The Last Airbender: New Chapters RP
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 New Chapters RULES

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Staff Admin

Posts : 515
EXP : 8110
Birthday : 1995-05-22
Join date : 2011-07-06
Age : 29
Location : the Netherlands

Character Description
Age: 22
Position: Ba Sing Se Citizen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

New Chapters RULES Empty
PostSubject: New Chapters RULES   New Chapters RULES EmptyMon Jul 11, 2011 5:14 pm

General Rules

► Respect every member of this site, always. This means no insulting, flaming or just be unnecessarily rude. If you really do have a problem with someone, PM a Staff Member and (s)he will try to deal with the situation as best as they possibly can. We do not want massive flaming all around the forum. Therefore, breaking this rule will result in warnings, followed by a suspension, and if done again, a permanent ban.

► Advertising your own forum or site is allowed, but only in the 'Advertisement' section and in signatures. Doing this elsewhere, will result in an immediate suspension, or a permanent ban.

► No arguing or not listening to Moderators or Admins whatsoever. If you find one of them has made a wrong decision, you may have a civilized conversation, but if they tell you to stop, you stop. If you think the Moderator or Admin is completely wrong, you can contact myself or other staff.

► Please refrain from extensive cursing or very detailed 18+ events. We allow cursing, but you don't have to add five curse words to each sentence. It does not make you seem cool. If a staff member finds you need to tame down on cursing, tame down. As for 18+ events, these are allowed, just do not go in expansive detail, for there is no need.

► Double posting is usually not allowed. Bumping your character thread (usually from a WIP to completed) us one notable exception.

► This forum is English. This means you must speak English at all times. No text-language or l33t speak is allowed. Try to always follow regular punctuation ( . , " ? ! : ; ' ), and try to use good spelling and grammar. If your excuse is that you're not a native English speaker, get your ass back to school, because I'm one too. If you are simply not able to understand English, see above.

► Do not ever spam. Try to keep every single post above two sentences. You will receive a warning if you spam. Repeated spamming will result in a suspension, and after that comes a permanent ban. We do not like spam, so go spam elsewhere. Also, while this does not reply to RP per se, do try to keep RP posts to at least a few sentences and/or 1-2 small paragraphs. Not only do one-liners tend to suck, but they are also often hard to work with.

► Regular members, do not do a staff member's job. There is a reason why they are actually staff. If you see someone breaking a rule, don't point it out to the offending individual, just PM or contact a staff member who will point it out to them. Very light issues aren't a problem, of course.

► Never post or send any porn or shocksite links on this forum. You will only be warned once. This is your warning. You will right away receive a suspension or even a permanent ban.

► Do not copy anything off the site without permission, mainly the posts made in the roleplaying section, but this also includes pictures (not avatars, but category pictures etc.). I am NOT claiming I drew anything myself, but I did edit everything to make it fit in the forum.

Last edited by Liao on Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:09 am; edited 8 times in total
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Staff Admin

Posts : 515
EXP : 8110
Birthday : 1995-05-22
Join date : 2011-07-06
Age : 29
Location : the Netherlands

Character Description
Age: 22
Position: Ba Sing Se Citizen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

New Chapters RULES Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Chapters RULES   New Chapters RULES EmptyMon Jul 11, 2011 5:14 pm

Roleplay Rules

► Given that Zulera is the only remaining admin, she sometimes gets lazy. If after 24 hours your creation has not been seen, you may bring it up in the chatbox. A staff member is likely there, and your app was likely just missed by our busy admins and mods. if nothing else, Zulera is almost always on at least once [under Zulera or one of her alternate accounts] in any given 24-hour period, and she has given free reign for people to nag her if needs be. There are no more excuses.

► No canon characters are allowed. You will simply be immediately denied. You can also not be related to any of the canon characters in any way. This includes objects, items, skill, accessories, and anything else you can think of. It's quite annoying when there are hundreds of Aang's grandchildren running around with his 'staff'. To prevent this, this rule has been made. Just be original with your character's story and history.

► If you want to have a Special Position, such as a General, Admiral, Master etc. you have to ask a staff member for their permission. Usually higher positions are given when you are active and are a good RPer. If you do not ask for permission, and decide to make your character a General or whatever, do not be surprised if your application is denied. Don't be hurt if we decide you can't be a Admiral, not every single character has to be a rich, high-ranked bending master of ultimate capabilities.

► One character per account. Multiple accounts are allowed and encouraged. If you know you will not have much time for the RP, don't create a new character, but instead stick with the character(s) you currently already have.

You can not be everywhere at the same time. You cannot be in Ba Sing Se for one minute, and then suddenly be back in the Fire Nation Capital the other. If you're somewhere, try to roleplay there. Don't just teleport from one place to another. This old rule no longer applies. We run on liquid time now, because it allows your character to have more interactions with others.  Remember though, we do have an in-transit forum if you wish to travel from place to place.

► You cannot be overpowered! The series over-exaggerated the strength of the main characters (aged 12-16) because the main audience was that age. No one in this roleplay can be 14 and a Master. Every same-ranked person is equally strong, you cannot be stronger, only weaker. Special techniques such as lightning can only be done by characters with a decently high rank, such as Expert and higher.

► You may not decide whether your opponent gets hit by your attacks. (S)HE decides that. You are also not able to dodge every single attack aimed at you, get hit now and then. Show some decent roleplaying. You may not kill anyone without their permission. Dying is basically losing the ability to post with your account. Some people do not want to lose the account they have developed by roleplaying. Godmodding of any kind will be dealt with using the most severe of consequences, and there is zero tolerance for it.

► Metagaming is acting upon information your character does not know about. Never do this. If your friend gets killed on the other side of the world without your knowledge, and you encounter the killer, you didn't know he did it, unless it was told to you through roleplay.

► Each post on the RP section must be at least 50 words long, and longer post are highly encouraged.  You will be warned if you make smaller posts. If repeated, a suspension will follow. If you are creating a topic, try to create the possibility for other people to join, make the topic and environment broad, unless it was meant for certain people.
It is extremely encouraged to use the Post Lay-out as shown below, but this is not required. If you wish not to use it, please be sure to add a link to your character's page.

Both the General and Roleplaying rules may be changed at any time. Re-read them very often.
Last update: 31 August 2014 by Zulera

Update Notes:

August 21st: Broadened terms to better involve site staff with forum administration to match present trends and rules among staff.

September 2nd: Wording changed to replace ranks with modern equivalents. *Grandmaster with master, elite with expert, etc.*

March 3rd: Many rules wording changed to flow better with the current site's standpoint.  Mainly, time is now officially liquid even though it has been for almost a year now.  Other rules changed, for instance, no one can be 14 and a master according to our application rules.  I also changed who should be informed in certain instances (for instance, Liao should not be the one to contact for a swift looking over of a profile).  Other minor changes as well.

21 September: Added a few small nits and picks.

31 August: Just reworded a few things ~Zul~

Last edited by Liao on Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:17 am; edited 11 times in total
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Staff Admin

Posts : 515
EXP : 8110
Birthday : 1995-05-22
Join date : 2011-07-06
Age : 29
Location : the Netherlands

Character Description
Age: 22
Position: Ba Sing Se Citizen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

New Chapters RULES Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Chapters RULES   New Chapters RULES EmptyMon Jul 11, 2011 5:30 pm


[[ If you can't figure it out, click any of this for a tutorial! ]] If you still can't figure it out, ask Zulera. We can understand if you're on a mobile or tablet or something, but otherwise you have no excuse, and generally people who can't even put up a character box are setting themselves up to be lazy and shitty writers too.
It may seem hard, but it is actually very easy to understand. If you have trouble finding things, you can always try searching using CTRL+F.
Every post must be made like this:

Name goes here

In this area you basically put all the text. I'm going to assume you have at least once RPed in your life, if not, look at other posts. You describe everything that happens here.


Here is the code for it:


There is also one for two pictures.

Name goes here

In this area you basically put all the text. I'm going to assume you have at least once RPed in your life. If not, look at other posts. You describe everything that happens here.

Name goes here

Here is the code for that one:


Again, if you don't get it, here is the tutorial.
If you still have questions, you can always PM me or ask a question at the Helpdesk.
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Staff Admin

Posts : 515
EXP : 8110
Birthday : 1995-05-22
Join date : 2011-07-06
Age : 29
Location : the Netherlands

Character Description
Age: 22
Position: Ba Sing Se Citizen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

New Chapters RULES Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Chapters RULES   New Chapters RULES EmptyMon Jul 11, 2011 8:12 pm



  • Metalbending
  • Sandbending
  • Lavabending*


  • Healing
  • Icebending
  • Bloodbending*


  • Lightning
  • Combustion Bending*


  • Fogbending/Cloudbending
  • Suffocation*
  • Glider-less Flight*

abilities marked with an asterisk (*) are banned from standard character creation due to their extreme amounts of power and/or risks of godmodding/powerplaying. They are not necessarily impossible to achieve (and are usually done through roleplaying; more on that later), but they will be very difficult to earn.


Basically, you can master two weapons (masteries). These can be of any weapon, but keep it realistic. Here are some examples.

  • Broadsword
  • Bow
  • Spear
  • Nunchucks
  • Chains
  • Battleaxe
  • Pikes
  • Sai
  • Tetsubo
  • Throwing Stars
  • Bladed Staff
  • Nainatas
  • Scimitar
  • Halberd
  • Club

These are EXAMPLES. You can choose different ones!
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