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 Tyren the Wanderer

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Tyren the Wanderer Empty
PostSubject: Tyren the Wanderer   Tyren the Wanderer EmptyFri Sep 23, 2011 9:59 am

Full Name: Tyren Tu Ran, also known as Tyr or Tyren the Wanderer
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Element: Earth
Birthplace: Conchi village
Position: Ex-convict

Personality: Tyren is kind at heart, though his past has hardened him, and made him cautious, unwilling to trust anyone. Tyren is very good with people, he can usually get anyone talking if he tries, but he became quiet and brooding after his imprisonment. He has a very good memory, he doesn't forget a face. Prison has made him patient, he is willing to wait as long as it takes to reach his goals. When he is alone he is lonely, but when he is with people, he wants to be alone. He is loyal, if you earn his friendship, which is very difficult since his imprisonment. He doesn't trust many people anymore, and refrains from getting emotionally attached to anyone. He doesn't like to accept that anyone knows more than him, and tries to act more powerful and smarter than everyone. To many people this is rude, but it is what he was taught in his years in prison.

Abilities: When provoked, Tyren is a very strong earthbender. He uses his feet more than his hands for earthbending. Tyren also learned a little metalbending from a earthbender in prison. He is not very clever with his hands, so he is hopeless at wielding a sword. He often fights by calling rock onto his body, especially his right arm, making it a deadly club. He is pretty smart, and learned in prison how to break codes and passwords. He isn't very fast, but he is steady.

Appearance: Tyren is tall and broad-chested, with tight muscles and olive-colored skin. He has a scar across his right cheek. Tyren wears a simple, muddy-green shirt with several pockets on the bottom front seam. One shoulder has a average-sized hole ripped in it from a fight with a earthbender. He wears patched brown pants with a pocket on each side, one of them has a hole in the bottom. He carries a sack with all of his food and a picture of Miyoko. His eyes are light brown, wide and deep. They give the impression that he is always thinking hard.

History: Tyren grew up in the small village of Conchi, on the edge of the Earth kingdom. He had loving parents, and a good home. His earthbending skills were noted by Akira, the village earthbender. He took Tyren under his wing when he was young, and trained him well. Tyren's best friend growing up was a girl named Miyoko. She was very smart and pretty, and he trusted her completely.
When Tyren was twenty years old, his parents both died of sickness. Tyren was heartbroken. He began working in a nearby farm to earn money. When Tyren was 21, he was framed for a crime he didn't commit. This incident changed his life forever. In the court, he was pleading his case well, when he was stunned by Miyoko testifying against him, for the two men accusing him. He was broken and confused, and lost the trial. He was sentenced to seven years in a nearby town jail. He spent seven years, brooding. The prison changed his personality completely. He became quiet and surly, and lost his talkativeness good humor. He became very fit, because exercising was one of the only things to do in prison. He made only one friend in prison: A older man, a earthbender and metalbender named Hetachu. Hetachu discovered he had the potential for metalbending, and taught him a little. When he left seven years later, Tyren went back to his hometown, and was devastated to learn Akira had died. He was touched to find out that the old earthbender had left him his small fortune, and was angry to discover Miyoko and her consorts had taken it. Not only that, the men who had falsely framed him and Miyoko were gone. Tyren vowed to find them, dead or alive, and, if possible, seek vengeance. Now he is on his way to Omashu, Miyoko's dream city, to begin his search.
Sample RP: A little example of your RPing skills. This is optional, if you do it your chance of being accepted is higher.

Tyren walked along a dusty road, head down. His bare feet made very little noise on the dry dirt. The fields around him were bare, grass waving in the light breeze. Tyren was thinking of Miyoko, and all of the good times they had had together as children. Why did you betray me? he thought desperately. He remembered also his parents, and their love for him. It seemed eons ago. As he walked along, the sun shone brightly down on him. Becoming thirsty, Tyren stopped to take a drink.
He suddenly dropped the waterskin and raised his hands in combat position, preparing to wheel around. Someone was approaching fast from behind.

Last edited by Tyren the Wanderer on Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:07 am; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 515
EXP : 8110
Birthday : 1995-05-22
Join date : 2011-07-06
Age : 29
Location : the Netherlands

Character Description
Age: 22
Position: Ba Sing Se Citizen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Tyren the Wanderer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tyren the Wanderer   Tyren the Wanderer EmptyFri Sep 23, 2011 11:50 am

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