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 Fire In The Sky [Closed]

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The Dungeon Master
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyMon Sep 15, 2014 5:54 am

Tsoi Lok wasn't sure how many he had killed already. In less than a minute, he was able to get off nearly 30 powerful shots with his combustion bending to the city below him. Pillars of smoke rose from all over the city. Sure, Tsoi had to admit it was a bit depressing of a sight, but he had no other option but to carry out this duty, it was absolutely necessary...

Tsoi was in a Zeppelin that was one of three that the Xuri had controlled that was flying above the Fire Nation Capital at the moment. Of course however, he was the only combustion bender around, so the bombardment for now was entirely his job. Should Zhong fail to assassinate the Fire Lord, the other two Zeppelins were carrying bombs that would be dropped on the Fire Nation Palace hopefully ensuring his death.

Tsoi couldn't help but chuckle to himself, this invasion was going way easier than he had expected. The Fire Nation military had nothing that could hurt him while he was this high in the sky. They had tried to send a couple of attack Airships into the sky after him and the other Xuri airships, but he simply shot them out of the sky with his combustion bending.

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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyMon Sep 15, 2014 8:19 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek was standing on the Fire Nation Palace’s balcony when the suspicious Zepellins appeared over-head. The perfect blue sky backdrop suddenly flashed as the unmistakeable popping of a combustion attack sped down towards the Fire Nation Barracks, causing utter destruction and wreaking havoc as the buildings crumbled like cardboard around it. The Firelord clenched his fists as his piercing grey eyes began to glow a bright orange, there was no doubt about it, the Fire Nation Capital was under attack.

Tarek looked back into the palace for a moment. He was concerned for his family, mostly his younger children, of course Sanaki could look after herself. He reached out with his heat sense, and while Sanaki was the true master of this technique, Tarek could also use it to great effect. He saw his wife on the move, and his kids being taken into a safe bunker. He let out a sigh of relief and then turned his attention back to the combustion bender. Every retaliatory attack airship the Fire Nation Generals sent toward the zeppelins was destroyed and Tarek knew that he would have to do something before it was too late.

Tarek took a deep breath, letting his energy well up from his stomach. His eyes flashed a bright orange and electricity began to jump around him. If the combustion bender was observant he would have seen a huge ring of intense lightning arcing around the Firelord as he stood on his balcony charging up the absolutely massive attack. With all his strength, he thrust his hands forward, with his index and middle fingers extended and aimed at the combustion bender’s zepellin. The result was a terrifying bolt of lightning that would have been seen from miles away, with a loud crack of rolling thunder that would have been from even further.

Mood: Focused
Condition: Healthy

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The Dungeon Master
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyTue Sep 16, 2014 7:00 am

Tsoi wasn't paying attention toward Tarek's location as he was building up chi for a powerful lightning attack. Tsoi did notice however, when Tarek's lightning attack suddenly blew up one of the rotors on his side of the ship.

It was a loud, powerful explosion, one that had completely caught the combustion bender off guard and caused his ears to ring. Looking at the damage, Tsoi saw that one of the two rotors on his side of the airship had been obliterated. The Zeppelin was also now flying at a bit of an angle, leaning more to the side Tsoi was standing on.

"Our right front engine is crippled, hang on! I'm going to have trouble keeping the ship steady." Yelled the pilot from the front of the ship.

The ship began to level out again, though smoke still continued to billow from the one destroyed engine. Even though Tsoi didn't see who was the cause of such an attack, he had a pretty good idea.

"Tarek" He muttered to himself. Perhaps this invasion would be more interesting than he thought. Tsoi was unsure of Tarek's exact location, but the attack came from the direction of the Fire Nation Palace, so Tsoi released a barrage of three shots toward the palace. He didn't expect to hit Tarek with those random shots however, just simply provide suppression.
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyTue Sep 16, 2014 12:31 pm

Tarek Raiden

Tarek looked up at the massive zeppelin which was now leaning slightly to one side and coughing out a cloud of smoke.  Yes, thought Tarek to himself, one more like that should bring it down.  He started charging another massive lightning but was interrupted as the combustion bender turned his attention the Palace.  Tarek watched as three huge combustion attacks hit the palace around him.  Sure it was stronger than most of the other buildings around it, but his family was inside and he couldn’t take the chance.  He had to draw the combustion bender’s fire away from them.

Tarek clenched his fists and bent his legs, and with a sudden, blinding flash rocketed towards the combustion bender at an incredible speed, leaving a very large scorch mark on the balcony where he stood.  Tarek flew straight towards the combustion bender at lightning pace.   If the attack went off as planned, he would grab his opponent and smash him against the wall on the opposite side of the zeppelin with all his built up speed and momentum.

Mood:  Focused
Condition: Healthy

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The Dungeon Master
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyWed Sep 17, 2014 8:15 am

"We're going to star gaining altitude to avoid more ground to air damage!" The pilot yelled back toward Tsoi. Tsoi simply nodded, a higher altitude would mean a huge loss of accuracy in his bombing attacks, but at least he wouldn't be immediately blown out of the sky.

He was about to continue firing on the palace, but he suddenly saw a small orange ball of flame approaching him. He fired off one shot toward the approaching ball of flame but missed, the rough ride of the Airship thorwing his aim off. Tsoi didn't continue firing upon the approaching ball of flame, because he now saw it was not simply flame, but instead, a man rocketing toward him inhumanely fast.

Tsoi managed to roll out of the way of the opening of the airship just as the man had come rocketing in, smashing the empty space Tsoi had just been standing in moments ago into the wall. Tsoi got to his feet and saw this newcomer was indeed Firelord Tarek.
Well, Tsoi thought to himself, So much for having the easiest job.

Tsoi could have, at that instance, used his combustion bending on Tarek, but the blast would surely wound and possibly kill himself too. Still it was indeed an option (Though more of a martyrdom one and he would like to not die) and would leave the two in a standoff inside of the airship.

"It's good to meet you Firelord Tarek." Tsoi humbly told him.
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyWed Sep 17, 2014 9:42 am

Tarek Raiden

The combustion bender managed to roll out of the way as Tarek tried to tackle him in flight, now Tarek was speeding towards the wall.  With burst of flame to brake himself and a quick spin Tarek easily recovered, avoiding impact with the wall, and landed in front of the combustion bender who was now standing up himself.  Tarek would have looked quite intimidating with his fists engulfed in flames and his eyes burning a bright orange.  He smirked, knowing that combustion bending inside a zeppelin was practically suicide so Tarek already had a great advantage…Unless of course the combustion bender didn’t mind blowing the ship up.  Tarek had to consider that possibly and be ready for a massive explosion.

His face became serious when his foe spoke.  The gall of this man… to attack the capital city, murdering hundreds of people and then still greet him in this manner was nothing short of an insult.  But Tarek was a man who had mastered himself and his emotions, and he wasn’t going to react.  For his weakness was that whenever his emotions flared up, his bending became noticeably less powerful. With a calm voice he answered the man.  “There is still a chance to end this, call off the attack; these are your fellow countrymen.  Do not throw the lives of your troops or mine away needlessly.”

Mood:  Focused
Condition: Healthy

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The Dungeon Master
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyThu Sep 18, 2014 6:21 am

Tsoi faked a smile, he admitted he was in a pretty bad spot now. His mind was put to ease when he saw through a window behind Tarek, an ally Zepplin approaching their airship.

"It's too late too back down really," Tsoi casually replied, "Even if I surrender, my allies won't. A series of events have begun to avelanche down a hill, an avelanche that has grown too large to stop."

"I have nothing against you really," Tsoi said reassuringly, "It's just a new dawn is starting, one that you won't be here to experience."

Before he explained what he meant, Tsoi suddenly lept for the opening in the side of the Airship Tarek had come through, and jumped right out of the ship. As if on cue, another Xuri Zepplin that had come closer fired a volley of explosive Massive Arrow Ballista Explosive volts at the ship Tarek was still on immediately after Tsoi had jumped out. The large bolts impacted the airship all over, and exploded critically damaging the ship and possibly all who were inside.

The allied airship had come close enough to the airship Tsoi jumped out that he managed to catch on to a long rope ladder hanging from below. Tsoi quickly looked back at the airship he was once on and fired shot off three of his combustion shots back at the opening of the Airship that he jumped out of and Tarek flew through.

Off in the distance, he saw the third and last allied Zeppelin approaching his position to support them against their battle with Tarek.
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyThu Sep 18, 2014 4:47 pm

Tarek Raiden

Tarek squinted at his opponent as he spoke, “It is never too late…” he said in reply to the combustion bender’s words.  Alas, it appeared his words fell upon deaf ears as his foe suddenly leapt out of the zeppelin.  Tarek quickly reacted, launching a searing fireball after the combustion bender as he plummeted.  Suddenly the whistles of ballista projectiles echoed in the air.  Tarek’s eyes widened, this was bad.  The first impact, threw him off his feet and he rolled to the opposite side of the zeppelin, picking up a few scrapes and bruises.  The next impact was very close to him, blowing a large hole in the zeppelin’s frame.  Tarek quickly lifted his hands, absorbing the explosions heat, and bending it away from himself.  He had to get out of this death trap.  

The new opening created by the ballista bolts made it easy, and Tarek quickly rocketed out shooting two large jets of flame from his feet, and just in time too as the combustion bender’s attack had all but destroyed the room he was just in. He hovered in place for a moment, getting his bearings.  He immediately noticed the combustion bender hanging from a rope ladder on the second zeppelin.  He also noticed the third zeppelin coming to reinforce its ally.  Tarek instantly flew towards the third zeppelin, landing on its roof.  He turned and fired and crescent shaped fire attack at the combustion benders rope ladder, hoping to send his enemy plummeting, or at the very least, keep him from attacking for a few moments.  He then turned his attention to the airship he was standing on.  Running to the zeppelin’s back, Tarek charged up a large lightning attack and using both hands simultaneously fired a bolt of potent lightning directly into the airships aft engines.  He channelled the lightning for a good few seconds until a series of crashing explosions ensued, hoping it would be enough to put the airship out of commission.  “That’s two down,” thought Tarek to himself as he now turned his attention back to the combustion bender.

Mood:  Focused
Condition: Healthy

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The Dungeon Master
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyFri Sep 19, 2014 2:41 am

This is bad. Tsoi thought to himself. Most of the Xuri Air Fleet was now destroyed, only Tsoi himself and one Zeppelin remained. At this rate though, the entire Air Fleet was going to be destroyed by Tarek, and Tsoi would not survive the encounter.

Tsoi let go of the rope ladder when Tarek launched his fire attack toward Tsoi. The Combustion bender decided that the best course of action was to not stick close by to the third Zeppelin, it would only allow Tarek to take both him and the Airship out at once.

Tsoi was plummeting toward the earth now, quickly greatening the distance between him and the battle above. He couldn't see the fight going on behind him, the wind was too intense.

The final Zepplin did however put itself to full throttle, trying to escape Tarek's attack range. The Explosive Arrow Ballista's continued their barrage toward Tarek as well.
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptySun Sep 21, 2014 11:28 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek took a deep breath as the airship he was standing on began exploding and rupturing around him.  Flying drained chi energy faster than anything else, and Tarek had to take a moment to recover.  As he breathed deeply in, he felt his chi energy begin to well up again inside his stomach.  Unfortunately before he could fully recover from the massive amounts of lost energy, the last remaining Zeppelin resumed its assault on him.  
A large ballista bolt suddenly impacted a few meters ahead of Tarek, the force of which tossed him off of the zeppelin like a ragdoll.  His ears were ringing as he plummeted towards the ground, and to make matters worse he began feeling a burning sensation all over his body.  He immediately discovered that his outer cloak had caught alight and quickly rolled over in the air, pulling it off and tossing it away to avoid further burns.

Tarek then noticed the combustion bender in free fall as well, “he is not going to make it,” he thought to himself.  He quickly altered his position and using a quick burst of flame, launched himself towards his enemy.  “Take my hand!” shouted Tarek as he got within earshot of the combustion bender, “I can get us safely to the ground!” he continued, still reaching out with an outstretched arm.

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Slightly injured

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The Dungeon Master
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The Dungeon Master

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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptySun Sep 21, 2014 11:56 pm

Tsoi had saw that the Fire Lord had had fallen off of the Zeppelin and was plummeting toward the Earth with him. Tarek had entered earshot of Tsoi and was offering the combustion bender help.

"No thanks!" The combustion bender called back, "I'm good."

Truth was, Tsoi was actually wearing a parachute as it was generally a good idea to do so when one is high up in the air on a zeppelin when one is a position where it is really easy to fall off the airship. Tsoi would activate the parachute when he is a safe distance from the ground. First though, the combustion bender had to put some space between him and the Fire Lord, Tarek could easily shoot down Tsoi if he were descending slowly by parachute.

With that, Tsoi position his body so that his free fall would move him toward the left, away from Tarek. The third zeppelin was still fine up in the sky and continued its path toward the Fire Nation Palace, ignoring both Tarek and Tsoi.
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyMon Sep 22, 2014 4:28 pm

Tarek Raiden

Tarek squinted his eyes at the combustion bender as he sped away; it looked like this just wasn’t going to end peacefully no matter what he did.  He decided to follow the combustion bender to deal with him once they reached the ground.  After all, with no more backup the last Zeppelin would be no match for the Fire Nation airships that were on their way.

Right before he hit the ground, Tarek blasted flames downs, slowing his descent enough to land uninjured.  He didn’t land far from the combustion bender and so he prepared himself.  He had experience of fighting combustion benders, tricky as they were.  So he had a few tricks up his sleeves yet.  The two benders had not actually fought until this point, but soon the combustion bender was about to learn what it meant to face the Fire Lord in battle.

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Slightly Injured

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The Dungeon Master
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyTue Sep 23, 2014 6:06 am

Once Tsoi, had pulled his parachute, his decent was greatly slowed, but now also stabilized. Tsoi had seen where Tarek had landed and kept an eye on him. The fight would only be tougher now, when both him and the Fire Lord would be fighting on the ground, Tsoi would have no where to run like he did back on the Zeppelin.

Tsoi landed on the top of a two story building and quickly cut the lines on his parachute in order to not be tied down. The top of the building would hopefully provide Tsoi good cover behind the building. Tsoi poked his head out from around his cover on top of the building and fired three consecutive combustion blasts directly toward Tarek.
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 4:16 pm

Tarek Raiden

Tarek had kept good watch of Tsoi as he descended.  His keen eyes tracked his enemy onto the top of a nearby two story building.  Tarek knew his opponent had the higher ground, as well as cover to safely combustion bend from.  “I got to get out of the open,” thought Tarek to himself, preparing himself for the imminent attack.

Soon enough, Tsoi had unleashed a barraged of combustion attacks Tarek’s way.  Tarek ran forward, rolling to avoid the first explosion.  He then gracefully recovered before shooting out two large jets of flame from his palms, propelling himself backwards to avoid the second series of explosions.  The third however, came too quickly for Tarek to avoid.  He immediately held out his hands bending the fire from the explosion as it erupted before him.  He quickly threw his arms to side, forcing the heat around him and leaving him unscathed.  

Tarek had no time to waste.  He quickly fired a barrage of firebolts towards Tsoi’s position, meaning to suppress him rather than actually hit him.  He had to try keeping his opponent from firing off any more of his supremely dangerous attacks.  With his suppressive fire rocketing towards the combustion bender, Tarek quickly closed the distance between himself and Tsoi, using his mastery of fire to propel himself onto the roof.  After he landed he immediately turned to Tsoi with both his hands and arms radiating bright-blue lightning.  He had giving his foe enough chance to surrender, and so Tarek was not going to hold back anymore.  He suddenly shot forward towards Tsoi, striking at him with his right hand’s extended index and middle fingers, while simultaneously firing a large bolt of lightning at the combustion benders chest.

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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The Dungeon Master
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The Dungeon Master

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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyThu Oct 02, 2014 6:55 am

Tsoi took behind the cover of the roof as Tarek fired the Fire Bolts were shot toward him. The Fire Bolts impacted the side of the building and exploded and did not touch Tsoi.

As Tsoi looked over the edge of the building, Tarek had suddenly launched himself onto the rooftops next to Tsoi, completely catching the combustion bender off guard. Tarek landed within arms reach of Tsoi. Tsoi had no time to react, his combustion bending would be suicidal at this range.

Tarek fingers had impacted Tsoi's chest and lightning shot through the combustion benders sending him flying backwards. Tsoi landed and skidded across the roof of the building. Tsoi wasn't launched far enough to be knocked off of the building however.

The pain was great and Tsoi's vision was blacking out. He touched the center of the pain on the center of his chest and saw much blood erupting from the wound caused by the lightning bolt. Tsoi coughed painfully as the world around him seemed to get darker and darker. He watched as the last Xuri zeppelin began to flee the battle, as it would only be obliterated should it attempt to take out the entire Fire Nation Air Fleet on it's own. Tsoi knew his allies would probably flee the battle as well if they saw the last xuri zeppelin leaving.

Still on his back, Tsoi looked over at Tarek and grinned, "Not bad...." He struggled to say, "A-a-as expected of the Fire Lord..."
Tsoi coughed painfully, splattering blood from his lungs to the side of him.
He then continued, "You've handled the attack well... much better than anyone had anticipated..."

"B-b-but you've seen nothing yet... the Xuri lives on (Note this is the first time Tarek probably would have heard of the Xuri)..."

"Even so... I'll part this world with one last gift to you... a piece of knowledge you may find helpful..." Tsoi said through gasps of air.
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyFri Oct 03, 2014 9:56 am

Tarek Raiden

A flash of lightning followed by the sharp crack of thunder echoed throughout the rooftops.  Tarek’s attack had connected, and fatality so.  As much as Tarek did not enjoy taking lives, he knew it was sometimes necessary, and this man left him no choice.  As the man came to standstill after been thrown across the rooftop, Tarek walked over to him, his eyes slowly returning to their normal grey color.  
‘Xuri?’ wondered Tarek curiously, he had never heard of them.  He knew it was something he would have to look into immediately.  This attack was like no other Tarek had ever seen; it was clearly the work of a master strategist.  Almost perfectly executed, well-funded, well-coordinated and the Xuri attackers were supremely skilled and powerful.

The dying man's words just raised more questions for The Firelord.   He crouched down beside Tsoi and held up his head for him to breathe a little easier.  “Xuri?” he asked calmly, “who is your leader? why has he done this?  Tell me what you know and do not let your death and those of your victims today be in vain…” Tarek continued, eager to hear the bit of knowledge this man offered to impart.  As he knew that the Xuri threat wasn't yet foiled, and that this attack was just the beginning.

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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The Dungeon Master
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptySat Oct 04, 2014 7:06 am

"Our leader..." Tsoi said painfully, "Is more God than man... I've chosen to follow his decisions to the end... no matter what he wants..."
Tsoi didn't continue on explaining what exactly the Xuri were and what their intentions were, but instead, moved on to what he really wanted to tell the Fire Lord.

Tsoi coughed up more blood as he pulled up his shirt. There was a huge burn/penetration wound on Tsoi's center chest from Tarek's lightning attack. His skin was scorched and black in that entire area. Just too the right of the wound, there was tattoos and markings over where his heart would be. The tattoos looked very similar to the Third Eye on his forhead, but was roughly twice the size. Also different from the third eye on his forehead, the one on his chest didn't have an 'eye' in the center, but instead was blank.

"Let me tell you... The Avatar... Is next..."

Tsoi grinned as he revealed this piece of information to Tarek. Why? Simply because he thought it was funny. Funny that even Tarek knew this useful piece of knowledge, Tsoi was convinced that it wouldn't matter in a few seconds. Tsoi believed he was about to succeed in killing the Firelord.

The Third Eye markings on Tsoi's chest began to burn bright yellow. Tsoi laughed chaotically as the markings began to get ever so brighter. Soon the bright light was blinding and began to cover everything around Tsoi in white. The light grew and grew, consuming Tsoi and everything around him...


The markings on Tsoi's chest was actually Tsoi's final effort attack. It was a martyrdom type ability, using a similar Chi gathering method used to fire things from the third eye on his forehead. Unlike the one on his forehead, the chi gathered in his chest wouldn't be released at a single point, but instead, his whole body. Such an attack is a very powerful, highly destructive attack, but in the end would kill its user.

Tsoi died in this final attack. His self-destruction however was an enormous explosion, one that echoed throughout the entire city. Tsoi's body no longer existed, completely obliterated from the blast. 50 meters in all directions of where Tsoi exploded, all buildings and such were reduced to mere rubble. The entire block was leveled from the blast. It would take immense skill for anyone within the blast range to survive such an attack...

[OOC: Yea, please let me know if this isn't allowed, If so, then I'll change it.]
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Fire In The Sky [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire In The Sky [Closed]   Fire In The Sky [Closed] EmptyMon Oct 13, 2014 2:10 pm

Tarek Raiden

Energy…more energy than Tarek had felt for a long time started building up in Tsoi’s body.  It was normal for combustion benders to focus ridiculous amounts of energy through their special tattoos, but this was too much for a person to contain without releasing.  Tarek placed his hand on the combustion benders chest where the energy seemed to gather.  He spotted the tattoo and his eyes immediately widened. There was nowhere for the energy to be released.  “No no NO!” shouted Tarek as he shook Tsoi, “I need answers!” he demanded.  “Give me a name!  Why Zulera?!  What’s the endgame?!” He continued, trying to stop the man from blowing a crater in the middle of his city.

But it was too late, Tarek sensed the enormous heat emerge from Tsoi’s body as he exploded, and the Firelord threw his arms before his face creating a heat shield to protect himself from being incinerated on the spot.  With all his strength he managed to bend the worst of the heat and flames away from himself, but the force of the explosion hurled him off the building.  Tarek rocketed through the sky leaving a smoke trail as he fell into a market cart at least two blocks from the initial explosion.  Wood cracked and splintered as the force of his body rammed into it at an incredible speed.

Tarek awoke a week later in the Royal Palace, surrounded by his generals and eldest son, Katsuo.  “Dad,” said Katsuo, “thank the Avatar you are alive…Matriarch Zurok sent her best healers, and Queen Meili sent her best herbalists…but we were worried we had lost you…”
Tarek smiled at his son before wincing in pain and clutching his chest which was bandaged up.  “A piece of shrapnel from the blast, pierced one of your lungs, but we got to you in time and the healers say you will make a full recovery.”

Tarek relaxed a little but then frowned.  “The city?  The Xuri?  Your mother...and brother and sisters?”

“Xuri?  I don’t follow?” replied Katsuo with a frown, “but the city is safe and so are the rest of us, and the invaders were driven off…some were killed, others escaped.”

Tarek gestured for Katsuo to move closer, “good…now find the Xuri….the group responsible for this …” He whispered in his son’s ear, knowing full well that his son was one of the best spies in the Fire Nation.  Tarek knew that this attack was just the start, and that if the Xuri were targeting the Avatar, then the whole world was at risk.  “In the meantime…I must warn Zulera.” continued the exhausted Firelord who soon fell back asleep.

Mood:  In Pain
Condition: Recovering

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