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 An Odd Meeting [Tarek]

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Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] Empty
PostSubject: An Odd Meeting [Tarek]   Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] EmptyMon Oct 20, 2014 8:10 am


Kei's fight with the mysterious hooded man in the Fire Nation Capital Plaza ended when the hooded man fled the battle. Kei knew that the hooded man was apart of a larger group that attacked the Fire Nation, but that was the extent of Kei's knowledge on the attack on the Fire Nation.

Well after the hooded attacker left the scene, many Fire Nation Soldiers converged on Kei's position. Not knowing who Kei was, his large and obvious assortment of weapons, and how he was the only one left alive in the middle of the carnage that overtook the Plaza caused the soldiers to suspect him of being one of the men that attacked the Fire Nation Capital. Kei, unable to prove his identity because of how he was still technically a criminal due to his past, was taken under custody by the Fire Nation Military until Kei could be proven innocent.

After word of Tarek's recovery from the battle against combustion bender Tsoi spread, the soldiers eventually brought Kei up to Firelord Tarek and the soldiers would inform him of what they believed happened.

Across Tarek's bed in the recovery room, 6 soldiers stood around Kei who was handcuffed. All of Kei's equipment had been confiscated which left him unarmed in the room.

The captain of the soldiers spoke up, "Sir, we picked up this man who we believed was apart of the group that attacked the City. We found him in Central Plaza which was turned into a massacre of our people. Here are the details."

The captain handed Tarek a piece of paper which included the damage done in the plaza as well as the deaths that were counted. The death toll on the paper easily reached 100.

"It was a real tragedy," The captain remarked on the massacre, then continued, pointing at Kei, "When we arrived on the scene, we only found this man alive. Usually, we wouldn't have taken such a man captive, but, well see for yourself. This man was armed to the teeth."

At this point, the captain handed Tarek another piece of paper which included all of the equipment confiscated from Kei.

Speaking again, the Captain said, "When we tried to question him on what happened at the plaza, he said that he was defending it from an enemy, though there were no witnesses, so we don't know if this is true or not. When we asked him for his identity, he would only reply that he was the average man who was a 'hero for a hobby' and when we tried to get any form of citizenship papers from him to prove who he was, he said, and I quote, 'I spilled ramen on them so I threw them away.'"

The captain sighed and rubbed his eyes with his hands, "Seriously, this man has been a pain and we haven't been able to get anything from him. We are still unsure of whether or not he is innocent, so we have not resorted to extreme methods of interrogation yet. We decided to wait for your recovery and ask for your opinion on this situation."

Mood: Annoyed
Condition: Fine

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Superb Member

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Nation: Fire Nation

Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Odd Meeting [Tarek]   Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] EmptyMon Oct 20, 2014 12:33 pm

Tarek Raiden

Tarek was recovering quickly from the Xuri attack; he had access to some of the best healers in the world after all.  He had commanded his troops to round up anyone who was believed to be a part of the Xuri invasion, with strict orders not to harm them as he wanted to speak with them himself.  

It wasn’t long before a lone man was brought before Tarek, handcuffed.  The Fire Nation guards explained the story of how they found him.  Tarek was handed a list of casualties from the area the man was found in as well as a list of the man’s equipment.  It was a literal arsenal.  Tarek watched the man carefully as his guard captain recounted the events leading up until the present.  

Tarek nodded at the captain. “You have done well Captain, thank you.  Now I need a full report of the injuries found on the dead in the immediate area of his capture right away.” He commanded before turning his attention to the young man. “So ‘hero’,” started Tarek with a smirk, “you said you were defending the plaza from an ‘enemy’, correct?  Tell me about the man you fought…did he speak to you? Did he have any special abilities?  What became of him?” asked Tarek, very curious about this man who stood before him.  Tarek was like a sponge when it came to gathering information, he absorbed as much as he could, whenever he could...and this man, who was either a lying Xuri member or an honest hero, might have had some more information on the elusive group which Tarek was so fervently tracking.

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Awesome Member

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Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Odd Meeting [Tarek]   Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 5:06 am


The captain spoke up as he begun to describe the wounds on those killed in the plaza. "All the injuries suffered by those killed seemed to have been caused by a large bladed weapon." The captain pointed at Kei and continued speaking, "Very similar to the large two handed sword this man was carrying."

When Tarek addressed Kei, the captain allowed Kei to speak up.
Being allowed so, Kei spoke, hoping that the Firelord would believe him because if he didn't, Kei knew the outcome would be very bad for his own health.

Speaking up, Kei said, "Well I was in my apartment when 3 zeppelins appeared overhead and started bombing the city. Unsure of what was going on, I left my apartment and followed some soldiers to the central plaza where apparently there was a large commotion. The cause of this commotion was a large hooded man standing at about 7 feet and carried a ridiculously massive scythe. I don't know what was up with this man and what he was taking, but his strength was inhuman. A single slash of his was capable of cleanly through squads of your soldiers in a single swipe, he was blindingly fast, and also had a vertical jump of nearly 3 stories."

Kei paused for a bit, then continued, "I was the only survivor of that battle, the hooded man killed everyone else. I personally managed to get away unscathed when the hooded man retreated, which was a little after the time 2 of the attacking Zeppelins were destroyed."

Then Kei sighed and muttered, "Seriously, I know I didn't really do much, but still, I think holding me captive is a really rude action considering I did try to help.

Mood: Annoyed
Condition: Fine

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Superb Member

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Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Odd Meeting [Tarek]   Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 10:10 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek squinted at the man, carefully considering what the guard had just said about the large bladed weapon and the injuries found on the dead.  Tarek carefully listened to the man’s very detailed explanation as to what happened.  He could see that the guards thought it was all just a tall tale, and quite honestly it *was* hard to believe.  However Tarek’s nation had just been attacked by a group of extraordinary benders.  Tarek himself had fought a powerful combustion bender while his son faced off with a lava bender.  His wife foiled an assassination attempt on his own life by a fog bending assassin and a visiting airbender managed to get the better of a strange airbending sniper. With this in mind, Tarek promised himself not to dismiss any reports, no matter how strange or hard to believe.  There was also something about this man.  He seemed…trustworthy.  Tarek had a gut feeling deep down that the prisoner was telling the truth and that he really fought a very powerful Xuri member. Tarek knew how to read people and although he was sometimes to trusting, he had learnt to trust his gut over the years.  It was seldom wrong and always served him well.

Tarek gestured towards his guards, who would obey him without question.  “Take his bindings off and leave us.”  He said before, gesturing to a nearby chair.  “Have a seat, please.”
Tarek looked at Kei for a moment, pausing before continuing. “I apologize for your treatment at the hands of my men.  The Fire Nation suffered much because of the Xuri, and my guards were only doing their duty to try and keep my citizens safe.  But I believe you, and as a token of my thanks for defending my Nation, I will give you anything you request, within reason of course.  I just ask that you answer a few questions I have.  I plan to find the Xuri, and stop them, and I need your help.”

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Awesome Member

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Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Odd Meeting [Tarek]   Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] EmptyWed Oct 22, 2014 6:56 am


With Tarek's orders given, the guards removed Kei's handcuffs and exited the room. As he left, the captain told Tarek, "Alright Sir, just call us whenever you need us again."

At this point, Kei was honestly getting a bit worried sitting in the room alone with the Firelord. Kei often tried to avoid Fire Nation officials because of the fact that Kei once had a large bounty on his head for assassinations on key figures in the government. Even though he was assumed dead and gave up such a life style many years ago, Kei was afraid someone would still recognize him.

Kei was honestly shocked at Tarek's ask for his help. He wasn't exactly sure why the Firelord would ask for a sketchy fellow like himself when there were clearly many capable beings in the Fire Nation to begin with.

Kei also noted at this point the the group that attacked the Fire Nation was the Xuri.

"Oi, aren't all the Xuri members all extremely powerful?" Kei said nervously, "I mean, sure I managed to hold them off, but to be fair, it started off as like me and like 20 other soldiers facing the attacker. We all kind of ganged up on him at the beginning, but the attacker eventually killed everyone else off. Really it's a miracle I survived."

This was actually a lie however and Kei was trying to hide the fact that he fought the Xuri member alone. Kei honestly was hoping that he would get out of the building with no problems. He didn't want to end up in a jail cell for the rest of his life.

"Also don't worry about the reward," Kei said, still nervous, anxious to leave, "I'm just fine with getting my belongings back."

Mood: Nervous
Condition: Fine

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Superb Member

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Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Odd Meeting [Tarek]   Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] EmptyWed Nov 05, 2014 7:44 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek raised an eyebrow at the young man before him, “The Xuri are indeed powerful.  From what we saw during attack, a handful of them caused utter chaos.” Said Tarek.  He then paused to listen to more of what the man would say. “Despite what the Xuri done to my guards and soldiers, my men are far from incompetent.  They are all some of the best trained troops in the world…and you mean to tell me that twenty of my troops were massacred by this man, and you alone managed to ‘hold him off’?  I would call that a miracle indeed…that…or you must just be a very capable fighter...” continued Tarek with a smile in response to the man’s story.

Tarek noticed the man looked a little anxious, “you seem awfully in a rush to get going?  Don’t worry, you are not in trouble…your actions against the Xuri showed great courage, and I want to reward you…please, stay and enjoy some of the luxuries the palace has to offer, it must have been a while since you ate a good meal.  Tonight we will have a banquet in your honor,” said Tarek with a smile.  In truth, Tarek was curious about this man and his abilities.  He was sure he wasn’t a member of the Xuri…he didn’t seem the fanatical type.  But he did manage to fight and survive a battle with a Xuri bender, a rare feat indeed given their power.  Tarek wanted to see if this man could be an asset to him in his quest to find and defeat the Xuri for good.  

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Awesome Member

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Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Odd Meeting [Tarek]   Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] EmptyThu Nov 06, 2014 6:35 am


"No no no," Kei quickly stammered, "I assure you, it was just luck. I don't actually know how to fight. I mean sure, I kind of jumped into that battle, but I regret it. Kung-fu comics don't actually teach you how to fight, but don't worry, I promise I've learned my lesson and will stay out of fights that are over my head next time."
Kei was getting worried, he knew that he was doing a terrible job of keeping attention away from himself and the Firelord was probably beginning to he was onto something. Surely there was something Kei could say to make himself seem really heroic and just some random dude that got lucky. Just whatever to make it so that Tarek didn't suspect Kei of being who he really was.

Crap. The banquet was a really tempting offer and Kei knew he would have a hard time refusing such an offer.
"I think a banquet is a bit too much, It wasn't really that big of a deal," Kei said, scratching the back of his head doing his best to hide his fear of being found out with a fake, shy humbleness, "I was just doing to my civil duty to my country you know? Wooh, go Fire Nation!" Kei ended with fake enthusiasm.

Mood: Nervous
Condition: Fine

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Superb Member

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Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Odd Meeting [Tarek]   Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] EmptyWed Nov 12, 2014 7:34 am

Tarek Raiden

Tarek raised an eyebrow at the young man.  His constant backpedalling at everything Tarek said made Tarek become a little suspicious, he had a feeling the man was hiding something.  Tarek activated his heat sense, a unique skill perfected by the Fire Family.  Heat sense made for a very accurate lie detector, just like its earthen counterpart, seismic sense.  Tarek decided to pressure the young man, and see how he reacted.  In most cases a person under stress would exhibit a unique heat pattern that Tarek would be able to sense.

“There is no such thing as luck.” Said Tarek, carefully watching the man, “but there is such a thing as a liar…and I hope you aren’t one of them…” he continued, sitting upright.  Tarek’s eyes visibly flashed a bright orange color.  It was just for show, but Tarek hoped it would let the young man know he was serious.  “You see, the Xuri defiantly marched up to my front door.  They destroyed my city and murdered my people and threatened my family.  Good, strong, noble and honourable people died that day, many of which were my close friends.  The Xuri have spread fear across the world and are a threat to the very balance of life itself.  I *will* find whoever is responsible and if you are hiding something from me…I *will* find out.  Now think about what I said long and hard before you answer this…who you are you and what happened on the day of the attack?” He asked in a calm, but authoritative voice.  

Mood:  Calm
Condition: Healthy

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Awesome Member

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Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Odd Meeting [Tarek]   Tarek - An Odd Meeting [Tarek] EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 7:57 am


Ahh, shit. Kei thought to himself, The Firelord is catching on.
He knew this wouldn't be good. He was no doubt appearing to look like a criminal. Kei needed a good excuse, one that wouldn't entirely be a lie, but just simply not the whole truth.

Kei took a deep breath in and out. He needed to calm his nerves, appearing worried wouldn't defend his case at all. Then he spoke, mainting a leveled voice with a layer of exhaustiveness behind it, to show how weary his past years have made him.
"You're right," Kei spoke, "I lied. I just wanted to avoid the attention, I don't handle stuff like that too well. The truth, is that I once served as a freelancer during the War Of Tipped Scales. I was employed to fight for the Fire Nation during the war, and I did so. Even though I did encounter the worst of the fighting, I made a lot of money doing so and ended up retiring shortly after the war. In that time I found a woman and we both fell in love. We immediately got married and soon became Husband and Wife."

Kei sighed a depressing sigh and continued, "Well, it turned out that the love was only one sided and my wife wasn't actually in the marriage for love. Coming home from a long fishing trip, I saw that my wife had left me, taking with her all of my wealth and valuables, leaving me with nothing. I had to start over, but doing so was very difficult, especially during these tough times. It came to the point where I would do any job that would pay me and soon, I began to work solely as a Jack-Of-All Trades. When a sudden attack erupted upon the Fire Nation, I only jumped into the battle because I was afraid of once again losing everything that I had worked for. I managed to survive only because this was not my first fight I've ever been in."

Kei couldn't help but be proud of his story he came up with. Sure the second half got a bit unrealistic, but surely that must have seemed pretty convincing...

Mood: Calming
Condition: Fine

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