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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptySat Dec 06, 2014 5:33 pm


"Ah, it is a great pleasure to meet the Avatar! I was hoping we could help each other, really."

Asafu folded the flyer and placed it among his robes.

"I am Asafu. If it wasn't apparent," he said, indicating his clothing, "I am a sandbender from Si Wong. I won't bore you with smalltalk. You're no doubt busy."

He set aside his glass of water. Asafu had a tendency to talk with his arms and didn't want to absentmindedly knock it over.

"My father, Xi-Lo, is a leader in the Hami tribe. We operate a fairly lucrative business in the production of glass. Our tribesmen mine sand from pits in the desert, export it on caravans to our factories where it is blasted into the finest glass you are likely to find in this realm."

Asafu reached into his robes, dug around for a moment, and emerged displaying a glass sphere he had kept there. The sphere was about as long as a hand and was flawless in its transparency. One could look through it and see the image of the other side, distorted but perfectly clear. He rested it on the table and gestured for the Avatar to examine it.

"A sample, if you wish. Again, the quality is unmatched. You envision a great city of unity and progress and we - yes, even us in the Si Wong - share this vision with you, but you'll need materials. We can provide your enough glass to make your dream a reality. Shipping through the Si Wong will be provided by our workers. If we could construct another factory in the city, things would become even more expeditious. We offer you this for a fair fee the details of which can be worked out as your construction draws near."

"Now tell me, are you interested?"

Mood: Excited
Condition: Healthy

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptySun Dec 07, 2014 3:28 pm

Zulera Joanna Tallarico

Zulera gave another smile and a nod at the sandbender. "you are required to do nothing, least of all impress me." she advised, "let's see what you have then..." and so the put her gloved hands together and fell politely silent as she listened to the man's spiel. He introduced himself as Asafu, and presented her with a sample of what they worked with. Well... glass actually would be important in this city of hers. Maybe not this fancy blown glass quite as much, but there was at least one architect in the Fire Nation who had designed a type of building that would rise higher into the sky than most others before it--and with multiple floors, it would need multiple windows--which were made of glass.

"I think we can work out a deal," she smirked. "this is a very beautiful work..." she rotated it gently in her dexterous hands to examine all sides of the sphere, as if to inspect for flaws, of which there were none.
"I am also currently making arrangements with the Svenja Family from the Fire Nation, to help ship things across the waters... I am sure that a deal could be brokered with them to help safely transport your supplies from the fringes of the desert and the Earth Kingdom out to Zulera Island and back. And, as long as you have the time and resources, I would certainly not oppose you and your people expanding your business into my city."
Zulera City was not just a venture for Zulera to make money off of. She'd invest a lot into the city to get it started, but otherwise, it was a capitalist venture for anyone and everyone who was willing to take the chance.
"After all..." she smiled, "I am not the only one who would profit from Zulera City--by any stretch."
Mood: Happy
Condition: Perfect
Link: Zulera

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PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptySun Dec 07, 2014 4:20 pm


He didn't even attempt to hold back his smile; all was going well.

"It would be a lie to say I'm not trying to turn a profit for my people. As I said, we can work out a price at a later time. If we have your blessing to construct a factory, I can have a team here within the month to begin breaking ground."

Asafu took a sip of his water. He flashed a victorious grin to Fan-Lei, standing off by himself.

"It's funny you should mention trade routes," he said, now facing back to Zulera. "I have more to discuss with you."

From among his robes, he plucked yet another piece of paper and unfolded it on the bar. The markings made clear it was a map of the southern Earth Kingdom purchased from one of the various roadside shops. He had highlighted different areas and made his own symbols on the page with an ink brush.

" vision for Si Wong," he said, passing over the map.


He gave her moment to look over his admittedly sloppy draft. How strange to compile the collected histories and future of an entire race of people, of a landscape so massive, all in the lines of a hastily drawn map.

"Please, bear with me. It may not look like much, but these.... are potential trade routes through the Si Wong. These lines....are where I plan to run water beneath the ground, accessible by wells. Yes, my Avatar water in the desert!"

Asafu was positively gleaming by this point.

"All of these converge at the Mesa Rock - an important landmark to sandbenders, as I'm sure you know. There, I plan to build a community. A very modest version of your own dream. If you wish to trade on sandbender caravans, we could create safe trade between Omashu, Gaoling, the ports in Chameleon Bay, north to Full Moon Bay and Ba Sing Se."

"You and the Earth Nation leaders pay low fees for efficient trade. In exchange, should all work as I plan, the sandbenders create a trading hub in the middle of the desert, uniting the fractious tribes. Again, I ask, are you interested?"

The pieces were on the board. Next move.

Mood: Hopeful
Condition: Healthy

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyTue Dec 09, 2014 1:26 am

Zulera Joanna Tallarico

Zulera scanned the map with certain interest, and it made her smile. "Never give up pursuing your dreams, unless they have been proven to be impossible, or perhaps better yet--until you have accomplished them."

She was curious about a few things though. "so what do you wish for me to do? I will happily work with you to establish a trade route between Si Wong and Zulera City, although I am curious as to how this community will come to pass? Have you recruited the tribespeople to assist your cause?" She was certainly not trying to tear him down or discourage him from what she agreed would be a technological marvel; she was simply curious here.
"Or perhaps I should simply ask what you wish from me as your Avatar?" she gave a light but friendly chuckle to show that while she was serious about the question, she was not trying to be rude about it.
Mood: Curious
Condition: Perfect
Link: Zulera

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyTue Dec 09, 2014 11:20 pm


Satisfied, Asafu carefully rolled the map up and tucked it beneath his belt.

"I appreciate your help, truly. I come to you with this because the sandbenders are in chaos. Decades have passed now since we've last been united and while there is an interest in bringing the tribes together, nobody is stepping up to do so. I'm interested in taking on that role."

Across the room, patrons of the inn were beginning to look his direction. He realized how excited he was becoming. A sip of water and he had calmed.

"My people still have a great respect for the Avatar and doing business, publicly, with you may grant me some legitimacy to at least get my project underway. I don't want you to be in the dark about this. You understand, yes?"

Mood: Talkative
Condition: Healthy

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyWed Dec 10, 2014 4:23 am

Zulera Joanna Tallarico

"well..." Zulera chuckled sweetly, "if you want my blessing or something that fancy, that can be arranged. it worked for the Water Chiefs, the Earth Queen, and the Fire Lord..." while this was a very bold statement to make, it was true. She had helped Earth Queen Meili rise to power--she had helped Chief Zurok Takamatzu gain a position of power (even if she was the avatar's mother), and she had given her blessing to Chief Nelekar of the South, and to Tarek Raiden of the Fire Nation. So... if her blessing as leader of the Sand Tribes was what Asafu wanted, Zulera would provide, most likely.

"I think I understand what you are getting at," Zulera smiled, "and I assure you, that I intend to do business with people from all walks of life... even people like the Air Nomads will be assisted in this great and glorious city. Truly... I aim for it to be my gift to the world... not so much in a "bow down and worship me" sort of way, but in the way that, years down the road, when people look back at history, they will remember Avatar Zulera as the one who helped usher in the great Industrial Revolution."
Sure there were plenty of selfish wants from Zulera's lofty goal, but that didn't mean that the world wouldn't also greatly benefit from it as well.
Mood: Curious
Condition: Perfect
Link: Zulera

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyThu Dec 11, 2014 1:37 pm


His happiness bursting, Asafu slapped his open palm on the bar. "Excellent! I'll send word to my father's workers within the day. I can't thank you enough for this."

Asafu turned to the bartender and, with a hearty smile, ordered another glass of water. "With ice, please. This is a celebration."

Mood: Undying Happiness
Condition: Healthy

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyThu Dec 11, 2014 6:42 pm

Zulera Joanna Tallarico

The avatar smiled. She knew she was doing good with her industrial revolution, and there would be few things, if any at all, that would sway her on that. She was not going to live in the past, when she could be looking instead towards the future.

"Glad I could be of service," she purred, "Keep me posted--I'll be around for a while, between here and Zulera City especially." otherwise, she glanced back around, wondering if anyone else wished to speak with her.
Mood: Curious
Condition: Perfect
Link: Zulera

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 6:20 pm

Akatsuki, Tatsuya

Starting business with a request, even if it was something along the lines of "Would you mind if I join you?" was not the firebender's style. One could call it arrogance, or even foolish Fire Nation pride, but Tatsuya felt that these kinds of actions would place him beneath the other party in the transaction hierarchy, a scenario he preferred to avoid.

Proper business should - to this Fire Native, anyway - be conducted in a discussion between equals, or the closest possible thing. Quid Pro Quo, in a manner of speaking.

Noticing the now free Avatar looking his way, the man would raise his glass at the water bender in a polite sign of greeting which, accompanied with a gentle smile, might just be enough to intrigue the woman enough to prompt a conversation, or so he hoped.

Sadly, these kinds of approaches could easily be misread or simply not work, but small risks are usually worth taking, even in a dog-eat-dog world like this one.

And so, the fire bender would remain seated at the counter and continue to enjoy his beverage, awaiting Zulera's response... if there was any.

Mood: Hopeful
Condition: Casual

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 7:29 pm

Zulera Joanna Tallarico

Subtle hints were not Zulera's game. She knew how to read them, but was kind of the one who would deliberately "miss" them just to try and get people to be more forward and honest--much like she herself was. in response, she ordered a drink, raised it in the man's direction, and then with a playful wink and a "come hither" style gesture with her free gloved hand, she beckoned him to have a seat next to her if he wanted to talk. Not that she necessarily needed him close, but it would make much more sense to be adjacent rather than try to call across the bar or what have you.
Mood: Curious
Condition: Perfect
Link: Zulera

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 7:53 pm

Akatsuki, Tatsuya

Upon judging the Avatar's actions, it would appear that things had not gone exactly as planned, but then again, they rarely do. Life is about adapting to situations. Strong first impressions are always a plus but ultimately, those who cannot keep up with the changing tides are doomed to fail. Anyone who is anyone in the realm of business is capable of understanding this fact, and Tatsuya is no exception.

Albeit slightly disappointed in his initial plan's failure, he did recognise that the chances of it working were slim and, all in all, this wasn't such a bad situation to begin with.

Good afternoon* - the man would say upon approaching the Avatar who had beckoned him.
My name is Akatsuki Tatsuya and, as I'm sure you have guessed by now, I am here for business. But first things first, should we grab a table and get to know each other a little? - the fire bender's words would be slightly contradicting. An odd mix of a blunt, "all work" approach with a slight hint of "leisure", or "play". An informal but respectful introduction that bore a certain cryptical nature.

This would hopefully distinguish the man from the others who had approached the Avatar on this day.

Be it a good distinction or a bad one, the differencing was one of the very first moves Tatsuya had to make to win this little "match" with the Avatar.

Mood: Calm
Condition: Casual

* Wasn't actually sure what time of day this fit in. If it's not in the afternoon, please consider Tatsuya saying Good Day, or Good Evening instead.
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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 9:27 pm

Zulera Joanna Tallarico

Well, for one thing, the man was not hard on the eyes. Not to say that Zulera tried to woo or seduce everyone she crossed paths with, but she could be playfully alluring just for the heck of it. she was a trickster through and through. only the cleverest could get by.

at the man's introduction, Zulera batted her eyelashes. "oh yes... let's get ourselves a table..." ordering a quick drink, Zulera relocated to a table away from the bar, figuring that Tatsuya would follow her over there. Her hips swayed as she walked, but really, she was just being a tease rather than actually trying to woo this man--although they did look to be nearly the same age.

"so... what did you wish to know about little old Zulera Joanna Tallarico?" the little Avatar cooed, cracking her neck side to side, also using that as a moment to introduce herself as something besides merely 'avatar'.
Mood: Flirty
Condition: Perfect
Link: Zulera

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 3:56 pm

Akatsuki, Tatsuya

In seeing the avatar bat her eyes at the firebender the man lowered his head slightly and grinned. It wasn't every day that someone jumped on the bandwagon this quickly. His charm was what one might call a power play, and to see the other party reply in kind so naturally and so soon likely meant that she saw through him and that, as such, this would be fun.

Hmm - he said, pondering for a moment or two, before choosing to go for his usual spiel - I find that it's always better to know a little about a person before making a decision. So tell me, then, Miss Tallarico, who are you? Tell me your story.

Tatsuya pondered if he should make some form of gag about not wanting to hear about when she was a bald, middle aged man with a head tattoo, but ultimately remembered that everything Zulera would choose to divulge, which meant not just their contents, but the very topics themselves, would speak volumes about her personality and planting a limitation like that, would risk conditioning her response and, as such, distorting the proverbial window to her soul.

Mood: Amused
Condition: Casual

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Elite Member

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Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inviting Them In [OPEN]   Inviting Them In [OPEN] - Page 3 EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 7:48 pm

Zulera Joanna Tallarico

"Who am I?" Zulera put a hand to her chest, "I am merely an entity designed by feuding spirits millennia ago to keep the balance between order and chaos, or something fancy like that. I am a demure young airbender who fought angry spirits and ushered in over a century of peace. I am a cool, easy-going waterbender who spent the remainder of his days hunting a face-stealing spirit. I am a fan-weilding paint-wearing earthbender who got shit done and made her own island. I am an old firebender who was too afraid to stand up to his old friend. I am an Air Nomad with a nice beard who refused to ever kill. I am a mystic and tattooed waterbender who lives her life unpredictably. My life has been nothing but stories... I couldn't get a dull moment even if I tried..."

she took a shot of her drink. "but enough about what I am... the Avatar is merely an entity. She is neither good nor evil... she simply *is*. I am a creator... both of images and inventions and of stories, elements, and islands. Who, though... are you?" she knew this game and knew it well. unlike a certain Korra Tonraizi, Zulera was actually a very elaborate storyteller, where she vaguely dropped hints and clues about her past little by little. She enjoyed herself immensely when doing this...
Mood: Cryptic
Condition: Perfect
Link: Zulera

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