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 A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptySat Nov 09, 2013 9:14 am

Cyrad had been in the city for about two weeks now.  He had gotten his own apartment that was nice but small and expensive, luckily his earthbending lessons were pay by class so Cyrad was able to afford not sleeping on the streets.  Cyrad had been exploring the city in his off time trying to learn where the best places to shop or eat were and the like.  If he wasn't wandering, in a class, or at his apartment Cyrad spent his remaining time in the Universities Library searching for and reading anything he could find on earthbending in architecture.  

That's where you would find Cyrad today.  Cyrad had class this morning and after the session ended Cyrad decided to visit the library. He was sitting at a table by himself skimming over two books, jumping from one to the other.  The smaller of the two was on general architecture and explained how foundations were made and why.  The other was a rare find, where the first was one of dozens Cyrad had found similar to it the second book was like only one Cyrad had found before.  It was a book directly on the subject he was looking up.  Cyrad's stomach growled in protest of continued study and he shot it a look like it had done something wrong.  Cyrad pulled out and unfolded a piece of paper.  On it was written the information on the first book he found that had concerned earthbending buildings and Cyrad added the information from this new book, so that he would know what to look for should he want to come back and read some more.

Cyrad got up, gathered his books and returned them to where he found them.  He was walking down towards the door and exit when he thought he heard Master Naseru's voice and turned to see him along with with the ever pretty Kozue.  The master was holding Kozue's hand, thumb dancing across her palm.  Cyrad saw Naseru do that before and guessed what it meant though he only had enough information to speculate.

On a whim Cyrad change routes to one that would intersect with his master.  "Master Naseru," Cyrad said letting his presence become known.  "I am about to go and get some lunch, if you and Kozue aren't busy would you two like to join me?" Aside from wanting them along so Cyrad could learn more about his master and the intoxicatingly interesting Kozue Cyrad earnestly didn't want to spend another meal alone.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptySat Nov 09, 2013 3:46 pm

Naseru & Kozue

The lessons with Cyrad continued, and Naseru seemed to like Cyrad because of his skill as a student. He would also have noticed that on their 2nd day, Kozue was wearing a little golden necklace with a green stone in the center of it.  It was obvious that this, as well as a small bracelet on her right wrist, had been what Naseru had bought for Kozue with the extra stack of money. He seemed to touch the bracelet softly when Cyrad showed up, as if to alert Kozue of who had just appeared.

they saw each other now and again as they passed through the halls and during lessons of course. one particular time around midday, he had offered them an invitation out to lunch.

"I think we have time for it." he smiled, knowing that they did, since Kozue didn't have a schedule, and he knew his own schedules like the back of his hand.
"Where did you have in mind?" he asked, "I've yet to find anything that Kozue won't eat, so she won't be a problem."
Kozue was standing there calmly, her hands together now, and a gentle little smile on her face. She seemed rather expressive, especially given that her eyes were glazed and featureless.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptySat Nov 09, 2013 4:30 pm

"I thing we have time for it." Master Naseru answered to Cyrad's delight.  Now that they were closer Cyrad immediately noticed the new jewelry.  He smiled on the inside though a little snuck past.  "Where did you have in mind?  I've yet to find anything that Kozue won't eat, so she won't be a problem."

"Actually I've only been in the city a few times and for short duration so I don't know that many places to eat.  Could you bring me to a place the two of you like?"  Cyrad answered.

Soon the three of them were off on their way to dine.  They were walking down a long ally toward the restaurant Naseru was guiding them to.  Cyrad brought up a question he had thought of earlier.  "How do you talk to her?  You can, right?  Because you two seem to operate really well together." Cyrad let the master answer before continuing.  Does it have anything to do with the hand thing you do?" He paused and let Naseru reply.  Cyrad wasn't normally this forward but he was drawn to puzzles and beautiful girls.

Cyrad had seen his master several times so took a moment while they were walking to see look at her with dedication.  She was attractive Cyrad had to admit, her dark hair falling over her pale shoulders.  Her necklace stood stark apart from her skin and Cyrad was eyes were drawn to it.  Realizing that it may look rude he drew his eyes to her face.  She had a face that drew him in and though she couldn't see he was sure the gates to her soul wasn't closed.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptySat Nov 09, 2013 5:00 pm

Naseru & Kozue

Naseru nodded understandingly. "Alright then... there's this little place I like called the Melting pot... it's basically got a bit of cuisine from the four nations... hence the name."
Naseru led the way, with Kozue walking at his side. other than a brief moment of him holding her hand , she walked on her own, and did so not only surprisingly well, but also with her back straight and a somewhat regal posture.

Naseru had expected for a while the question Cyrad asked, knowing that it would come sooner or later, for he had a nice little system with how he communicated with Kozue.
"A lot of it is through touching, as you might have noticed... Kozue is hypersensitive, and my precise movements help produce unique feelings on her hands and head, and occasionally her back and shoulders."
This was just in reference to the places he would touch to communicate with her, since he obviously did not touch her everywhere, as he respected her both as an individual with privacy, and as a young woman.

"She can sense things around her with her bending abilities." he continued to explain, "her hypersensitivity gives her even better attunement to details, although she does not use this sense all the time. she needs to close her eyes sometimes just as you or I would."
He figured Cyrad was smart enough to understand the metaphor he had just made.

Kozue was dressed modestly, and only her head and hands were exposed. There was a grace in Kozue's step, and her skirts flowed around her ankles and her hair flowed around her back as she walked. her dress was not low-cut enough to reveal any cleavage, but it did reveal plenty of her neck, so that the necklace was resting entirely on bare skin.

incidentally, when Cyrad looked at Kozue, Kozue turned her head to face him.
"She can sense you looking at her." Naseru explained, although the way he said it made it seem like ti wasn't a bad thing. "and she understands that people usually look at each other, and so she's trying to line her face up with yours. she's actually very brilliant."

she was easily pleased and had simple pleasures, but it was very true indeed that Kozue was a very smart young lady. she smiled at Cyrad, those featureless eyes holding so much expression, and the curves of her face led down to her little red lips, which were twisted into a small but genuine smile.

"ah, and here we are." Naseru added, having reached the destination of choice. Soon they were seated, with Cyrad across from Naseru and Kozue. Kozue was still smiling sweetly, and Naseru seemed to be wondering if Cyrad had any more questions about the mysterious young lady across from him.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptySun Nov 10, 2013 8:45 am

While on their way to the Meltingpot Cyrad listened intently as Naseru explained how he and Kozue communicated.  Cyrad couldn't get over how Naseru must have started from scratch and spent years developing the ability to communicate.  Yet the payoff was most clearly worth it.

"Does she, I don't know how to put it, write on you?  Or is it like constant lecture?"  Cyrad said, not in a sarcastic way but more wondering.

He felt terrible for Kozue with the obvious skill and intelligence she has Kozue could be wide known name but fate caged her to a life a darkness and mute.  Though Naseru had managed to chip away an entrance it gave Cyrad hope for her.  Now that Naseru had mentioned it Cyrad had noticed how sometimes he glanced at Kozue she seemed to take notice.  Cyrad agreed wth Naseru, she was quite brilliant.

"Ah, here we are." Naseru exclaimed as they passed by a building Cyrad had never seen before, he wasn't actually sure where he was but he trusted Naseru on not ditching him here.

They went into the restaurant and were seated promptly.  Everyone ordered their drinks Naseru ordering for Kozue and Cyrad getting a water, he only drank alchohol at night when all else in the day was finished.

"Pardon me if this is too intrusive but how did you too meet?  You said you adopted her but there must be a story behind that." Cyrad asked and paitently waited for a response.  "Has she ever been able to see or hear?" He interjected when appropriate.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptySun Nov 10, 2013 4:16 pm

Naseru & Kozue

"She has a few things that are unique to me that she does," Naseru explained, "although she is also very expressive when she communicates with other people. She can sort of talk, although it's obviously very slurred since she can't hear herself. She's really friendly though... maybe you can try speaking with her after we get back? it was just a suggestion.
Kozue's skill and intelligence were part of what was helping her manage to adapt to the world around her while missing two very important abilities. her firebending skills were part of this, and as she increased in skill with them, so did her ability to open up and communicate.

Naseru ordered water for himself and Kozue; he drank alcohol now and again, although only after his lessons were done for the day. He kept Kozue away from it though. he had let her try it one time, and goodness gracious, that girl was a lightweight who could barely handle a few shots. Luckily, she was a giggly drunk, and so she did not become problematic; Naseru just had to deal with a lot of laughing from his room.

"I met Kozue at an orphanage," Naseru replied, "during one of my travels to the Fire Nation. She was 3 when I met her, and I noticed right away that there were unusual things about her besides her missing hearing and eyesight... I was curious; wanted to research it a bit. To be honest, I had also sort of wanted a little girl.
I adopted her, hoping to be able to study her and her skills a bit more, but I inevitably fell in love with her... so here we are today." he chuckled. It was obvious that any love Naseru referred to between him and the youngster was purely fatherly.

"as far as I know, she has not." he added in response to Cyrad's second question. "that primal firebending ability of hers though, seems to be what she uses as a suitable alternative. I am not exactly sure what level of skill she is at, but she is very spiritually attuned."
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptySun Nov 10, 2013 7:57 pm

"She has a few things that are unique to me that she does, although she is also very expressive when she communicates with other people. She can sort of talk, although it's obviously very slurred since she can't hear herself. She's really friendly though... maybe you can try speaking with her after we get back?Naseru offered.

Cyrad nodded along as Naseru spoke, and when given the opportunity Cyrad happily accepted it.  As everyone got their drinks and the waiter came and asked if everyone was ready.  Sheepishly Cyrad asked for a moment longer to decided.  He was sort of a picky eater but was surprisingly able to quickly fine something that he not only could eat but enjoyed profusely.

While Cyrad looked over the menu Master Naseru explained how he met Kozue.  "I met Kozue at an orphanage during one of my travels to the Fire Nation. She was 3 when I met her, and I noticed right away that there were unusual things about her besides her missing hearing and eyesight... I was curious; wanted to research it a bit. To be honest, I had also sort of wanted a little girl.  I adopted her, hoping to be able to study her and her skills a bit more, but I inevitably fell in love with her... so here we are today." And when Cyrad questioned if she ever had sight or hearing Naseru said not to his knowledge.  

The thought of primal bending interested Cyrad.  He had been a bender under study since he first moved pebbles.  He wondered what it would be like to have no guidance yet mold a style from only the element inside.  She molded a skill, which many abuse, she had a sense of innocence about her, being unpolluted by this mad world.  As the waiter approached again his movement made Cyrad realize he was staring at Kozue.  He looked away and then ordered a meal of cooked meat and a pile of vegetables.

"Your a kind man, Master Naseru.  I can imagine few how the patience or ability to do what you have done."  Cyrad was not a man of flattery but believed in praising accomplishment deserving.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptySun Nov 10, 2013 9:21 pm

Naseru & Kozue

when the waiter came around, Naseru ordered some hot curry and a side of sizzle-crisps for Kozue, and a plate of stir-fry for himself. it was probably the Fire Nation in her, but Naseru knew that Kozue enjoyed strong or spicy foods. He never had to worry about leftovers eater. Kozue was an eater. Maybe that firebending sense of hers consumed lots of energy? He was not entirely sure of all of its mysteries.

Kozue often unknowingly drew attention to herself, and this could technically be blamed on Naseru, who dressed and groomed her to a particular state of dazzling beauty. A lot of it was natural, as Kozue did not appear to have any makeup on, and the amount of jewelery she wore was not extravagant either. Her dress was rather ornate, but that was simply the designs that went down it. the garment itself was fairly simple to the point where taking it off was just a matter of unzipping it and pulling it down (or vice versa to put on).
She did seem aware that Cyrad was staring though, for she had on that friendly little smile of hers. She was quite an alluring creature, but it was in an innocent manner. Perhaps it was another reason why Naseru dressed her so modestly.

"It took patience, aye," he agreed, "although Kozue is also a very easy child to deal with. She's friendly and easy to please., taking pleasures in the simple joys of life..."
as if to demonstrate, he tapped Kozue's chin to tip her head back a little bit, where he gently scratched under her chin. Kozue giggled softly, tapping her foot happily under the table.
"See?" he added with a half chuckle of his own, as they waited for their meal.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 10:08 am

Naseru ordered a bowl of spicy curry for Kozue and a plate of stir fry for himself which the waiter took down and sped off to the kitchens.  Then Cyrad remarked about the difficulty of educating Kozue and Naseru replied while they waited for their food.

"It took patience, aye, although Kozue is also a very easy child to deal with. She's friendly and easy to please., taking pleasures in the simple joys of life.  See?" Naseru said as he reached up and started to scratched under Kozue's chin, something she responded with a quiet musical giggle and a patter of a foot under the table.  Cyrad was surprised and tried to suppress of chuckle of his own.

"Now, I don't want you to think I don't care about you Master Naseru but I don't know where to start.  Are there any things in your life that stand out, that may help me understand your as a person or as a bender.?"  He wanted to know his teacher more than just as a pupil.

As Naseru finished replying their food came out.  Cyrad ceased his bombardment of questions and started to eat, he didn't pig out though and was ready to answer any question or remark that Naseru posed.  He enjoyed the food quite a bit and hoped that they were too.  He was having a rather good time and just figured out why.  It had been so long that Cyrad couldn't remember when he had last shared a meal with friends.  Happily, he returned his thoughts to his plate and company.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 5:52 pm

Naseru & Kozue

Naseru gave Kozue a little pat on the back to calm her back down, and she seemed to be slightly more upbeat than before now. Naseru did seem very touchy-feely with the youngster, but it was only done because Kozue understood things best with touch.

Naseru nodded with an understanding chuckle. "I certainly didn't think that you only cared about my lessons, or about Kozue," he indicated, to show that no he had not been offended at all, "but to answer your question... I guess I simply learned as much as I did by moving around and by keeping an open mind. I question what I learn to make sure it is not outlying knowledge,, and I adopt skills from all walks of life. I am patient enough to understand that everyone functions differently. That was one of the better lessons this youngster taught me." he was clearly talking about sweet Kozue.

when the food arrived, Kozue seemed to know quite well about how to eat, and did so quickly but politely. the kid had manners; that was certain.
"How do you like it?" Naseru asked as he too ate, mostly referring to the restaurant in general, as it had been he who had suggested it in the first place.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 6:32 pm

Naseru explained that his wisdom had come from living a long life and keeping an open mind, which made sense to Cyrad.  Cyrad thought he was starting to get a grip on Naseru's psyche.  He was glad he had gotten this man as his teacher, wondering how his training would have progressed under the tutaledge of another.

Everyone was eating and enjoying their meals and even Kozue seemed to have fair manners.  As his food slowly disappeared Naseru asked him.  "How do you like it?"

"The food's very good thanks."  Cyrad started.  "And the atmosphere here is nice, hopefully I'll be able to find the place again."  He joked.  He took a sip of water that went down the wrong pipe and he stifled a couple of coughs.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 6:47 pm

Naseru & Kozue

there were few questions while they ate, as Naseru was polite and Kozue was most likely mute. Besides, it was not polite to talk with one's mouth full.
However, soon they finished, and even Kozue had licked her plate clean (not literally).

"this place is easy to find if you can recognize the landmarks around it," Naseru smiled, not being condescending with this remark; simply explaining how he kept track of it, and describing a couple of the noteworthy buildings around the place that indicated where to turn.
"most noticeable is that red building with the black Fire Nation insignia on it." he finished, "if you turn east at that one, you'll find this place without fail."

when he coughed and sputtered, Naseru did not react, since he wasn't choking and he felt it'd be rude to point something liek that out. instead, he scratched the back of Kozue's neck, causing the youngster to lean her head back again and tap her foot happily. Little gestures like this were just reminders for Kozue that Naseru was always close at hand.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 7:07 pm

Their meal was soon wrapped up each person leaving few scraps.  Cyrad wiped his mouth with a napkin so to make sure nothing was on his face or beard.  His stomach had the, I'm nice and full you should take a nap, feeling and Cyrad was most content.

Naseru told Cyrad about nearby landmarks and other indicators that would tell him when he was close to the restaurant, like the red building, which Cyrad thanked him for.  The man was being truly helpful to a another trying to settle into a new city, and for that Cyrad was grateful.

Naseru politely ignored Cyrad's tiny coughing episode instead turning his attention to Kozue and placed his hand on Kozue's neck.  The two were really physical but it didn't seem inappropriate in any way more like the interaction between family.

"I'll pay for this one.  But only because I never get to spend a meal with a pretty girl and a wise man." Cyrad said, letting his generosity rear it's head.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 7:18 pm

Naseru & Kozue

The reason, of course, for the physical-ness between Naseru and Kozue was simply becuase that was the only real way they could interact unless kozue magically learned to speak and hear. Otherwise it was just a father communicating with a daughter.

Naseru chuckled at his offer to pay the tab. "well... thank you then. I am sure Kozue appreciates it as well." he gently took her hand, touching the bracelet first and then moving his fingers along it as if to tell her something. He didn't ask the usual 'are you sure' question because he could tell that Cyrad was sober right now and was generally of sound judgment. So... if he said he wanted to pay the tab, Naseru was pretty sure that he meant it.

a moment later, Kozue turned towards Cyrad as well and gave him a really cute little smile. her mouth opened, and she almost seemed to be mouthing for a moment, before noise came out.
"d-da... d-dank..." her mouth moved again as if choking on something, but her face was still pale and her breathing was okay. "y... eee--oooo."
her voice was tiny and seemed to fit her. it was clearly very slurred, but this was a girl who had never seen or heard anything in her life. Naseru was actually proud of having taught this to Kozue. it had taken a lot of work, a lot of focus, and it had proved that Kozue could sort of read lips if she knew exactly where to focus, and "saw" the word repeated enough.
Naseru squeezed Kozue's hand to congratulate the younger girl, and smiled at Cyrad, wondering how he would react to Kozue's words.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyTue Nov 12, 2013 5:38 pm

"Well, thank you then. I am sure Kozue appreciates it as well."    Naseru said before reaching over to Kozue's wrist and telling her something and understanding passed between them.  Then Kozue looked right at Cyrad and smiled before opening her mouth at first there was no sound.

She stuttered over the words as she tried to say them, in a adorable sort of way.  "D-d-dank y-eow."

Cyrad was taken back, he definately hadn't expected her to thank him let alone say it, and simply stated.  "Wow."  It was really all his stunned mind could think of.  He then looked at Naseru and asked. "Can you show me how to tell her your welcome?"  He didn't take lightly the fact that she had chosen to speak to him and decided to save the memory.

Cyrad then dropped a pile of coins on the table for the bill, and leaving a significant tip for their waiter, before saying to his two companions, even though one was deaf.  "Whenever your are ready but don't let me rush you."

His meal had been not only delicious but also completely enjoyable and Cyrad planned to make it happen again hopefully.  He hadn't forgot about Naseru's offer to show him how to say a few things to Kozue and hoped that the master hadn't either.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyTue Nov 12, 2013 6:01 pm

Naseru & Kozue

"Aye," was Naseru's response to Cyrad's question, "the easiest way to do it is to smile and nod at her. If she notices, she will react to indicate that she noticed."
if he did as Naseru had instructed, Kozue would grin cutely and nod her head vigorously with excitement.

as the coins hit the table, Naseru slowly pulled himself up, taking Kozue's hand as well. "we are ready when you are."
It was true. they had finished eating a while ago. Naseru did wipe a little food off of the corner of Kozue's mouth, but otherwise, they were both ready to go.
"Thank you again, by the way." Naseru added, "we should do this again sometime, perhaps--especially if you and Kozue get to know each other better."

he was neither insinuating that he should be the one to pay again next time, nor implying anything apart from friendly socialization between Cyrad and Kozue with his 2nd remark.
"Do you have anything going on?" he also asked as they made their way out, "becuase if not, I can teach you a few ways to communicate with Kozue if you wanted..."
He had remembered all right. he felt it was a nice easy way to "repay the favor", so to speak, although this had all been voluntarily done without him seeking a return payment. To Naseru, that just meant all the much more.
Mood: Happy
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Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyTue Nov 12, 2013 7:17 pm

"Aye," Naseru responded.[color:8f52=light green] "the easiest way to do it is to smile and nod at her. If she notices, she will react to indicate that she noticed."

"Ok."  Cyrad looked right into her blind eyes and nodded.  "Your welcome."He added as he nodded by instinct.  Kozue returned with a whole bunch of nods and a smile only a pretty innocent. girl can manage.

After Cyrad asked if they were ready to depart Naseru responded that he was ready to go.  They stood up and Naseru wiped a corner of his mouth.

"Thank you again, by the way.  We should do this again sometime, perhaps--especially if you and Kozue get to know each other better."

"Yes, I would like that very much.    As for Kozue, I wouldn't mind getting to know her more and I have a lot of free time so I'm sure we could schedule something some time." Cyrad answered.

"Do you have anything going on?" Naseru continued as they left the restaurant, "becuase if not, I can teach you a few ways to communicate with Kozue if you wanted."

"I have a few hours to spare if it will not keep you from your duties.  But I think you should ask Kozue before I join your secret club."  Though he made it a jest, Cyrad really thought it rude to assume he had to the right to learn without asking her.  Then he thought about how one was not possible without doing the other and his brain yelled at him.[/color]
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyTue Nov 12, 2013 8:18 pm

Naseru & Kozue

true to Naseru's prediction, Kozue nodded vigorously and happily. She might have been around 21, but there was a childish innocence to the way she acted and handled herself that added to her charm. It was clear that she was a woman though, despite her small size. After all, there were plenty of curves that could be seen through Kozue's still modest dress.

"Easily." Naseru replied, "she doesn't exactly have a schedule other than what I do, so she's easy to reach. I have time today as well, for that matter, but you are right. it would be proper to ask her how she feels about it.
he chuckled a bit at Cyrad's joke as well as his own, before gently taking Kozue's hand. he did touch that bracelet, and then made a few more lines, touching various points on her hand alone.

Kozue paused, her head instinctively turning towards Cyrad, and then back to Naseru. This seemed to just be human instinct, as it made no difference to Kozue which way she was facing.
"She seems fine with it." Naseru explained, "she enjoys conversing, even if she sometimes has trouble conveying what she wants to say." Is my place alright for this?" he asked, as they began to walk back.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyWed Nov 13, 2013 12:47 pm

"She seems fine with it." Naseru started, and though Cyrad had thought she wouldn't mind there was still that thought in the corner of his mind though now banished.  Naseru continued.   "She enjoys conversing, even if she sometimes has trouble conveying what she wants to say.  Is my place alright for this?"

"Yea, I'd be my pleasure."Cyrad answered with pleasure, his day was boring no longer.

Naseru led the way through the maze called Ba Sing Se, Cyrad was just starting to know certain areas of the city but Naseru walked with the precision of dungeon mice.  Just another thing this man knows, Cyrad thought to himself.

Cyrad wondered how much strain it takes for Kozue to keep up with them, she had probably long past the time were it were a difficult effort but still it must be strain to need to combine several skills for such a little pay off.  He felt guilty as he silently thanked the spirits for the gift of his body, though as he thought this he subconsciously flexed his stone arm.

When they arrived to Naseru's place Cyrad kicked his feet against the ground and earthbended what little dust had accumulated from him, later he would kick himself for not doing it for his two companions but he had been around few people wouldn't like someone bending anything on them, even to help.  Cyrad followed Naseru inside.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyWed Nov 13, 2013 4:59 pm

Naseru & Kozue

Naseru was actually very familiar with a lot of the streets of Ba Sing Se. he was a scholar and a teacher by day, but he had a behind-life of also being an information-broker. it was sometimes shady business, but it was not like he was out hurting or killing people.

Naseru and Kozue were fairly clean, although upon noticing him dust himself off as they reached his front door, Naseru did the same to him and Kozue, where almost no dust came off. still. it was a nice gesture.

he led Kozue and Cyrad inside. based on the appearance of the front room, he was well-off, but was not living extravagantly or anything.
"Make yourself at home." Naseru invited. Kozue sat down on the floor, crossing her legs and looking like quite the elegant little lady as she did so. she did not even show off any of her ankles in her movements, as she spread her skirts around her.

"I suppose for introductions," Naseru began, sitting down next to Kozue. he was barefoot like many earthbenders were, so he did not need to remove any shoes, but given that Kozue wore shoes, it seemed he did not mind if people wore them. "...Kozue generally would shake your hand. You might have noticed that the jewelery I got her with the money you gave me, is something I touch to associate with you."

he paused, suddenly realizing something. "although perhaps instead of trying to teach every bit of our little code, perhaps you and her can create one of your own. the best way to start would probably be just to offer your hand. If she likes you, she'll shake it the same way most people do... and I'm pretty sure she's got a certain fondness of you already."
he was not sure exactly what Kozue's feelings for Cyrad were, but he assumed that she'd at least consider him a friend given the way she would smile at him and such. Kozue was a very friendly person anyways.

Communicating with Kozue was always a fascinating experience, even for Naseru, who did it regularly. she seemed to interact differently with different people, and generally, when someone wanted to "converse" with her, he was usually just there to sometimes translate, although often times, he didn't even need to do that.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyThu Nov 14, 2013 4:06 pm

Naseru showed Cyrad into entrance room, though not rich man's domain it was a room that showed Naseru didn't hurt for money, Cyrad was glad he had the foresight to kick free the dust from his feet which were bare because of earlier practice. They three walked into the room and Kozue sat down her skirts hiding her lower body giving her a almost flower like look. "Make yourself at home." Naseru said and continued after a moment.

"I suppose for introductions, Kozue generally would shake your hand. You might have noticed that the jewelery I got her with the money you gave me, is something I touch to associate with you."

"Alright awesome, it looks good on her. Thank you for doing that for me but I would have had no idea what to get her. " Cyrad said with enthusiasm, rarely shown. He thought it wonderfully simple to associate him with the gift .

"Although perhaps instead of trying to teach every bit of our little code, perhaps you and her can create one of your own. The best way to start would probably be just to offer your hand. If she likes you, she'll shake it the same way most people do... and I'm pretty sure she's got a certain fondness of you already." Naseru said, to Cyrads happiness.

"Alright I'll give it a try." He returned.
Cyrad turned to Kozue and planted his stone arm firm on the ground, a movement to shake with the natural hand, while extending his living arm that Kozue could see. A smiled on her face appeared copying the beauty of a rainbow and she returned the shake wholeheartedly.

Cyrad sat there for a while for a moment trying to think of what to say or even how to say it, then an idea came to him. He lifted up his stone arm and used his right to guide Kozue's hand to his rocky forearm, he gripped her relatively small forearm with his hand. He hoped Kozue would understand what he was trying to get across.

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyFri Nov 15, 2013 2:42 am

Naseru & Kozue

"Kozue does enjoy simple things," he replied, "I like to be a little extravagant with her because she is so low-maintenance. I could have just given her the sack of coins themselves, and she'd probably be thrilled." he chuckled.

when he sat down and extended his hand, Kozue reached her little hand out. she was right-handed, and this arm was the one with the bracelet too.
she touched his hand, before gently clutching it and giving a gentle shake. it was soft, but it was undoubtedly a handshake, as it was even connected with a smile. her little hands were warm and petite, but perhaps the oddest thing about it was that they seemed to be pulsing with energy akin to blood, but this was noticeably not a blood flow.

Kozue looked curious when he took her forearm, and when she felt his rocky arm, she stopped, her blank eyes widening. she brought her other hand forward and began probing and prodding the rock curiously. Then, she suddenly stopped, balling one hand into a fist and holding out her other palm. she struck her fist down onto her palm, as if playing "rock" in the children's game "rock paper scissors". She then pointed to her left arm, nodding and then putting her fist in her palm again same as before. she cocked her head towards Cyrad's face as if waiting for a nod or a shake of the head. She also smiled, which was captivating in and of itself, given that she was a beautiful lady with a pretty smile. However, if Kozue was being seductive, she was completely unaware of it.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyFri Nov 15, 2013 8:07 am

 "Kozue does enjoy simple things," Naseru spoke.   "I like to be a little extravagant with her because she is so low-maintenance. I could have just given her the sack of coins themselves, and she'd probably be thrilled."

"I'll keep that in mind.  Cyrad said and meant.

When Cyrad brought her hand to his rock arm, Kozue was surprised, and started to check the surface from forearm to bicep, poking and figuring it out.  She figured it out pretty fast though and a few quick signs, which were so easy to read you could tell she was well practiced, asking him if his left arm was a rock and he nodded his head telling her it indeed was.

He took a moment to himself to consider Kozue.  She was a pretty woman with a smart mind who had learned to defy the burden of solitude that life had placed upon her, with the help of Master Naseru of course.  He wanted to be able to talk to her so he could find out who she was, that's why he was so intent to learn.  The thought of romance dashed across like bird in a canopy, Cyrad had little thought of relationships not because he did not find woman that he was attracted to but because his life was often moving across the world and darts in and out of the realms of danger, poor landscape to woo a lady.  Even here, with an established "home" in the city Cyrad couldn't fight years of mental blocks.
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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyFri Nov 15, 2013 3:48 pm

Naseru & Kozue

Naseru chuckled. "although flowers work too... also a lot cheaper than a bag of coins." he added, mostly because he didn't want him to start throwing his money at her; Naseru provided well enough. He didn't think it would come to that anyways though.

Kozue gave a tiny but happy squeal and clapped her hands briefly. while it might have seemed trivial for anyone else, Kozue was always excited when people understood her. Surely most people (including Naseru even) would take this for granted.

Naseru himself kept his distance, also informing Cyrad that he was just going to be in his study, which was the next room over, and that if Cyrad needed anything (or had a question regarding Kozue), Naseru would be right there. He didn't mind leaving Kozue alone in a room; just not in the house without him. in this case, it was simply a matter of letting two adults converse. he didn't feel the need to hover over them.

Kozue in the meantime, (having heard none of what Naseru said, for obvious reasons), faced Cyrad again, and rubbed her belly appreciatively, nodding happily. She pointed towards where she assumed Cyrad's stomach was, and then shrugged, as if the shrug meant it was a question. She had enjoyed the food they had just finished eating, and was wondering if her new friend had enjoyed it too. With Kozue, it was starting with the basics and the smalltalk that would lead to greater things. Understanding each other was one of these.
Kozue seemed to have her heat sense on, although the preciseness of detail that she could see was not known. She could at le4ast sense Cyrad's shape, although the curious and dramatic difference in temperature between his stone arm (also for obcvious reasons) and the rest of his body intrigued the youngster.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Naseru

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A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue)   A meal and a stroll (Naseru & Kozue) EmptyFri Nov 15, 2013 5:40 pm

"Although flowers work too... also a lot cheaper than a bag of coins."  Naseru told him.  Cyrad guessed that she must enjoy flowers being one of the pleasures her senses could enjoy.  Shortly after Naseru told Cyrad that he would be going into the next room over.

Kozue turned to face Cyrad as Naseru got up and walked away to another room.  Yet Cyrad wasn't worried at being left alone with her now that he realized how simple talking to her could be.  A touch to the belly along with a happy nod Cyrad took as a sign that she was full and content.  A cocked head and a point toward Cyrad's stomach was a question he thought.  He returned the gestures that Kozue had just done aside from the last part.

With him just starting to figure it out Cyrad tried something simple.  He lifted his right arm and spun it around pointing it at the walls, then slapped the floor twice in quick succession before nodding.  He hoped that she would understand the compliment.  Cyrad tilted his head just as Kozue had done when she asked him about the meal then pointed at her, clapped both hands together and pretended to sleep on it, then slapped the floor again twice.  He didn't mind if Kozue misunderstood him for her knew it would just be another trail along the path of enlightenment.
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