The Last Airbender: New Chapters RP
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 Need RP Partners?

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2 posters
Superb Member

Posts : 531
EXP : 43135
Birthday : 1991-01-16
Join date : 2011-11-30
Age : 33
Location : Wasatch Valley

Character Description
Age: 43
Position: Earth Queen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Need RP Partners? Empty
PostSubject: Need RP Partners?   Need RP Partners? EmptyWed Aug 20, 2014 7:08 am

So after reading my old thread and deciding what a big damn disappointment it was, I decided to make a new one. Here's your chance to RP with the goddess of the forums, Zulera herself. If one or more of these characters strike your fancy, send me a PM. feel free to direct it at Zulera (my main account) or at any of my others. they're all linked to the same email, so I get notifications either way.

While I am full of myself sometimes, truth of the matter is more that I'm just sassy. On an RP level, I treat everyone as my equal, and don't have the superiority complex I might pretend to have. ANYHOO... that all aside, time to roll out the characters. Here's a list of where I can RP with them, and what I'm looking for.

(this thread was loosely inspired by Jurishe's similar thread, and by how crappy my old one was).
Click the colored names for links to their profiles, and click the "Link" buttons under the "Profile" section of each character to view the appropriate thread.
[remaining character images coming soon]

Need RP Partners? Sn78D2
Name: Zurok Mia Takamatzu
Age/Gender: 51; Female
Rank: Master Waterbender/Healer/Bloodbender
Position: Matriarch
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: Zurok is the mother of 7 children, of which Zulera is the eldest and Akhet is the youngest. She also has a niece named Zakura. Her husband is unknown, and none of her children know his identity either, other than that apparently they all have the same father.
Playable Locations: Zurok can be found everywhere, but particularly tends to migrate towards areas where there is much political unrest or activity.
What Am I Looking For?: Zurok is something of a mentor and spiritual guide, and is a master healer, and so despite her shady origins, she is happy to help people get back on their feet or help them learn more skills. So anyone needing a mentor or teacher is welcome to apply.
Brief Description: Zurok is a conniving, manipulating politician and businesswoman through and through. She has aged well, still remaining rather good-looking despite her years. Few people ever learn of her secrets, although there are plenty of people who know her as an amiable old woman. Ultimately, the best way to get an opinion of Zurok is to meet her yourself.
Notes: Our Spirit group needed a moderator, hence Zurok's color. She is actually just a Master Waterbender. Bloodbending is illegal, and she has it primarily for story purposes only, and will not likely ever use it unless she turns into a villain.

Need RP Partners? PFhQpm
Name: Akhet Sumatra Tallarico
Age/Gender: 19; Male
Rank: Expert Waterbender
Position: Expert Healer
Availability: Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: Akhet is the 7th and youngest child of Zurok Takamatzu, and thus also the youngest brother of Avatar Zulera. He has a cousin named Zakura, and is married to Minali.
What Am I Looking For?: Anyone interested in learning healing on a more professional level is welcome, or anyone looking for commissions on building/engineering projects. He might not be the inventor that Minali is, but he is quite the handyman, and his artistic skills led him considerable skills at designing/mapping things, as well as blueprints.
Playable Locations: Akhet can usually be found in the Water Tribes or in Fire Fountain City with Minali where they run their little shop. Because of this, as well as his steady job at the local clinic, he is not exactly the travelling type unless he is vacationing. However, he might be able to be convinced if the pay is high enough.
Brief Description: Akhet is a cool and cunning young man who thinks and acts swiftly. He behaves very calmly and professionally, especially given his line of work. He is wholeheartedly devoted to his wife Minali, who is the center of his universe. He also has a soft spot for children, and holds families and family-togetherness in extremely high regard.
Notes: He sometimes assists Minali with blueprints and designs, given his artistic skills.

Need RP Partners? PDJLRB
Name: Zulera Joanna Tallarico
Age/Gender: 30; Female
Rank: Master Waterbender; Master Earthbender; Expert Firebender; Expert Airbender; Fully-Realized Avatar
Position: None; Self-Proclaimed "Embodiment of Chaos"
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: While Zulera has had numerous relationships in her life, none of them have stayed for very long, leaving the Avatar single and alone in the world once more. Thus, she wanders fairly freely, and is quite fine with making friends for the "benefits".
Playable Locations: Zulera travels erratically and unpredictably, and so there is no telling where she will end up. This means that she can be played basically anywhere in the world at any given time.
What Am I Looking For?: Anything, really. While she does not have her own shop, Zulera is also an engineer and mechanic who specializes in large machinery and vehicles, and so if you ever need repairs or something designed, she might be able to work with you. Erratic as she might be, Zulera is actually usually very cooperative to people who ask nicely. She also enjoys finding sparring partners, but also has no reservations about spending the night with someone if they so desire. Sleeping with the Avatar is thus easier than it might appear. Ultimately though, she's good for just about anything, even just old-fashioned adventure.
Brief Description: Zulera is a free-spirited Avatar who views her status as a nice convenience and little more. She enjoys being treated like a normal person and so often keeps her status as Avatar secret until after she's gotten to know someone. She enjoys chaos, although is also rather amiable and easy to get along with. The hard part is trying to learn what makes her tick. She is also an avid engineer and mechanic who enjoys building things simply to say that she built them.
*Notes: Zulera is chaotic neutral.

Need RP Partners? PtguVC
Name: Katara Zelgius Montoya II
Age/Gender: 17½; Female
Rank: Survival Master; Primal Firebender
Position: Nobody
Availability: Mostly Open
Profile: Link(up-to-date)
Relationships: While Katara is single, she is not against the idea of a relationship (or even just a fling, if the person is right). She views Jurishe Chuyin as her older sister.
Playable Locations: Katara is willing to travel just about anywhere if she has a good friend. Otherwise, she tends to stick to the Southern Earth Kingdom or of the Fire Islands... though she did once get lost in the Si Wong desert...
What Am I Looking For?: This young lady is a girl who is loaded with stories despite her short life. Anything wild or unusual that comes her way could drag Katara in for the fun, whether she likes it or not. Otherwise, she could probably just use a friend, or maybe a romantic partner? (or perhaps something in between).
Brief Description: Katara is a "tragic character" done right. Losing things such as her eyesight and her family have taken their tolls on the young girl, leaving her with very deep physical and emotional scars that only time can heal, and even then will not be able to fully heal. What she really wants form life are people that she can trust and can call friends. She has gotten a grip on herself since then, although is still somewhat emotionally fragile. However, those that befriend her have a friend for life.
Notes: It became clarified that Katara is in fact almost 18.

Need RP Partners? OPCLVT
Name: Zevran Arianna Takeo
Age/Gender: 28; Male
Rank: Expert Healer/Waterbender, one of the self-named "Broma Brothers" (with the other being Oghren)
Position: Assassin
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: Zevran is technically single, although he attracts ladies like flies to honey. He has several people that he would consider "friends with benefits".
Playable Locations: Zevran is a traveller, and so can be found pretty much anywhere from the Water Tribes to the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom. He's even visited three of the Air Temples.
What Am I Looking For?: Admirers adventure; excitement; women to woo, general adventure or shenanigans, or dastardly assassination attempts. Anything from adventure to comedy would suffice.
Brief Description: Zevran is a shamelessly flirty waterbender who is very forward and always has a lively and upbeat attitude and sense of humor. He knows his boundaries and will back off when told to, but otherwise, he is always up for something exciting.
Notes: Zevran is a sexy mofo.

Need RP Partners? Ob164S
Name: Isikiro Sherazi Anazalrok (usually goes by "Isi")
Age/Gender: 22½; Female
Rank: Master Earthbender
Position: Coal Miner; Businesswoman
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (perfectly up-to-date)
Relationships: Isikiro is in a relationship with a man named Drey, and currently lives with her mother and three younger siblings (a younger sister and two younger brothers). She is significantly older than her siblings (the next youngest is 11), and since her mother is crippled and thus disabled, Isikiro is the family's breadwinner.
Playable Locations: Isikiro is usually around mountains or anywhere where there's mining jobs to be found. She also works in construction, so she can sometimes be found in large cities.
What Am I Looking For?: Isikiro is looking for things to do with her time now that she has some on her hands. She is a very hard worker, and so if people need things built, she's a good person to come to. She also enjoys someone who'll give her a good fight (friendly or otherwise), and likes anyone who will walk with her out in the prettier places of the world.
Brief Description: Isi is a little rough around the edges give her upbringing, but deep down, she's a very kind-hearted young woman who was/is just overly concerned for her family's welfare. She is an extremely hard and dedicated worker who will not give up on a job unless it is proven to be impossible. She also speaks with a thick country accent.
*Notes: Isikiro is also one of two living lavabenders. She will be hard-pressed to be willing to pass this skill on, however.

Need RP Partners? N8lbsM
Name: Lyndis Jay Montoya II
Age/Gender: 20; Female
Rank: Expert Airbender
Position: None; Bandit-killer
Availability: CompletelyOpen
Profile: Link (completely up-to-date)
Relationships: Lyndis has no relationships other than an apparent relationship with her mother, Lyndis Jay Montoya I. She is also single, so come and get 'er.
Playable Locations: True to her nature as a free-spirited Air Nomad, Lyndis travels the world, and can thus be played pretty much everywhere/anywhere.
What Am I Looking For?: Anything, really. Lyndis is wild and free, and most of all, unpredictable, and so anything goes with her. You might find a fellow troublemaker, drinking buddy, mercenary, or, if you prefer the finer things in life, Lyndis can provide. She is even rather skilled at board games.
Brief Description: If Lyndis' personality was a person, it would be a jack of all trades. She does it all, and while erratic, her emotional state seems to actually be incredibly stable. There is thus no real explanation for why she behaves so erratically other than suggesting that she might just be an extreme thrill-seeker.
Notes: Lyndis will hit on anyone, regardless of romance.

Need RP Partners? O1c5jb
Name: Sanaki Calameda Zelgius
Age/Gender: 47; Female
Rank: Firebending Master
Position: Fire Lady
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: Sanaki is the mother of Katsuo and Kaede (and three other children) and is the wife of Firelord Tarek Raiden.
Playable Locations: Sanaki is usually found in large cities, or anywhere in the Fire Nation mostly.
What Am I Looking For?: Fellow nobles who can gossip together; other ladies (of any class) that she can girl out with, or even a sparring partner. She is able to teach firebenders the primal ability of being able to see using one's bending, and so she might be one to come to if that's in your interests. If none of those take your fancy, perhaps you're looking for someone to take care of a particularly pesky individual that would be best off assassinated. She can help there as well, but do try to be discreet if you hire her.
Brief Description: Sanaki is a clever and cunning fighter who makes up for her lack of eyesight through an acute firebending-based heat sense. She was once considered one of the most dangerous assassins in the Fire Nation, and while it seems she has settled down after having children, tales of "The Blind Phoenix" have surfaced now and again, leading some to believe that this silent killer has not truly gone into retirement.
Notes: Come one, come all, and meet your new Fire Lady. She's actually a real softie, and is more than okay with socializing with anyone.

Need RP Partners? GdtAyP
Name: Meili Mitali Zalika
Age/Gender: 43; Female
Rank: Earthbending/Metalbending Master
Position: Earth Queen; Leader of the Dai Li; Ruler of "The Underground"; Demigoddess?
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (mostly up-to-date)
Relationships: Meili is technically single, although has had flings with Kako Anthropos of the Fire Nation.
Playable Locations: Meili is found anywhere in the Earth Kingdom, usually Ba Sing Se, though can also be found sometimes in the capitals of the Fire Nation or Water Tribes.
What Am I Looking For?: People to conspire with or recruit into the Earth Kingdom Secret Police (Dai Li). Perhaps agents that can help her in The Underground. Meili also parties hard, and so if you throw a party and invite her, she will come. Heck, if you're looking for a good drinking buddy, you can mozy on up to the Earth Queen herself and she'll go with it. In short, feel free to initiate any kind of wild shenanigans you wish if you want to thread with the Earth Queen. She also enjoys Pai Sho and a nice cup of tea. Let it not be said that she does not enjoy the small and civil things in life.
Brief Description: Meili is a schemer who keeps a powerful but (mostly) benevolent grip on the affairs of the Earth Kingdom. She has many connections and secrets, especially with her ties to the Dai Li. She lives fast and parties hard, and therefore generally makes for great company.
Notes: Legend has it that Meili achieved demigod status alongside Kako Anthropos and Tarek Raiden due to a string of incidents involving a bakery, a guitar god, a gay villain, and lots of alcohol.

Need RP Partners? ElNdTK
Name: Xilingshi Nailah Zoraki
Age/Gender: 34; Female
Rank: Airbending Master
Position: Leader of the Tekina-Kaze
Availability: Mostly Open
Profile: Link (mostly up-to-date)
Relationships: Xilingshi has a slight romantic interest in Ryuu Takeshi, but the two go on and off. She is also fond of small children, and is currently travelling the world with a youngster by the name of Yu Jin, who she has taken under her wing.
Playable Locations: True to her nature as a free-spirited Air Nomad, Xilingshi travels the world, and can thus be played pretty much everywhere/anywhere.
What Am I Looking For?: Without the war to worry about, Xilingshi does not need to stand with her mighty Tekina-Kaze legions to guard and protect the Air Temples around the clock any longer,. and thus, she travels the world. She is basically just searching for adventure, knowledge, and experience to further add to her list of accomplishments. Thus, anything exciting it always welcome. As an airbending master and a decorated military warrior, she is also willing to teach aspiring airbenders and/or warriors provided they follow her few rules.
Brief Description: Xilingshi (sometimes "Xili" or even just "Xi") was and remains a fierce warrior to be reckoned with, her swift and deadly airbending attacks against Fire Nation invaders during the War of Tipped Scales giving her the nickname "Scourge of the Fire Nation". However, under this hardened warrior is a huge and adorable little softie, and Xili is essentially a teddy bear after that. She has a soft spot in particular for children.
Notes: The scars on Xilingshi's cheek never properly healed.

Need RP Partners? FlZQ0U
Name: Alice Koshu DeSiete
Age/Gender: 14; Male
Rank: Beginner Waterbender
Position: Artist; Designer
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (very up-to-date)
Relationships: Alice has no real family anymore, and is still young and single, and so if anything he is probably just looking for friends and acquaintances.
Playable Locations: Alice spends most of his time in the Fire Fountain City or the Capitol City, since he is not terribly fond of travel himself, given his lack of defensive or combat skills.
What Am I Looking For?: Friends, fellow artists, or anyone looking for some fashionable clothing choices. Alice may have a very focused set of skills, but he keeps an open mind.
Brief Description: Alice is a prodigious artist and clothing designer who has already found his place in life despite his young age. He finds fewer things more satisfying than drawing and designing, although does enjoy walking around outside to see pretty people or pretty, inspiring scenery. He expresses himself through his art and designs.
Notes: He is essentially min-maxed, you could say.

Need RP Partners? CT41WD
Name: Sagittaria Suki Svenja
Age/Gender: 18; Female
Rank: Expert Firebender
Position: Manager of Svenja Shipping
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: Sagittaria has two parents and 6 younger siblings, but it otherwise single.
Playable Locations: Sagittaria is usually found in large cities or anywhere with a port, given her occupation. She sometimes ventures inland, however, but can also be found on the seas. Essentially, she can be anywhere.
What Am I Looking For?: Anyone willing to listen to her tales; or simply a friend. She enjoys company, and likes to meet and help people. Despite her mature method of handling herself, Sagittaria can relate well to children too, and so they might be good partners as well. In fine, anyone willing to go on a wacky adventure would do well to join Sagittaria on such a journey.
Brief Description: Sagittaria is a notoriously charismatic firebender known for her wild and outrageous tales and her green eyes. She is always up for some kind of crazy shenanigans, or just to sit down and tell stories.
Notes: None that I can think of at the moment.

Need RP Partners? S3SXA4
Name: Korra Senwa Tonraizi
Age/Gender: 17; Female
Rank: Expert Waterbender
Position: None
Availability: Tentatively Open
Profile: Link (under construction)
Relationships: Korra is orphaned, and tentatively in a relationship with Katsuo Raiden
Playable Locations: Korra is usually found in the Southern Earth Kingdom or the Fire Nation.
What am I Looking For?: Anything, really. Of particular note, drinking buddies, or therapists.
Brief Description: Korra (who shares little but a name with the titular character of a certain TV series)is a young girl whose horrific childhood and teenaged years have led her to become a rather broken and traumatized creature. Her behavior is erratic, and her road to recovery is still very long. She suffers from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder due to these events (which started as early as age 9), which will easily be seen in some of her behavior.
Notes: There is a story behind why she is named Korra. it is explained in her profile (near the bottom)

Need RP Partners? O0wRsd
Name: Kozue Maziki Zenava
Age/Gender: 3-31; Female
Rank: Primal Firebender
Position: None
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: Kozue is good friends with Cyrad Wato, and is related to Naseru as his adopted daughter. She was then later adopted by the Raidens, and been treated kindly by them ever since.
What Am I Looking For?: Anyone interested in learning the notions and concepts of Primal bending should go to her about it. She cannot communicate very well on her own, but she knows people who can help communicate between her and her target. Other than that, perhaps just a friend or someone to enjoy the day with.
Playable Locations: Kozue can be found with Naseru almost anywhere, or with the Raidens, depending on who she is visiting at the time. Thus, Ba Sing Se or the Fire Nation are her places of choice.
Brief Description: Kozue is a sweet little disabled girl who has an incredibly strong spiritual connection, which has given her unusual bending skills. She is a loving little sweetheart who wouldn't hurt anyone, and because of her lack of eyesight or hearing, her speech is a little stunted.
Notes: Kozue's bending skills are sort of on their own plane, rather than being higher or lower than a master. She is not as powerful or as swift as some masters (or even some experts), but she has a powerful spiritual connection and high amounts of energy. She can traverse the spirit world at will, even (and this was approved by the other mods back in the day).

Name: Robin Ogawa Miyamoto
Age/Gender: 32; Female
Rank: Firebending Master
Position: Crime Boss
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: Robin is single, although has contacts in the form of Kada Zaltana and Zevran Takeo
Playable Locations: Robin is often found in Zulera City, but is more than willing to travel around to get what she wants.
What Am I Looking For?: A challenge; perhaps someone to stop Robin in her tracks, assuming such is even possible.
Brief Description: Robin is a beautifully cunning and manipulative woman whose life centers around control. As such, she is something of a control freak, although this is hidden beneath layers of stories and intrigue. Mystery surrounds this woman, and she does not exactly seem willing to divulge these secrets.
Notes: Robin is not her real name; perhaps you can find out (IC at least; her profile says it) somehow...?

Need RP Partners? YypizU
Name: Varsha Zere Zakau
Age/Gender: 20; Female
Rank: Expert Firebender; Martial Arts Master
Position: Fire Nation Nobility
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (mostly up-to-date)
Relationships: Despite her good looks, Varsha is mostly single, although is girlfriends with Kinalune.
Playable Locations: Varsha is willing to travel almost anywhere, though she prefers Shi Jing or Ba Sing Se, since she owns and runs dojos there at different times of the year. However, she can also be found throughout the Earth Kingdom, and definitely the Fire Nation.
What Am I Looking For?: Varsha seeks people that can go off and be girly with her, or sparring partners so that she can continue to hone her skills. With the busy life she leads though, she also enjoys release of the sexual kind, and so she is more than happy to hit it up with someone for a night or two without repercussion. Gender does not matter to her at all.
Brief Description: Varsha is a passionate and ambitious aspiring learner who craves knowledge of any and every kind. What she learns, she is happy to teach anyone else, and she is more than willing to ask those superior in skill to her for lessons. She is coy and clever despite this, and enjoys mindgames as much as physical ones.
*Notes: Varsha is a lesbian, but despite her flirty behavior, she is not about to swoon over every girl she meets.

Name: Zefira Raeya Zahn
Age/Gender: 23; Female
Rank: Intermediate Waterbender; Expert hand-to-hand combat fighter
Position: Heiress; Businesswoman
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (Perfectly up-to-date)
Relationships: Zefira is open and easy-going, not really worried about commitment as long as her partner(s) aren't either. She is the daughter of the great Sandria Raeya Zhan (known as Raeya), and so has considerable wealth to her name.
Playable Locations: Zefira can be found virtually anywhere.
What Am I Looking For?: Anything from people wanting to talk business to  people at the university. Drinking buddies are also welcome any time, as are intimate partners. Anything that involves adventure will work though.
Brief Description: Zefira is not much different form her mother, except instead of piracy, she seeks to try her hand at more legal ventures. However, that does not guarantee that her business practices are all scrupulous.
Notes: None

Name: Naseru Amiti Litzak
Age/Gender: 34; Male
Rank: Earthbending Master; Metalbending Master
Position: Scholar; Teacher
Availability: Open-ish
Profile: Link (slightly outdated)
Relationships: Naseru is single, although he has adopted a younger child named Kozue, who he treats like a daughter.
Playable Locations: Naseru is usually found in Ba Sing Se, although any major Earth Kingdom city will do. He is willing to travel if there is knowledge to be gained.
What Am I Looking For?: Potentially romantic partners, but primarily students wishing to learn more about the bending arts, particularly earthbending or metalbending. Also, anyone willing to lead him to further knowledge of these subjects, despite his mastery over them.
Brief Description: Naseru is a cunning and confident man with multiple connections worldwide. His sharp wit and scholarly intelligence serve to counteract his thin frame and seemingly unimposing strength, although he is a powerful earthbender as well. He has a young disabled Fire Nation child that he adopted, named Kozue.
Notes: Naseru's profile is out of date, so pardon the mess.

Name: Aveline Zianja Tosari
Age/Gender: 24; Female
Rank: Master Earthbender/Metalbender
Position: Ex-Captain of the Guard of Gaoling
Availability: Fairly Open
Profile: Link (mostly up-to-date)
Relationships: Aveline is single and lives alone.
What Am I Looking For?: Friends; Enemies... anyone who cha can play a good game of chess or Pai-Sho with. Therapists might also help at this point.
Playable Locations: Aveline is usually found in Gaoling or the Southern Earth Kingdom, though she's been known to travel. Now that she is out of a job, she is much more inclined to travel.
Brief Description: Aveline is a stubbornly loyal protector of the innocent and warrior of justice. She follows the laws set in front of her, although is not afraid to not "go by the books" if she thinks a non-conventional method would be better suited for helping someone. So in fine, she is Lawful Good, but being Good comes before being Lawful when necessary.
Notes: Aveline is also the foster mother of Korra Tonraizi.

Name: Kada Mezhiak Zaltana
Age/Gender: 25; Male
Rank: Expert Waterbender
Position: Healer; Spy; Detective; Soup Chef
Availability: Completely Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: Kada is single, and any relationships he has (if any at all) mare a mystery.
What Am I Looking For?: Anyone willing to get into some crazy antics and shenanigans. His spying career takes him everywhere, and he's more than willing to get into trouble if it gets him what he wants.
Playable Locations: As mentioned above, while his favorite haunts are the Fire Nation Capitol and Ba Sing Se, Kada can be virtually anywhere.
Brief Description: Kada is a deadpan and sarcastic man whose good looks and sharp wits have earned him many admirers. He is also a world-class soup chef, and runs a small but international restaurant chain.
Notes: Obviously, the restaurant business is a cover-up for the spying. It is unclear, however, who Kada is working for.

Name: Makusei Romero Zhaoyin
Age/Gender: 26; Male
Rank: Expert Earthbender
Position: Smith, Arena Fighter
Availability: Fairly Open
Profile: Link (up-to-date)
Relationships: Makusei is tentatively in a relationship with Shi-Hao.
What Am I Looking For?: Sparring buddies, clients to forge weapons for, or just friends and fellow troublemakers altogether.
Playable Locations: Makusei is usually found in Ba Sing Se, although he's willing to travel the Earth Kingdom, and parts of the Fire Nation depending on the purpose.
Brief Description: Makusei is an easy-going dude who lives life in the moment and enjoys what he has. He's a man of simple pleasures, although is quite fine with wooing the ladies or flirting.
Notes: None

Name: Zuzerez Zenzi Zairza (goes by "Zair". wouldn't you?)
Age/Gender: 9; Female
Rank: Beginner Waterbender
Position: Gypsy
Availability: Open
Profile: Link (very up-to-date)
Relationships: Zair has no real family that she knows of, but she has friends among the sandbenders. Despite this, her physical appearance and elemental affinity all point to the Foggy Swamps as her place of origin, and so she has bonded with these people quite well, particularly an older man named Kusu who took her under his wing.
What Am I Looking For?: Friends, mostly. :3
Playable Locations: Zair is a small child, and so does not go too far. Still, she is a skilled hitchhiker, and thus can be found usually in the Foggy Swamps or the Si Wong desert.
Brief Description: Zair (as she prefers to be called) is a little nomadic youngster who has lived in the desert most of her life. She has a very clear foggy swamp heritage given her physique, her bending, and her thick accent, however, and so her curiosity drew her towards that locale. Other than that, she is young and inexperienced, and is generally very friendly.
Notes: None.

Name: Marian Sandega Shanza (usually goes by "Shanza")
Age/Gender: 25; Female
Rank: Expert Earthbender
Position: None
Availability: Open
Profile: Link (perfectly up-to-date)
Relationships: Other than her family, which consists of Kiera (her mother), and Jinzao (her sister), she's got no one and is single. She had a brother named Daioke, who was twins with Jinzao, and was the 2nd of a set of twins herself. Her older brother Garrett, however, was stillborn.
Playable Locations: Shanza can be found throughout the Earth Kingdom, though her favorite haunt is Ba Sing Se.
What Am I Looking For?: Shanza enjoys tea and herbs (medicinal, rather than recreational) to help her headaches, and so she also enjoys anyone who can help her there, or who is willing to rub her back. She is also searching for a spiritual mentor that can help her control her unusual connections with the spirit world. Otherwise, she enjoys being silly and getting into shenanigans, like many of my other characters.
Brief Description: Shanza is a clever, witty, and funny woman who always has a joke to creack and a story to tell. She is friendly but wily, even willing to use her good looks when she can. She's generally fearless and willing to take on just about anything, although she is subject to sudden and frequent headaches. While they do not debilitate her, they are very annoying.
*Notes: Marian goes by Shanza, her surname. Also, any connection between her and spirits right now is currently in the air. She's open for a lot.

Last edited by Meili on Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Active Member

Posts : 138
EXP : 3355
Birthday : 1993-08-12
Join date : 2013-10-30
Age : 31
Location : Massachusetts

Character Description
Age: 26
Position: Smith, Merc, Wanderer
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Need RP Partners? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need RP Partners?   Need RP Partners? EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 8:05 pm

Hey so and Cyrad and Naseru go on a journey together somewhere to continue training, maybe Naseru knows of a place he can test Cyrad at as well as teach him more on earthbending history or philosophy
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Superb Member

Posts : 531
EXP : 43135
Birthday : 1991-01-16
Join date : 2011-11-30
Age : 33
Location : Wasatch Valley

Character Description
Age: 43
Position: Earth Queen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Need RP Partners? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need RP Partners?   Need RP Partners? EmptyThu Aug 28, 2014 4:45 am

added Sagittaria. Makusei will come soon.
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Posts : 531
EXP : 43135
Birthday : 1991-01-16
Join date : 2011-11-30
Age : 33
Location : Wasatch Valley

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Age: 43
Position: Earth Queen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Need RP Partners? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need RP Partners?   Need RP Partners? EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 11:31 pm


added Makusei, Kada, Zefira, and Korra.
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Need RP Partners? Empty
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