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 Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 4:30 pm

Gysu was sitting in the pub, and his eyes were watching his prey. The serial killer, Black Fang was there. She was a serpent, and her looks were as good as her skill with a blade. Gysu noticed that she was leaving this pub, most likely to find her next victim. So Gysu got up and went over to follow her in order to apprehend her.
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 5:06 pm


After all this time, Daichi was back on the job. He felt pretty good, he'd even been staying in the pub where his target usually visited, so he got to sleep in. As for his target, the assassin was waiting for her, atop a large tree outside the pub. He saw no point in going into the pub, after all, he'd only end up following her out again, and what could look more suspicious than that? Daichi shifted slightly, more uneasy than he normally would be. He was slightly out of practice, and his last two assassinations had gone...differently.

On top of that, this was hardly a normal kill. He wasn't used to killing one so skilled. He reflected for a moment on who he was removing. Black Fang, serial killer. Evaded police on multiple occassions, and she had killed even more people than even Daichi, both police, and civillians. He had decided beforehand how she was going to die, he was going to let her pass, and shoot her once in the back of the head. But that was plan A, and he didn't expect it to work out, so, naturally he had back-up plans. The assassin's musing was interrupted, as he noticed her walking out of the pub, quickly followed by another. Daichi silently scoffed, amateur. He opted to wait, and he silently followed from the trees, he could use this situation to his advantage.

Mood:in the zone

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 6:26 pm

Gysu quickly erected earth to surround and trap Black Fang, "Black Fang. I am here to take you in, you have a very large bounty on your head." To which replied Black Fang, "Aw look, here comes some low level bounty hunter. What do you think I am? A pathetic nonbender?" To which she broke herself free of the earthen prison. Gysu then formed a battleaxe from the earth and he swung it at her, to which he hit her. But his blade was dull, so it only sent her flying back a bit.
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 7:02 pm


Daichi stood in the tree, watching the spectacle unfold. When the other assassin managed to throw his target away, Daichi seized the moment. Light on his feet, Daichi descended from the tree, landing straight on top of the other assailant's shoulders, but he didn't waste a moment. He jumped forward again, drawing the dagger in his right hand. He landed next to his target, who had stood back up at this point, using the dagger, he parried a swing from Fang, and, using his left hand, he brought up a chunk of earth, and sent it careering towards her. But the swords woman was too fast, and she stepped to her left, and then she moved forward, swinging her sword at the back of his neck.

Daichi ducked at the last moment, narrowly avoiding the blade, he kicked backwards, connecting with his target, and she reeled, giving him enough time to turn into a stabbing motion. However, with one hand, Black Fang brought up a large piece of earth, and smashed Daichi in the face with it. The assassin was sent flying backwards, but he managed to land on his feet.


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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 7:06 pm

Gysu noticed Daichi on his shoulders and he yelled, "Hey, this is my target! Get your own!" He then took off after Black Fang when the man was pushed backwards off of him. He laughed and said, "You should have studied your pray more closely!" He ran up to Black fang and he tried to get her with a punch that went downwards, she dodged and it cracked the earth when it hit the ground.
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 6:39 am


The assassin paid no attention to the other man's yelling, and when he was thrown off, he landed on his feet. Daichi pursued, moving around the other pursuer when he punched the ground. He pulled out his dagger, aiming to stab his target in the heart, however she dodged to his left, with a speed that was almost inhuman. But she underestimated her assailant, who spun, bringing his left leg up and delivering a powerful kick to her chin. She stumbled, and fell on her back, with a light thud.

He could have finished her off there and then, he should have, but instead he took a minute to gloat. "You were saying?" He said to the other assailant. And as if the gods themselves had heard his hubris, Daichi was rewarded with two boots to his face, courtesy of his target. For what felt like the tenth time today, he was kicked backwards, but this time, he flew straight into the other assailant!


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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 6:59 pm

Gysu saw the other man coming at him a little too late. And so, POW! They collided. Sending both of them flying back. Black Fang took her time to laugh and then she said, "Well, this has been great boys. But I gotta run." And so, she threw down something that made a flash and she was gone. "Great, now I don't get to eat this week!" Gysu said, looking at the man on top of him.
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 7:30 pm


Daichi gave an annoyed (and uncharacteristic) groan. "Why are people always getting in my way?" Daichi stood up, sheathed his knife, and sighed. "Next time, don't take on a job above you. Leave it to the pros. Such as myself, it's people like you that screw up my work." The assassin dusted himself off. Quite frankly, he couldn't be bothered to pursue his target, as he was sure the other assassin would. And Daichi knew that wasn't going to end well.


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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyTue Aug 14, 2012 9:20 am

"Hey pal, I've been collecting bounties since I was a kid! So don't you go telling me how to do my job!" Gysu looked at the guy angrily, he really needed that money this week. He looked over at the man, "So, yeah. What the hell is wrong with you!? Calling the prey a "target" like you're some kind of assassin. The best way to deal with a serial killer is to go at them head on. They never expect it. They expect everything to be done with careful plotting. She expects it to be like how she kills. And if you didn't notice, she was seriously thrown off by the fact that someone came right at her head on."
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyTue Aug 14, 2012 7:29 pm


Daichi arched his eyebrow. "I am an assassin. My family have been assassins for generations, I was trained by my father since I was born, and I killed the first other man I saw at six. I wasn't planning to assassinate her here, because in case you haven't noticed, there's a pub full of people right behind us. And the reason I didn't charge her like a maniac is that she would have seen me. Far better to kill her before she realizes what's happening. Your strategy gives her a chance to fight back, and that strategy could have gotten us killed." Daichi returned the man's angry looks with his own cold, penetrating stare. But, an uncharacteristic twinge of a guilt hit him, a twinge he'd been getting a lot recently. Truth be told, it was beginning to annoy him.This again. I suppose it's time to apply that new tactic once again.

The assassin sighed, and stretched out a hand "It's clear you need this kill, but so do I. We'll just get in each other's way, and as much as I'd like to be done with you, my new found conscience" Daichi spat out the word. "Isn't going to let me. I believe I'm feeling what is known as pity, though i'm not entirely sure, this whole 'kindness'' business is alien to me. But i digress, would you like too work together? That's the only way we can both win."


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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 5:43 am

Gysu looked at the man which he felt was an idiot. "Well, so long as you understand this much. As an assassin, you get paid for her death. As a bounty hunter, I get paid for her life. We are working towards two entirely different goals." Gysu sighed, he was tired, seeing as how he hadn't eaten anything in the last couple of days. "Look, unless we first capture her and give her to teh proper authorities, then I get nothing. So we'll do that. Then you can kill her from a distance as she is passing from me to the police, what do you say to that plan?"
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 10:28 am


"Alright, sounds like a good plan, and don't worry about the long distance kill, I could kill her from inside prison if I needed to." Daichi wasn't over exaggerating, he'd actually done that once, it was a massive pain, but he could do it. The assassin considered his options, he could track the murderess into the woods, but that was her domain, and she would be extremely dangerous. Or they could just find her in the pup later. Daichi, however was feeling impatient, so he vouched for the woods. "I don't want to waste anymore time, we should go to the woods, and catch her there. Although the woods are her domain, they're also mine." The assassin looked at Gysu, waiting for an answer.

Mood: Impatient
Condition: Bruised

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 3:06 pm

Gysu laughed, "A fellow woodsman, eh? I think that you and I hold a lot more in common than someone would think. I was raised in the wilderness. That area is my specialty." He looked on in the woods. "I say that we go in. But you never know, there are worse things than Black Fang in there. Much worse things."
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 3:28 pm


Daichi shrugged, "I usually take the trees, it's much easier. But it seems someone of your...size would have a bit of trouble with that. Still, I'm sure you can handle it. Now, I know how to track, so i'll stay on the ground until we find her, then I'll climb to a vantage point when we find her. How does that sound?"


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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySat Aug 18, 2012 4:21 pm

"Sounds like a plan. Have you ever heard the song, "I'm a lumber jack?" He just threw in that last question quizzically. He looked about him for a bit, he noticed that someone a cabbage cart had just been knocked over when he heard a man yell, "MY CABBAGES!" He turned and looked at Daichi, "Just a curiosity."
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 7:13 pm


"I haven't heard your song, no."Daichi noted a tipped cabbage stand, but paid no attention to it. As they journey further into the forest, Daichi took the front, he navigated the woods excellently, avoiding every noisy twig, and any equally noisy animals. They had gone deeper into the woods, but that didn't worry the assassin. Although he grew up in the desert, Daichi excelled in almost any terrain, save for the water tribe. However, Daichi was distracted by tracking, and failed to notice a figure moving about in the depths of the woods. That is, until a low thudding rang out, he turned just in time to move out of the way of the beast. At first, the assassin didn't know what it was, but after further inspection, he confirmed it to be a bear. He landed on his feet, and shouted to Gysu. "You distract it, i'll slit it's neck from behind." Daichi drew his knife, and prepared to fight.


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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 7:34 pm

Gysu charged at the platypusbear head on. He was literally holding it back. Hs hands were outstretched and he was holding it back with sheer strength. "Now assassin man!"
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Daichi Takumi
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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 8:28 pm


Quick as the wind, Daichi launched himself onto the back of the bear, which he noticed had a beak, and in one swift movement, he slit it's throat. The beaked-bear collapsed to the ground, and Daichi gracefully landed on top of it. He dusted himself off. "Good, well done, if we can do something along those lines when we find Blackfang, we should be just fine." Daichi turned, and continued onwards.


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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 8:36 pm

Gysu looked at him, "There was something odd about this platypus bear. For starters, it didn't seem to want to get me. It wanted to try and to go around me, as if it was fleeing something. And there's not much that can make a platypusbear flee like that. So, do we go forward and face whatever made that thing come this way. Or do we leave and wait for her?"
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Daichi Takumi
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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 9:16 pm


Daichi shrugged "We're going to catch her eventually. So I see nothing wrong with working on our teamwork." Daichi was actually enjoying working with a partner for once, it was refreshing to have someone to combat Daichi's own weaknesses with his own strengths. The assassin looked at Gysu "Same strategy as last time, you use brute force to delay it, i'll deliver the quick, clean blow." And with that, Daichi swiftly climbed a nearby tree, and perched on a large branch.


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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 9:26 pm

"Works for me," Gysu stated. So, they continued to walk until they saw it. It was big. It was mean. It was a rhinogator. But most of all, it was hungry. Rhinogators measure up to 20 meters and can weigh up to two tons. Gysu was going to go touch it. The rhinogator came charging and Gysu grabbed it's jaws, keeping them clamped shut.
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 4:55 pm


Daichi smiled, as he fired three quick arrow shots at the beast. The arrows hit, but strangely enough, the Rhinogator didn't seem to be affected. It must have thick skin, so where's it's weak point? Then it struck him, Daichi hopped down, landing on the Rhinogator's back, and stared at Gysu. "We're going to need to flip it." He said, calmly. "Any ideas?"

Mood: Irritated
Condition: Healthy

Last edited by Daichi Takumi on Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 5:01 pm

"Here's an idea, JUMP!!" Gysu yelled, twisting the rhinogator's body. The force of it caused the rhinogator to expose it's belly, he continued flipping it until it was on it's back, it's two horns digging into the ground.
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Daichi Takumi
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Daichi Takumi

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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 6:05 pm


Daici jumped over Gysu just in time. As the beast flipped behind him. "Impressive indeed. We may well dine on Rhinogator tonight." Daichi wasn't joking either, he'd always wanted to taste rhino. The assassin stood atop the great animal, and carefully slit it's throat.


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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 7:37 pm

"Well, what are you? Firebender? Can you cook this meat? If not, I don't want to eat rhinogator raw. I prefer it cooked, though if you put it into a stew with some taters and onion...." Gysu's mouth began to water.
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daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI   daichi - Two Hunters, One Prize. PRIVATE GYSU AND DAICHI Empty

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