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 Daichi Takumi

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Daichi Takumi
Active Member
Daichi Takumi

Posts : 169
EXP : 2875
Join date : 2012-06-29
Location : England.

Character Description
Age: 27
Position: Assassin
Nation: Earth Kingdom

daichi - Daichi Takumi Empty
PostSubject: Daichi Takumi   daichi - Daichi Takumi EmptySat Jun 30, 2012 4:11 pm

Full Name:Daichi Takumi
Birthplace:A few miles away from Omashu
Position: Assassin
Training: Earthbending: Intermediate
Archery: Expert

Personality: Starting with what's apparent, Daichi isn't exactly the talkative type. He would be more talkative, but he was strictly taught to keep his mouth shut. He comes on as a cold man, seemingly devoid of feeling or moral compass. He needs to be, after all he is a trained killer. That being said, he hardly enjoys murder, he treats it as his job and nothing more. When in a non-paid fight, he'll rarely do more than badly wound, and even that is a rare occasion. The truth is, Daichi's only reason for being an assassin is that it's all he knows. It's not as if he hates the job, he's just indifferent. Murder isn't a problem for him.

Despite his usual silent demeanor, he isn't completely devoid of human emotion, far from it. Daichi is bristling with fear and hate. For example, he hates the prospect of going to the water tribes with a passion. The idea of having no earth at his disposal is worrying for him. After all, he would be for the most part defenseless. Another of his fears is also related to waterbending, he is absolutely terrified of blood-benders. This is once again due to the lack of options that would be available to him.

The mindset of an assassin was drilled into Daichi when he was young. Upon encountering somebody, no matter whether they be friend or foe, the earthbender will immediately start to evaluate whether he is able to defeat them or not. He will also think of a tactic that could be used to defeat or kill them, this type of thinking is instinctive to him. And the result of this evaluation usually decides how he acts towards the subject of said evaluation. If he decides that he could defeat the subject, he will become slightly more relaxed, and he will let his guard down slightly, (a flaw he isn’t aware of.) however if he decides beating the person is impossible, then he will usually exit the situation as quickly as possible, on the rare occasion he doesn’t leave he will be constantly on edge. Also, he’ll be conjuring up more plans to kill the person just about all the time.

Daichi could however, draw the conclusion that the said person isn’t a threat. To do this (s)he must fill certain criteria: (s)he must not know that he is an assassin. (s)he must have met Daichi by coincidence. (s)he must be from either the air or earth nation. (s)he must not be as cold and logical as he is. Or (s)he is too weak to be a threat. If the criteria is fitted, then Daichi will conclude that (s)he is not a threat. If this does happen, he’ll become much more relaxed, if he has nothing to do then he might even help him/her with menial tasks. This is, of course, assuming that this person isn’t a target.

Daichi acts differently with targets than he does with anyone else. If he hasn’t assassinated the target, then he’ll talk with him/her. He’ll try and find out about his/her life, and if (s)he has any family. He may also talk about his own life, though that only happens if Daichi’s about to kill the target. If the earthbender isn’t planning on killing them at that very second he might even have a drink with the target. Yes, he is strangely friendly with the ones he is about to kill. Of course, he doesn’t always act in this way towards his targets, just the ones he doesn’t consider a threat and finds interesting

Abilities: Daichi is, in all respects an expert killer. Hell, he was trained from the age of six to be just that. When it comes to earthbending, he wasn’t schooled in any of his other disciplines such as metalbending or sandbending, just earthbending. Even so, his training wasn’t exactly simple. Daichi knows how to be the most efficient with what’s at his disposal, he is able to pull earth towards him from a surprising range, and he has become quite adept at hovering pieces of earth in the air. To the point where he can hold five small rocks in the air with one hand, using a finger to control each rock. Of course, what he can do with the rocks is limited to simply firing them forward. Daichi can erect large walls, and make them hover, albeit not exactly easily. He is skilled in killing silently and efficiently, from suffocating them, to sending a rock through their head.

As far as non-bending weapons go. He’s used plenty of them, he only ever chose to use one though, a bow. He views a dagger as useful for when he wants to kill without being too flashy. However he’s especially proficient (he hasn’t mastered it yet) with a bow. He's become so accustomed to it that it's practically second nature, and Daichi is able to draw and nook an arrow in a matter of seconds. On top of that, he has extremely good aim, even in problematic weather conditions, he's even been known to make the occasional jumping shot when he needs too, of course when that does happen his aim will inevitably be quite shabby, he may be good at compensating for wind and such matters, but he isn't a god. Finally, he’s inherited his family’s trait of being ambidextrous.

Height: 6’1
Weight: 150lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Tanned

Daichi’s hair is slightly...flashy. It’s brown and the majority of it spikes ever-so-slightly upwards and backwards, he’d actually look surprisingly like a hedgehog if it weren’t for a small amount of hair that falls over his forehead. His eyes are brown and cold, although some say that the eyes are a window to the soul, this is certainly not the case for Daichi. His eyes don’t show a single shred of emotion. Not even anger. His mouth is the same, not in a frown nor a smile. Naturally, Daichi’s possess a fair bit of muscle all over his body but he’s still nimble enough so that he can maintain his quick-paced fighting style. So in that sense he’s found a nice equilibrium.

Whilst travelling in cold places, he wears a long hooded black robe, stretching downward, and ending at his feet. Otherwise, his appearance can vary greatly, as it has to. Whilst travelling, he will usually wear clothing appropriate to his surroundings when possible. (when in the earth kingdom, he will wear the traditional earthbender brown and green etc. He usually steals these clothes.) However there is one constant, he always wears his quiver and bow on his back.

While on the job however, his attire may be different. If he is killing in a particularly crowded place or in the day then he’ll still retain his normal attire. However if it’s night then he’ll don a completely black shirt, with sleeves ending at his hands on both sides. The shirt isn’t tight fitting, and the sleeves have all been torn slightly. He also wears loose black trousers, once again torn slightly, and normal boots

He’ll also wear a bow and quiver on his back plus a small knife attached to the side of his right thigh. Round his hip there are ten small pouches, all in one belt. There are five pouches on his left, and five on his right. Each of these pouches are filled with a small sharpened rock.

Weaponry and other gear:
Name: Dagger.
Materials: The hilt is wooden, and the blade is steel.
Description:A small dagger Daichi carries around.

Name: Bow
Materials: Wood, string.
Description: Daichi’s bow, he keeps it on his back wherever he goes, along with his quiver.

Name: Quiver
Materials: Leather.
Description: A leather quiver, capable of holding up to 50 arrows.

Name: Pouches of Earth
Materials: Leather.
Description: Ten small pouches of earth strung around Daichi’s waist in a belt-like fashion.

History: Daichi comes from a long line of trained assassins, though it isn’t nearly as prestigious as it sounds. In keeping with tradition his father left his mother to train Daichi alone. So Daichi never met his mother. He was never too close to his father, and for good reason. His sole purpose was to continue the line of assassins, that’s it.

His training began the day he turned five, his father took him outside, where a man was tied upside down to a pole, an earthbender who was kidnapped from omashu. Daichi was given a knife and told to run it across his throat, he did. It was from then that Daichi was taught about his family, and how to kill, stalk, and move silently.

When he turned seven and had all of the various names of weapons, ancestors, world leaders, and such memorised, he started earthbending for the first time. When he showed his father what he could do he expected happiness, but the man merely nodded. It was later in that day, though that his father started to teach him the ways of earthbending. He started by teaching Daichi the fundamentals of earthbending, by pelting rocks at him. At first the young earthbender ran and hid, but eventually he stood his ground, and was able to stop the rocks that were being thrown at him. However, his father wouldn’t let him advance to the next level of training. The boy was stumped, and his father kept up the exact same training regime for a week. That is until one day the boy fired the rocks he stopped directly at his father. The man stopped them in the air, and the rocks fell to the ground as he nodded.

By nine he was a good earthbender for his age. And it was nine that he was first given a simple bow and a few arrows, he wasn’t very good, but after about three months he was good enough to hit the head of a dummy made out of earth. It was then that he was given a mace, and then a sword, and so on. (With earthbending training on the side.)

When he turned twelve he finished his cycle of the weapons, and he had some skill with most of them. He was presented with all of the weapons lined in a row, and told to pick two. He picked the bow, and the dagger, as he felt that they were essential for his job. He continued to train with those two weapons (and earthbending) until the age of fourteen.

At fourteen, he was taken to the centre of a small village, and told to kill a man. Daichi quickly moved to outskirts of the town, with his father trailing behind in the background. He found a man on the outskirts of town, and after conversing with him for a while, stabbed him in the stomach and slit his throat. His father emerged from a nearby bush, and nodded. He was then taken to his home, and over the course of the next two years brutally taught how to fight by his father. The first half of the year he was taught how he should fight firebenders. At the end of the six months he was presented a firebender of his age by his father, (provided by an associate of his father.) he defeated the firebender, but chose not to kill him. That was the first time he ever saw his father clap. The same was done with waterbending, and even airbending. But when it came for him to fight an earthbender he was not presented one, instead his father stepped into the ring. Daichi had no reservations about attacking him, but he was eventually defeated. It was then he learnt to evaluate his prey before he attacked it.

On the day he turned sixteen he was asked what weapon would be best to use in a fight, he answered with nothing. Earthbending was his way. His father nodded, and told Daichi to sleep. When the boy woke up, his father had left. Daichi was slightly surprised, but he remained composed, he knew not to trail his father, and he finally understood why he never knew his father’s name. It was then that he started his job.

Sample RP:


"She's only allowed to sleep outside of the stables because she knows Run-Li, anyways. You want me to explain? Your little friend--she's a Circus Freak. A loud-talking, back-flipping, high-flying little weirdo who acts more like a twelve year old than her own age. She's crazy. Now get lost before I go get Sifu Retu." Throughout the little speech, there wasn't really all that much going through Daichi's mind, aside from the constant chant of. Don't attack, don't attack. Come on Daichi he's just a kid. You're better than this Daichi. Distract yourself, think of things. Flip back, draw bow, headshot. Kick up dust, overwhelm with small rocks. Kick stomach, send earth into mouth, destroy from inside. Surround with earth, crush. Dai was in fact, running through various ways in which he could kill this guy. He usually did those things instinctively, and still did, he was just going through them to calm himself down. It wasn't working, though he suspected that he'd be able to resist the temptation if he really put his mind to it.

Then, much to everyone's suprise, Matsu intervened, stepping next to Daichi. The assassin couldn't help but feel a little proud, he could do it easily, after all, he didn't have to live with them, and despite Daichi's almost inability to interact with people around him, he was able to understand that it took balls. She stepped back, however, when the other guy shot her a glance. Dai turned around and smiled at Matsu, surprisingly warmly, as a sort of 'well done'. His smile was not long lived, however, as he soon drew his attention back to the guy in front of him. He was even angrier now. That's it, time for murder.

Without waiting a moment, Dai grabbed the little crap by the scruff of his collar lifting him up until he was dangling wildly. He drew in really close, and growled: "I killed my first man when I was five." Then, he reached for his dagger, laid his hand on the hilt...

And he stopped. Though Daichi still appeared to be in a rage, something else had popped into his mind entirely; was this who he wanted Matsu to see? So far, he'd tried to project himself as your average guy, and he certainly didn't want Matsu to see him in this light, he'd done more than enough damage already. He took a moment to go over his surroundings, what the hell was he doing? These guys were just kids, they didn't deserve death of any sort. He realized his hand was on the dagger, and wrenched it off, almost in disgust. He stood there for a moment as the kid flailed, and then just put him down. He remembered what he said earlier, about his training. He'd said it loudly, practically yelled it.

Now the mask was down, Daichi was out in the open, both his image and his emotionless facade had been torn off in his rage. Slowly, he turned around, to Matsu, with one thought darting about in his head. Oh dear lord what did I just do?

Mood: Afraid
Condition: Healthy

Character Box:



Last edited by Daichi Takumi on Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:40 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Superb Member

Posts : 531
EXP : 43135
Birthday : 1991-01-16
Join date : 2011-11-30
Age : 33
Location : Wasatch Valley

Character Description
Age: 43
Position: Earth Queen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

daichi - Daichi Takumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daichi Takumi   daichi - Daichi Takumi EmptySat Jun 30, 2012 4:47 pm

The Earth Queen Approves of This Profile.

It's been a long time since I've seen one here that I've liked. fortunately, this one fits the bill.
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Staff Admin

Posts : 339
EXP : 2700
Birthday : 1996-03-21
Join date : 2012-05-12
Age : 28
Location : Layton, Utah

Character Description
Age: 19
Position: Murderess
Nation: Fire Nation

daichi - Daichi Takumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daichi Takumi   daichi - Daichi Takumi EmptySat Jun 30, 2012 7:55 pm

This is amazingly thorough, and a pleasant read at that. Please wait for one more approval before you begin RP'ing.

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Superb Member

Posts : 504
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Birthday : 1993-10-01
Join date : 2012-05-06
Age : 30
Location : Somewhere, UT

Character Description
Age: 29
Position: Vagrant
Nation: Earth Kingdom

daichi - Daichi Takumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daichi Takumi   daichi - Daichi Takumi EmptySun Jul 01, 2012 1:49 pm

I enjoyed this application quite well, myself. 'Tis refreshing to see a well done assassin apply to New Chapters. My only problem was the numerous '(s)he's you had in the personality. A good replacement would be 'they'. That, however, is merely something with writing. xp

Anyways, I
Approve of this application. That's three approvals, have fun here on New Chapters, Takumi. Hope to see you IC. ^_^
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Daichi Takumi
Active Member
Daichi Takumi

Posts : 169
EXP : 2875
Join date : 2012-06-29
Location : England.

Character Description
Age: 27
Position: Assassin
Nation: Earth Kingdom

daichi - Daichi Takumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daichi Takumi   daichi - Daichi Takumi EmptySun Feb 24, 2013 2:43 pm

Welp, I did this ages ago but forgot to bump, so bump for revamp I guess?
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Superb Member

Posts : 599
EXP : 11135
Birthday : 1992-06-29
Join date : 2012-08-02
Age : 32

Character Description
Age: 43
Position: Fire Lord
Nation: Fire Nation

daichi - Daichi Takumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daichi Takumi   daichi - Daichi Takumi EmptySun Feb 24, 2013 3:00 pm

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Superb Member

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Birthday : 1991-01-16
Join date : 2011-11-30
Age : 33
Location : Wasatch Valley

Character Description
Age: 43
Position: Earth Queen
Nation: Earth Kingdom

daichi - Daichi Takumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daichi Takumi   daichi - Daichi Takumi EmptySun Feb 24, 2013 3:08 pm

as I used to do in my old messages (Pre-Zul)...

The Earth Queen Approves of This Profile.
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daichi - Daichi Takumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daichi Takumi   daichi - Daichi Takumi Empty

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Daichi Takumi
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