, to let her strip down a bit.

Humming, she tried to measure the distance remaining, and to put it into terms that Katara would understand. It looked like it was about a mile away, maybe? "About a twenty minute walk?" She offered, unsure.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 4:09 am

Z. Katara Len

Katara grinned. "good. good good good." she sang happily. When Jurishe bumped hips with her, Katara giggled childishly, bumping hips back. it was just a playful motion.

"20 minutes?" she nodded, "sounds good. just let me know if you see anything unusual or if you start hurting. My offer's still there, ya know."
Jurishe had Katara's back so much of the time, and Katara was fully bent on repaying the favor. She loved Jurishe, and hated herself for letting that trap happen to her. It was mostly boiled over now though as the problem had been resolved, but Katara felt obligated to protect the girl she looked up to as a loving big sister, and so she would.

all in all though, it was a nice little walk, free of any deadly or painful traps, because Katara helped them go around them or she deactivated them by flipping them with her staff.
Mood: Relieved
Condition: Calm

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 4:12 am

Jurishe Chuyin

"If you carried me, you wouldn't be able to check for traps," Jurishe pointed out, "And that's a lot more important than a little soreness for me... No more injuries are allowed, on this trip." It was silly, but she meant every word.

As they grew closer and closer, she described more and more. The carvings, sconces and anything else that she could see. More than that, the place had a special feeling - Katara should be able to sense it too. It was a spiritual place, and the aura of it fit the bill.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 4:20 am

Z. Katara Len

"I could carry you and keep my staff in my fist." she reasoned, "but I definitely agree with you. no more injuries!"
as silly as it might have sounded, Katara greed entirely with Jurishe. An injury would ruin the fun of a trip or adventure. that was not a good thing, no not at all!

Katara mentally pictured everything Jurishe described, and also felt the spiritual presence. She might not have looked it, but Katara was actually a rather spiritual girl. As a calm and passive little creature, she was surprisingly good at meditation and the likes. She just lacked control over her bending, but that was for a different reason entirely.
Mood: Relieved
Condition: Calm

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 4:27 am

Jurishe Chuyin

"Looks like this is the place, Katara," Jurishe whispered - there was no real reason to, except that it felt like a place to be quiet. Looking over at her friend, she smiled, "You can't hurt anyone here... I'll go sit on the wall and watch, so I'll be out of the way. Okay?"

Giving the smaller girl's hand a squeeze, she wished her good luck. "You'll do great," Jurishe predicts, confidently.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 4:37 am

Z. Katara Len

Katara was in awe at the sudden silence and tranquility of the place. She had heard that the Sun Warriors were still alive and that they existed somewhere. Surely the temple was not abandoned completely...

but it was deserted. Maybe they didn't come out unless something was disturbed. They were certainly a reclusive bunch based on her dad's stories.
"Don't bother them, and they won't bother you", he had always told her. she had hoped to meet one here, but even now, was fine that they hadn't.

taking a deep breath, flames formed on Katara's hands. they were enormous, almost touching the ground, but Katara took deep, slow, slightly anxious breaths, and the fireballs on her hands did not explode on her. She was doing it... she was actually doing it!
Mood: Excited
Condition: Passive

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 4:44 am

Jurishe Chuyin

Jurishe watched from a distance, over by the wall, trying to be very, very quiet. She hoped that this place would calm the flames inside of Katara, giving her friend control. Not wanting to disturb the process - or mess it up somehow - she sat down on the very edge of the wall, keeping her silence.

It was amazing to watch the fire burst forth from nothing, as Katara controlled it. While Jurishe loved the water, she had to have some, in order to waterbend; it couldn't come from nothing.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 4:53 am

Z. Katara Len

Katara was somewhat nervous, although maybe it was just a mental block that she needed to clear. She thought of how beautiful this place must be, even in the ruined splendor that Jurishe had described to her. She didn't want it to explode. Besides... didn't she and Juri just agree to no more injuries less than half an hour prior? No... no she couldn't let herself blow up.

"this is your fire, Katara. you control it... it doesn't control you. Weild it... it is yours to command like the ancient firebenders and dragons of old."

Firebending lore had been among Katara's favorite bedtime stories. How had she forgotten this?!? she remembered as she mentally told herself that her fire was hers to control.

She took a deep breath, and then lifted her hands skyward, launching the two large fireballs into the air, where they flew and exploded with something of grandeur.
...and Katara sensed it. she could "see" the flames from the heat they had emanated. that heat sense of hers was back, and it was vivid.

It was not just magically cured though. Now Katara had to replicate it. So... taking another deep breath, she produced two more fireballs, trying to control holding onto them.
Mood: Dilligent
Condition: Focused

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 4:56 am

Jurishe Chuyin

When the fireballs shot into the air, Jurishe had tensed, ready for anything... but when they exploded like fireworks, she had to hold back a cheer and a round of clapping. She didn't know what Katara was going through, but she did resolve that, when this was over, she was going to have to convince the other girl to celebrate. She was so excited and so proud of her friend already! And, if she were honest, she was also glad that nothing bad had happened yet...

Mood: Calm
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 5:05 am

Z. Katara Len

Katara's full spirituality and calmness shone through her. Perhaps she had just needed to release some anger. She was certainly passionate, but even with that passion, she was very passive now. She was not the angry teenager who hated the world for taking everything from her, nor was she the frightened child whose family was being gradually chipped away. No... their sacrifices would not be in vain.

No... she controlled her life now. those who had killed her family were dead, and she was free to live her life as she saw fit. She lost a few things in the process, but she had gained others... including a resolve.
She just needed to make sure that she would be able to control her flames outside of a spiritual place.

Taking a deep breath, she began swaying her hands side to side, almost like a waterbender. Maybe there really WAS some Water Tribe blood in this girl. the massive flames swirled around almost like a dragon. she twirled them into a figure 8 position before taking a deep breath and with a "HYA!" she threw it towards the sky as well, where it exploded spectacularly.

She felt good, and felt like she had passed a 2nd test...
Mood: Dilligent
Condition: Focused

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 5:10 am

Jurishe Chuyin

This time, Jurishe couldn't help herself. Jumping up, she began to clap - it was a small sound, and hopefully wouldn't break Katara's concentration. She had to do something; that dragon was amazing!

Taking her seat once again, Jurishe returned her hands to her lap, to continue to watch. She hoped that Katara was working through things... She'd never seen her do firebending, but she thought it was going well.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 5:27 am

Z. Katara Len

Katara smiled softly at hearing Jurishe clap. She felt a bit more confident, but felt that she must try again. She repeated this motion several times, getting better and better, and feeling something disappear from her mind, as if a heavy burden was being lifted.

after a while of this, she finally stopped, plopping into a sitting position on the ground, worn out, but pleased with what she had accomplished. she felt... stronger; calmer... purer...

she stayed where she sat, breathing heavily, her back to Jurishe. she just needed a breather.
Mood: Satisfied
Condition: Exhausted

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 5:43 am

Jurishe Chuyin

When Katara had first sat down, Jurishe had leapt to her feet, ready to run to her side, to help if she was needed. Hesitant, she waited a moment, to make sure that it would be okay for her to move forward. When nothing happened, she did head toward Katara.

"Are you alright?" She asked, once she got to her friend's side, reaching for her shoulder, "Do you need anything? Are you hurt?" Yes, she was worried; I wonder if Katara could tell?

Mood: Worried
Condition: Injured

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PostSubject: Re: Taming the Fire   Taming the Fire - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 5:46 am

Z. Katara Len

Katara was okay, but she was a bit worn out. she did not move until Jurishe had reached her, just sitting there, breathing heavily.

"I'm fine..." she nodded sincerely. "a bit winded... but I'm good. that... that was incredible. I feel like I have lost a huge mental block... as if I've unlocked my firebending!" she smiled at her friend excitedly, wondering how excited Jurishe would be to hear the news.
Mood: Satisfied
Condition: Exhausted

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