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 A Chance Meeting

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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 3:09 pm

While the group was speaking to each other, a loud shatter broke through the background noise. From one of the windows, a body came flying in, looking as if it had been punched so hard in the chest region it had flown through the window. The limbs of the body were pointed towards the way of the window. The body flew right into an empty chair, which then spun around, sliding right into place at the table the group was at. The one in the chair had white hair, grey eyes, and a really creepy grin on his face. He was wearing a blue and black sleeveless, but thick, shirt, pitch black pants, and dark black boots. He had a katana on the left side of his waist. He looked around the table. "Why hello there." Yes, after such a bizarre entrance, that was all he said, not another word. Now how he had managed to pull off such an entrance involved a monkey, a pie, some firebending, and pepper. It was better left unsaid.

"Im Kuro." He introduced himself, not even caring for the broken window. He glanced at the group and noted how odd they were together. An old man, a little kid, a shirtless tan kid, someone uninteresting, and a man probably a few years older than him who seemed distant. Not large descriptions, but he would rather hold off on those until someone introduced them all. It was easier that way. After all, he couldnt just introduce himself as an insane pirate captain to a bunch of strangers. Their reactions would have been hilarious if he had, but still. The strange group didnt seem hostile at that moment, but hell, he had seen rabbits who slaughtered armies. Strangely, that was not a metaphor. In any case, he was glad to be there, where something at least seemed to be going on. Although he was wary of them all on the inside, he showed no external discomfort. He was a master of masks, and acting like this was no real challenge for him. He was genuinely interested in them though.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 3:26 pm

Kako watched this spectacle, face remaining completely neutral the whole time. Once it was finished, he very calmly stood up, shuffled past the others at the table, walked over to the bartender, grabbed another beer, downed it, then walked over to the window. He looked out, and raised an eyebrow extremely high, shaking his head then turning away.

He trudged back towards the party, sitting back down. From there, he didn't say much, he merely observed them all for a moment, before lying back in his chair. "Well, I might as well take you too, it's not like we could be more doomed anyway. Fancy an adventure?"

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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 3:43 pm

Hirako nodded blankly at his master then looked down at his glass he took a sip pondering what things he might see on this adventure. Still thinking he downed his drink and started twirling his fingers around and turning htis thought over and over in his mind he also was very excited at the same time a smile grew on Hirako's face.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 4:14 pm

Tsuyoshi Hayashi

Tsu watched the man break the poor innkeepers window, and sighed slightly. The innkeeper suffered about... Ten broken windows a week, from the outside. He had them replaced each day, sometimes, it was quite a sad tale. Tsu watched the man, who Tsu guessed wasn't all there, and then sighed slightly as people started moving around.
When Kako posed the question, he simply smiled and said.

"Well, not an adventure, but a trip all the same. And I am sure everyone at this table, and that guy, are going to go with you and your apprentice. It should turn out well, or not judging by your expression"

Tsu put the map away, having drawn their route. They would head from here to Omashu, around the Foggy Swamp, to avoid anything going wrong there. Next he noticed they would skirt the edge of the Si Wong desert, before they finally made it to the Pass, and then into the lands around Ba Sing Se.

Mood: Curious
Condition: Healthy

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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 4:41 pm

Kross raised his guard as a man came flying threw the window and nonchalantly landed in a chair and introduced himself, It was certainly different. He relaxed somewhat when he saw no threat, yawned then sighed. "That's great and everything, but it is getting late." and he had no idea how to deal with this situation so wasn't going too. He rubbed his forehead. "If you are still around in the morning, I will join you, I am heading back to Ba Sing Se anyway. If not it experience meeting you all." And with that he headed up the stairs after one last glance and smile at Mieko.

He headed up the stairs and found himself into one of the rooms that Tsu had said he could use. Going in and placing his bag onto the bed, making sure that the door was closed and began to look through it, taking out his second set of clothes, his chakram had come loose, that's what the clinking was. He examined the straps used to fasten it, The bade edge ended up cutting it. "Damn. I don't have what I need to fix it, I will have to see about getting them tomorrow, good thing I never had to pay for this room" He mumbled to himself.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 6:30 pm

Mieko also raised an arm up in defense as Kross had. Typical reflexes. "What the hell". was all she could think. A man did just break through a window, land in a chair and scoot across the floor to their table on it. Impressive if not one of the most impractically impossible thing she'd witnessed of the sort. Mieko motioned to her forehead while looking at Kuro. "You've got a piece of glass sticking out of your forehead. And way to stick your landing, I'm Mieko by the way". She raised what was left in her glass up as a greeting.

Craning her neck back to the group they seemed to have agreed to travel together formally. Like she was going to miss a safer travel with alright company. "You can count me in on going. I may find whatever it is I'm looking for".
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 6:38 pm

Hirako Hokuma

Hirako thought on what Mieko just said. "There are loads of things to do in Ba Sing Se." Hirako said smiling down at his glass. "My uncle told me about it, he said it was the most lively place in the earth kingdom." after saying this Hirako smiled thinking of his uncle.

Mood: Happy

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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 7:15 pm

"So you've never been before? I was in Ba Sing Se about five months ago. First place I set out to go to when I left my village". Mieko stood up, pretty buzzed from the few drinks shes had and her small frame. "Walls as tall as mountains and big enough to be its own country. So many people about and their cultures are so varied for just one place. Guess that was due to the old war though". She leaned against a post to support herself. For a want of not wobbling in place. "Your uncle sounds very well traveled Hirako. And probably a lot more than me". She smiled and rested her head against her post supported arm. "I'm rather tired, and those drinks arn't helping that. I'm gona go find some place to go fall down on and sleep. See you all in the morning".

Mieko pushed off and tiply walked around Kuro. Her pack was resting against the seat just behind Kako. With one swoop she picked it up and slun it over her shoulder. "Layhter" she said in a half coherent attempt of speech. Grasping the railing for support she moved upwards as quick as she could, not being quick in any of the sense of the word. She made it to the top though, Tsu said the rooms were their or something if she remembered right. It didn't matter, she could pay if need be in the morning. Mieko grasped on to the handle of the nearest door and clenching her fist banged three times.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 7:33 pm

Kross was startle by the knocking. "Y-Y-Yes" he called from inside, He had began o take some of his clothes off, the outer layers, and his air bender tattoos were clearly visible. He was not ashamed of them but it gave him an advantage if he ever needed it if no one knew he could in fact air bend. Quickly he shoved the rest of his clothes into the secret compartment of his bag running his hand against the loose blade he felt the sting and gasped pulling his hand away, "Ow ow ow" he said under his breath, clutching at his hand trying to sop it from bleeding. It wasn't particularly deep but it was pooling up with blood. He took his hand away from his bag, it and the secret compartment still open, unable to close it with his hand like this.

He wrapped his hand in the over coat and kept pressure on it from the outside still sharply in taking the air, he wasn't prepared for this what should he do. He thought that question over and over to himself, it unable to empty from his head in order to think and come up with a solution. He looked to the door and remembered that someone was there, Mieko from the voice. "c-come in?" he said more as a question, the first thing that came to his head.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 8:02 pm

She shouldered the door open and stepped in. "Ohh I thought this room might be empty, I was just checking. But now that I'm". Mieko stopped herself mid speech when she saw Kross was holding a rag over his hand. Even the rooms dim lighting let her see it was bloody. "How did you even manage to cut yourself? You've been up here for all of what, maybe a half hour"? She slipped her pack on to the floor, it nearly tugging her down with it but she managed to stay upright. She tried to close the door but her bag was in the way. A tactical use of her foot solved that issue and the bag was out of the way and the door shut.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 8:27 pm

"you startled me and I have something sharp in my bag..." he said, quietly, a little embarrassed, he looked down with a sigh then saw his arms and hands... bare, tattoos showing, maybe she wouldn't notice but he was sure she hadn't drunk that much. he threw his hands behind his back with another "Owwwww" though it didn't matter, the arrow on his forehead was still showing, though hid by his long thick black hair.

He looked to her with pleading eyes. "Please... don't tell anyone about this..." he said lowing his hands back in front of him into his lap, sitting down on the bed. "Well this is no good anymore." he said looking down a the dark green overcoat, turning black with blood, at least it felt like it was starting to stop.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 8:52 pm

"You are not the luckiest man in the world are you Kross"? Mieko moved to be right in front of the Airbender. "Let me see your hand". Not letting him have much of a say she grabbed his wrist and pulled open his hand to remove the cloth for a second. Blood was obscuring the cut. She turned his hand to the side and with some of the clean cloth wiped the blood from his palm. She was able to get clear sight of it now, it wasn't to bad. Mieko pulled the cut apart to really probe the depth of the damage. "Maybe you do have some luck though, I don't think you severed any arteries. Just a light flesh wound". She wrapped his hand back up. "We'll need to clean this wound though, and get some actual bandages". Come on, we'll go get you fixed up, and I won't say a word about your tattoos if you don't want me to".
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 26, 2013 10:49 am

Kuro shrugged. "Depends, how much collateral damage might it involve?" A simple enough question, but he wasnt known for being picky. Though he might have meant something else by collateral damage, but that was neither here nor there. The old man interested him a bit, the others werent boring entirely either. Though he might not have gotten a good look at the two who left, he had seen enough to know this group would be comprised of people from any background, and anyone might be able to join. He could easily send a message to Kaigen, who could tell Shi and his crew. Kaigen could easily be captain until he got back, or perhaps they might just park their asses where they were for a while, provided Kaigen didnt piss off some noble and get them all thrown in jail, if Kaigen would allow that. Make no mistake, Kuro and Kaigen were young, but they were fighters, pure and simple. That and the legendary Shikyo stubbornness was present in both of them.

Kuro inclined his head a bit to the left. "But... where are we off to, and what will we be doing?" He wondered if they had noticed he had not said his station or rank, but he figured they either ignored it, or thought he was some rogue, which was partially true. He was a rogue, if pirates counted as rogues. He had done more illegal things than most, but at the same time, no one had known he did them. Thats a good after effect of leaving no survivors. Kako's words caught his attention. The entire reason he became a pirate was for adventure. That, and to travel the world. Who else could say they had a teacher from all four nations? Aside from the avatar, no one he knew. He figured he would try to find a teacher for staffs, architecture, and all he could about the sea and boating. That meant he would need to find his way to an air temple, Ba Sing Se, and the North Pole. Sounded easy enough. Hopefully this group would be headed towards Ba Sing Se, or even the north pole.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 26, 2013 5:48 pm

Hirako Hokuma

Hirako looked down and dug through his small satchel and found his own water sack and walked off to go fill it with some fresh water. As he was doing this he spotted some peculiar men coming as if they seemed they were heading into the bar, they seemed to be looking for something or someone. He ignored this thinking it was nothing as he filled the water a fire ball came whizzing past his head he turned quickly and breathed in he focused very hard on the memories of his past. He then launched two fire blasts at the one that looked to be a non bender he flew into a cart. As another shot came towards Hirako and dodged it kicking a blast from his foot at the bender. As the other man was preoccupied with Hirako's foot blast he quickly ran at him hitting him hard on the head with the hilt of his sword. As both the men were down and unconscious Hirako dragged them and hid them behind a mass of rocks. He then walked into the bar and joined the table again wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Mood: Happy

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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 26, 2013 5:51 pm

Tsuyoshi Hayashi

Tsu looked at the man, and frowned slightly. He was very eccentric that was certain, and definitely insane. He would keep one eye on him if he could, he seemed shady, and he had to be cautious off this. He then decided to wear a facade, and say. He noticed Hirako go in and out, with some small commotion, oh well, it could wait.

"Well, we are going to Ba Sing Se, via the Serpents Pass. For reasons each individual to ourselves. So now that it is late I am going to rest, I will see you all outside at daybreak, we can set off then, good night"

Tsu stood, and with one fluid motion he sent his chair back into the floor. He then smoothed over the floor, bowed slightly, and went upstairs to his room. He checked his things, yes they were here. The rest would be in Yurio's saddlebags. Had he told his friends about his pet badger mole? Guess not. Luckily this badger mole was still young, as was the size of a polar bear dog, though he was still growing, though very slowly. The tale of Yurio could wait for another time, maybe on the road of something. Tsu plonked down onto the bed, and fell into a deep sleep. Waiting for daybreak.

Mood: Curious
Condition: Healthy

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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 26, 2013 6:28 pm

Hirako Hokuma

Hirako yawned as he put away his water he worked ever so hard for. The number of people in the bar were rapidly decreasing Hirako thought it would be time for bed. Hirako stood up and slung his satchel over his shoulder. "Well I think it's about time to go to bed."
Hirako said yawning."See you guys in the morning." he walked away. Talking to the Inn keeper he trugged up the stairs to one of the smallest rooms plopped his stuff on the floor and fell into the bed falling asleep.
Mood: Happy
Condition: Tired

Last edited by Hirako on Fri Sep 27, 2013 5:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 26, 2013 7:00 pm

Kross could hear others coming up the stairs and didn't want to risk leaving the room with how his hand was, luckily he kept his blades clean so doubted it would get infected but he could never be sure. As Mieko examined the wound he clenched his teeth and looked up at the ceiling trying to ignore the pain, it wasn't particularly bad hard not to notice. "There is rubbing alcohol and bandages in my bag, the front compartment. S-so... I will be fine... thank you for your help." he said sounding nervous and feeling a little bad for imposing his problem onto her. He did hate to be a bother, and was cautious about letting her near his bag, the secret compartment showing his blades, lockpicks and stealth attire, was still open though that alone wouldn't really mean anything he was in too much of a mental panic to realize that most people would have spare cloths and maybe a weapon just in case.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 26, 2013 7:24 pm

The clamoring of footsteps was also picked up by Mieko. The place wasn't exactly built and maintained like some palace. "I'll be finished helping once your hand is wrapped up, hold it out". Mieko undid Kross' packs straps to obtain the necessary items to fix up his hand. She didn't notice the other opening to the secret compartment. "This is going to sting, a lot". She uncorked the bottle of rubbing alcohol and poured some over the wound.
It took only a few minutes to set the bandages, and she did it in a way so he had free range of motion for his fingers. "Next time Kross, think where you want to stick your hand. You may not get it back one day". Mieko placed the bandages and bottle back in the bag. She took one last moment to look at her work. "We'll change the bandage in the morning. Sleep tight..... Airbender' she whispered that last word while grabbing her own pack and slipping out the door to find more, private accommodations.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 26, 2013 7:40 pm

Kross nodded as she spoke, not going to turn down the help even if it did make him feel bad he didn't want to say no, He wasn't even sure he could. He held his breath as she looked in his bag thankful that the front compartment was ordinary. Sighing with relief that she hadn't uncovered anything, at least he was able to keep his over secrets from her. When she returned and instructed him, he nodded again, He was well aware that it would sting and was prepared, he had used it many times before, though those wounds were not usually accidental or self inflicted. He sucked in a deep breath, fighting the instinct to clench his hand. He examined it himself when all was done.

"Sleep well, Mieko." he said in response as she left, a rush of conflicting emotions rushing through him. He felt bad that she was gone and he was alone but at the same time relief, he didn't have to worry about hiding anything. He felt scared that she knew one of his secrets, but at the same time trusted her, she wouldn't have helped if there was any ill intent. He sighed and lay on the bed hoping for sleep to take him so he didn't have to think, besides, he had somewhere to be in the morning before anyone else was up.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyFri Sep 27, 2013 10:44 am

It seemed that now, only Kako and this stranger remained. It didn't seem like either of them were tired, and as such he decided to investigate who this guy was. It was partly for safety reasons, Kako may have stopped caring a while ago, but it never hurt to be informed. Thankfully, he had been receiving and extracting information for thirty years, and was getting rather good at it. Oddly enough, the easiest way was usually to just ask. "So what brings you to Gaoling? Your job?"

He shrugged, having clocked the katana earlier. "Then again, you're not exactly a travelling salesman. Now are you?" He didn't seem like the assassin type, nor was he a bodyguard or any such matter. He was far too undisciplined to be a decent soldier, so Kako's best guess was mercenary.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyFri Sep 27, 2013 1:58 pm

Kuro frowned. "So you want me to join you on a possibly insanely dangerous route to travel to Ba Sing Se, where we will likely face bandits, that weird thing at serpent's pass, other travels who foolishly didnt bring enough water or food, and possibly deranged people trying to conquer the desert in the name of Fu Ki Tal?" The name was made up, but the idea was sincere. He had run into many people trying to conquer the seas for some deity there was no record of, he doubted the desert would be any different. "That has got to be the most potentially dangerous and stupidly complex thing Ive ever heard." His frown was a full scowl at the idea. Him? Going on a dangerous mission for no reason? Please. He then grinned. "Im in." Well, he never said he was predictable. Hell, if he was, he wouldnt have used the window as an entrance. Nor would he have been here in that moment, but thats neither here nor there. "Have to ask, why you guys going to Ba Sing Se?" He was going to head there anyway eventually, but he was curious.

Kuro grinned at the old man. "Perceptive, arent ya? Call me a puckish rogue if you must." He knew what Kako was trying to do. At least he thought that was what Kako was trying to do, but again, he is a paranoid sociopath. Kako had asked about why he came here, then mentioned his job, trying to get him to mention just what his job was. Kuro knew these games well, he was used to dealing with politicians. Hell, Kako might not even have done it intentionally, but the fact that he had the capability made Kuro even more interested in this trip. "I was just in the middle of my normal routine, but then this monkey steals my wallet. So I chase him until I get here, then after I got my wallet back, I decided to have a pie. Unfortunately there was some pepper on it, so I sneezed, which launched me in here." It was true, but he didnt mention he was a firebender. It seemed that he was an airbender from his words, but his attitude was certainly not traditional for the air nomads. Hell, any bender could have sneezed, caused accidental bending, and launch themselves through a window, if one thought deeply enough.

Kuro's attitude turned serious. "So, I do believe I know you. Ill keep it to myself for now, its your choice after all." Kuro didnt actually know any large secret, but he knew this man from somewhere. If he had paid more attention to the fire nation, he would have known who Kako really was, but he was a pirate, so he didnt care much for it. Even then, he only knew of a few figures in politics, even that knowledge was scarce. His scholarly training ignored current events and focused on the past. Kaigen might have known, but he wasnt here, so Kuro resorted to guess work. Guess work, for Kuro, is confusing the target into admitting what he wanted to know by making them assume that he already knew it. It was a decent level diversionary technique, and Kuro had mastered it. The fact that he turned serious when he spoke like that only helped him in the long run. Turning from a joker to a serious attitude made most understand that he knew. It worked with most, but Kako was a military man, judging from the scar and surprising perceptiveness, so it may not work. Then again, Kako may just not give a damn and tell him anyway.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyFri Sep 27, 2013 7:12 pm

Kako resisted a smirk at Kuro's play. Granted, his hadn't exactly been perfectly concealed either but he decided to ignore that for the time being. Thankfully enough, he wasn't drunk enough to just blurt anything out, but he had stopped giving a damn long before Kuro showed up. He sighed, and decided to just get the whole thing over with already. "I am the former head of the Fire Nation's intelligence, visiting an old friend in the Earth Kingdom. I'm a wanted man, no price on my head yet, though. We'll see what happens in a few days."

Had he not been intoxicated, Kako would have realized Kuro was Fire Nation, from the fact he seemed to have heard of him, at least a little. However, he was rather drunk, and as such that connection fluttered past him. In fact, the majority of the conversation fluttered past him. It was getting late, and he felt he would need a good night's rest for the upcoming road trip. As such, he stood up, stretching with a groan. He had, however clocked onto the fact Kuro was a rather perceptive fellow, and internally beat himself up about inviting him in the first place.

That had been him once, and it seemed he would have to get back into the habit fairly quickly. Perhaps he'd be able to teach him a thing or two about their business, which he affectionately referred to as 'advanced bullshitting'. He gave Kuro a pat on the head, ruffling his hair a little bit, a slur creeping into his voice. "Listen, kid. Let me give you some advice. I know all the clever mind games and whatnot must seem fun, but really, it's all bullshit. Only hide something you need to hide. And next time, just ask." With that, he promptly climbed the stairs, found an empty room, and fell face-first onto the bed.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptyFri Sep 27, 2013 7:52 pm

As dawn crept up on the horizon, Kross was creeping out of the in, using his vacuum bending to minimize the noise, He didn't want to be followed. He had already been up for a little while, not a heavy sleeper as it was, only ever needing at most 6 hours. He left the room in a neat condition, silently floating down the stairs and looking around to make sure that the inn keeper was also away or asleep. It was unlikely he would be there anyway since this place closed, odd for a tavern slash inn he thought but it benefited him. He climbed out of the Kuro shaped hole in the window, so he didn't have to deal with unlocking the door and wasting time. He could hear some life in Gaoling, but on this street there was no one to be seen. It seem his luck was balancing out for last night. He looked to his hand. It was a bit stiff and his bandages were soiled with dry blood but it was manageable. It would heal, he peeked under the bandages, it didn't look infected.

At a quick pace he took off down the street, dipping in and out of several alleyways, occasionally climbing up to a roof to get a better view, while he had been here a few times, he did not know it all off be heart but if he could just find some sort of landmark he recognized. That would do, it was a statue, he couldn't remember what it was for but he could remember its shape and was easily able to pick it out even in the morning light. From there, he wound his way down several more streets and alleys, coming to a rather plain looking door, strumming his fingers along the surface as opposed to knocking, looking a little nervous, knowing he was going to suffer for this one way or another.
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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptySat Sep 28, 2013 4:23 pm


The sun has dawned on Gaoling, this is roughly the time everyone will wake up in the city. The shops open and people step out of their homes. The innkeeper opens up the inn they are all in, and customers begin to either come in or leave their rooms, Gaoling starts early. It is market day today, so all the stalls are open and the area outside the tavern is crowded, our heroes wake up now.

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A Chance Meeting - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Chance Meeting   A Chance Meeting - Page 3 EmptySat Sep 28, 2013 7:32 pm

Rays of light slowly slipped in past the window shutters as the sun had begun to rise. Mieko was sound asleep with an arm hanging off the bed. The light though had other ideas as it angled over her eyes. She closed her eyes tighter as her sleep groged mind awoke. It had no intentions of doing so yet and told the sun to bugger off. Mieko pulled her arm up and turn her head the other way. Just awhile longer.

Only eye rest she was able to get before there was just to much noise and sounds of the early morning routines of others. Mieko pulled herself up on her knees and covered her face with both hands. "Mornings stink". No fighting it any longer, she hauled her butt out of that bed and started getting dressed.
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