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 Feet on the Ground (Open)

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Awesome Member

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyThu Nov 07, 2013 5:25 pm

Xilingshi Nailah Zoraki

Swimming did indeed make people hungry, and Xilingshi was no exception. she demolished her slice of pie almost as quickly as Yu Jin, and since Xili knew that she'd be having seconds, she'd offer the youngster the same privlege, doing so by serving her another slice.

"it makes us both hungry then," Xi nodded in agreement, "I'm starving." she was just playing of course, being nowhere near actually starving, but yeah. children. She saw nothing wrong here.

"I don't mind at all." she said truthfully. "I'm a warrior, and an Air Nomad. since we are thankfully in peaceful times, I pretty much wander the world freely in the airbender spirit, y'know? so yeah. I guess travelling is my 'grown-up thing'."

Xili was an Air Nomad in every sense of the word, except for the passive part during wartimes. Even then though, she tried to avoid killing when necessary, and usually tried to find peaceful solutions before combat.
Mood: Content
Condition: Calm
Link: Xilingshi

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Yu Jin
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Yu Jin

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyWed Nov 13, 2013 1:37 pm

Yu Jin

The offer for seconds was accepted almost immediately, by the young girl, who waited quite patiently for the second slice of pie to arrive. Once it did, she devoured it with the same enthusiasm, though a bit slower, now that she wasn't quite so famished. Once that piece had been demolished, she offered a contented sigh, patting at her stomach, as if to say that she was done.

"So... you don't have anything to do? You can just... up and leave?" Yu Jin asked, curiously, and apparently somewhat in awe of that set up.

Mood: Happy
Condition: Good

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Awesome Member

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Position: Master Air Warrior
Nation: Air Temples

Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyWed Nov 13, 2013 3:54 pm

Xilingshi Nailah Zoraki

Xilingshi ate with the same slightly reduced pace that Yu Jin had, mostly for the same reason.
"In times of peace... yeah. Air is the element of freedom. after a certain age, further studying becomes completely up to you. for me... I'm a warrior when I need to be, but I'm a traveller otherwise. So any time we're not in a war... I'm able to go wherever I want whenever I want. you're welcome to come along too." the last part was more just a reminder, since she had extended the youngster this same offer a few hours ago.

She decided not to mention her multiple houses across the world, mostly because that'd be hard to explain. She had been paid generously at the end of the war, and instead of buying an extravagant home somewhere, she bought several small, homely buildings in various places so she had a place to settle down for some peace and quiet as opposed to dealing with inns everywhere she went, which were often noisy and rowdy.
Mood: Content
Condition: Calm
Link: Xilingshi

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Yu Jin
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Yu Jin

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyWed Nov 13, 2013 9:25 pm

Yu Jin

"I already have a plan," Yu Jin reminded her, cheerfully, "I'm going to follow Avatar Aang's footsteps around the world! It'll be an adventure! ...I'm just going a little out of order, just now." She was, of course, since Avatar Aang's journey technically began in the Southern Water Tribe. Her glider wouldn't suffice; the young girl would need a boat or a sky bison to get that far south.

With a cheeky smile, she offered, "You can come with me, though." She did like Xilingshi, of course, and the older airbender would offer unique opportunities, but Yu Jin was also more than capable of going on her own... so she thought.

Mood: Playful
Condition: Good

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Awesome Member

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyThu Nov 14, 2013 12:19 am

Xilingshi Nailah Zoraki

"Life's an adventure." Xilingshi smiled, "especially when you travel to many different places. It can also be dangerous though. you might be able to fly from here to the Southern Air Temple, but there is a lot of land and water to cross if you want to travel the world the way Aang did. there are deserts, forests, oceans, tundras, cities... a whole lot of world out there."

smiling, she also added how she got around.
"I don't have a flying bison, as I didn't exactly want to bring one of those into combat and endanger them... so instead, I've got one of those old Fire Nation War Balloons... except mind goes faster since I can control the flow of the wind."

she wondered if Yu Jin had seen what she was talking about before. they were not too common anymore outside of the war, but Xilingshi's still bore a Fire Nation insignia on it and everything. Obviously it was here with her, for that was how she had gotten here from her previous destiantion.
She was something of an oddity, given that her roots were actually in the Fire Nation. But, Xili enjoyed and even embraced that heritage. She was not about to let it go.
Mood: Content
Condition: Calm
Link: Xilingshi

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Yu Jin
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Yu Jin

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PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyThu Nov 14, 2013 1:57 am

Yu Jin

The young girl's mouth literally dropped open, at the mention of the war balloon. "You have one of those?!" She exclaimed, practically jumping up from her seat, "I've only ever seen them in pictures!" When she was reading about Avatar Aang, likely enough.

"Can I see it? Please, please, PLEASE?!" She begged, clasping her hands together and jutting her lower lip out in an exaggerated motion.

Mood: Excited
Condition: Good

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Awesome Member

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyThu Nov 14, 2013 2:44 am

Xilingshi Nailah Zoraki

"just a small one." she replied, "one of those giant zeppelins would be cool, but it'd be hard to park one of those." she chuckled.
Perhaps if she were different she might have exaggerated a little bit playfully, but nope. Xilingshi was honest to a fault.

"I'll show it to you... it's out in the back." she ruffled the youngster's hair, figuring that she wouldn't need to take Yu Jin by the hand to show the balloon off.
There it was, outside, although it was deflated, so it just looked like a pile of red and black cloth over a basket.
"one moment..." she lifted part of it up and then thrust her fist towards it, sending air into the balloon to inflate it. It wouldn't hold up by itself once Xi stopped bending (or of course, unless she turned on the heat), but she could keep it inflated for a few moments to show it to Yu Jin.

"I'll turn on the heat for it when we are ready to leave," she explained, "but otherwise... here she is. how do you like 'er?"
it seemed that, like Xili's glider, there was some "personalization" done in the form of random but intricate graffiti. However, the large Fire Nation insignia was still present. it might draw attention from anyone looking over the fence, but it wasn't like it was a call to alarm. the Fire Nation had not been an enemy for a while now. That, and Xi was mostly interested in the youngster's reaction.
Mood: Proud
Condition: Calm
Link: Xilingshi

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Yu Jin
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Yu Jin

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyThu Nov 14, 2013 2:44 pm

Yu Jin

The young girl's eyes were wide as dinner plates, as she took in the sight of the large hot air balloon, all blown up. "Woah...!" She managed, after a few minutes, bouncing up and down on the spot, "It's huge! Look at it!" Yu Jin flailed her arms at it, as if Xilingshi had not yet seen her own method of travel.

It was - mostly - just as she had envisioned it from what she had read in the scrolls and books back at the Temple. The graffiti was, of course, interesting as well, but soon she was circling the machine in an excited, chattering manner, pointing out different parts of it.

Mood: Excited
Condition: Good

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Awesome Member

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyThu Nov 14, 2013 4:02 pm

Xilingshi Nailah Zoraki

Xilingshi was skilled enough at airbending that she could walk around the basket with Yu Jin to answer any questions she might have had surrounding the balloon, and at the same time, keep it inflated to show it off, since she didn't want to use fuel unless she had to.

"do you like it?" she asked, although already knew the answer to the question. Xili also had a glider of her own decked out with similar graffiti, and she'd sometimes take flight during her flights. the glider thus saw plenty of use.
she stopped for a moment to watch the excited youngster and see her various reactions.
Mood: Proud
Condition: Calm
Link: Xilingshi

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Yu Jin
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Yu Jin

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyWed Feb 05, 2014 5:20 pm

Yu Jin

"It's AMAAAAZING!" The young girl shouted with glee, her gaze still glued to the balloon, "How high does it go? How fast can it go? How many people can go in it?" Her questions all came in an excited rush, even as she continued to inspect this wonderfully strange method of transportation.

Once she had gone around it time and time again, Yu Jin stopped, finally standing in one spot again. However, her excitement had not yet abated; she had reached up and taken handfuls of her hair - almost as if making them into pigtails - and was holding tight, trying not to bounce.

Mood: Excited
Condition: Good

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Awesome Member

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Nation: Air Temples

Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyWed Feb 05, 2014 8:27 pm

Xilingshi Nailah Zoraki

"Well..." Xilingshi began, "the fewer people it has, the higher it can go and the faster it can go. With just you and I... we could probably get this baby going pretty high and fast. it can theoretically carry as many as can fit into the basket, although it would then need to use much more fuel to stay afloat."
the 'graffiti' that adorned the balloon was actually a series of very intricate designs, many of which seemed to have some sort of significance. there were Air Nomad symbols among these lines and curves, for example.

Xili reached over and ruffled Yu Jin's hair. "so... when we're ready to leave... I'll fire it up and we'll travel in style!" she said excitedly, "what do ya say?"
Mood: Proud
Condition: Calm
Link: Xilingshi

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Yu Jin
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Yu Jin

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: IOK    Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyMon Jul 21, 2014 11:53 am

Yu Jin

With a delighted squeal, Yu Jin began to bounce up and down and turn in circles at the same time, showing just what she thought about that. The only thing better, in her opinion, would have been riding away on a sky bison.

When she had finally calmed a bit, the young airbender girl was still in a very good mood, indicated clearly by her bright smile and the bounce in her step - perhaps aided just slightly by her novice airbending.

Mood: Excited
Condition: Good

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Awesome Member

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Age : 33
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Character Description
Age: 34
Position: Master Air Warrior
Nation: Air Temples

Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyMon Jul 21, 2014 10:19 pm

Xilingshi Nailah Zoraki

Cracking a rare smile due to the youngster's excitement, Xilingshi made the necessary preparations in order to get the balloon into the air before inviting Yu Jin to come join her inside the basket.
"you ready, kiddo?" she said with a smile, "if you don't hop on you might get left behind!" this was mostly kidding of course, but was meant to encourage Yu Jin to climb aboard.
Mood: Proud
Condition: Calm
Link: Xilingshi

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Yu Jin
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Yu Jin

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Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyTue Jul 22, 2014 10:46 am

Yu Jin

Yu Jin was in that balloon before anyone could have said "hopping hogmonkey". No way was she getting left out of a ride like this one!

"So where're we going?" the young airbender did manage to ask, despite her excitement.

Mood: Excited
Condition: Good

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Awesome Member

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Character Description
Age: 34
Position: Master Air Warrior
Nation: Air Temples

Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feet on the Ground (Open)   Feet on the Ground (Open) - Page 6 EmptyWed Jul 23, 2014 12:45 am

Xilingshi Nailah Zoraki

One of the reasons Xilingshi loved children so much was because they had an uncanny ability to bring a rare smile or laugh to her face. Yu Jin was no exception, and so it made the older woman crack a smile to see how eagerly the youngster jumped in with her.

Soon they were in the air, floating high above Kyoshi Island. Xilingshi was not sure where they would go next, given that she was a wanderer and a nomad at heart, although Yu Jin's question did have her stop and think about it.
"Not sure," she shrugged, "if we wanted to follow Avatar Aang's journey, perhaps our next stop would be the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu. Other than that, if there's somewhere you want to go... we can go there."
Mood: Proud
Condition: Calm
Link: Xilingshi

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